| |
| org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanMapTestCase
BeanMapTestCase | public class BeanMapTestCase extends AbstractTestMap (Code) | | Test cases for BeanMap
version: $Revision: 557796 $ $Date: 2007-07-19 23:28:49 +0100 (Thu, 19 Jul 2007) $ author: Morgan Delagrange author: Stephen Colebourne |
Inner Class :public static class BeanWithProperties implements Serializable | |
BeanMapTestCase | public BeanMapTestCase(String testName)(Code) | | |
getNewSampleValues | public Object[] getNewSampleValues()(Code) | | |
isPutAddSupported | public boolean isPutAddSupported()(Code) | | The mappings in a BeanMap are fixed on the properties the underlying
bean has. Adding and removing mappings is not possible, thus this
method is overridden to return false.
isRemoveSupported | public boolean isRemoveSupported()(Code) | | The mappings in a BeanMap are fixed on the properties the underlying
bean has. Adding and removing mappings is not possible, thus this
method is overridden to return false.
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | |
testBeanMapClone | public void testBeanMapClone()(Code) | | |
testBeanMapPutAllWriteable | public void testBeanMapPutAllWriteable()(Code) | | |
testDefaultTransformersMap | public void testDefaultTransformersMap()(Code) | | Test the default transformers HashMap
testGetDefaultTransformersMap | public void testGetDefaultTransformersMap()(Code) | | Test the default transformers via the public static Map instance
testGetTypeTransformerMethod | public void testGetTypeTransformerMethod()(Code) | | Test the default transformers using the getTypeTransformer() method
testMapClear | public void testMapClear()(Code) | | Need to override this method because the "clear()" method on the bean
map just returns the bean properties to their default states. It does
not actually remove the mappings as per the map contract. The default
testClear() methods checks that the clear method throws an
UnsupportedOperationException since this class is not add/remove
modifiable. In our case though, we do not always throw that exception.
testMapPut | public void testMapPut()(Code) | | Need to override this method because the "put()" method on the bean
doesn't work for this type of Map.
verifyValues | public void verifyValues()(Code) | | Values is a dead copy in BeanMap, so refresh each time.