Predicate that evaluates a property value against a specified value.
An implementation of org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate that evaluates a
property value on the object provided against a specified value and returns true
if equal; false otherwise.
The BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate constructor takes two parameters which
determine what property will be evaluated on the target object and what its expected value should
public BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate( String propertyName, Object propertyValue )
Will create a
Predicate that will evaluate the target object and return
true if the property specified by propertyName has a value which
is equal to the the value specified by propertyValue . Or return
false otherwise.
Note: Property names can be a simple, nested, indexed, or mapped property as defined by
org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils . If any object in the property path
specified by propertyName is null then the outcome is based on the
value of the ignoreNull attribute.
A typical usage might look like:
// create the closure
BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate predicate =
new BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate( "activeEmployee", Boolean.FALSE );
// filter the Collection
CollectionUtils.filter( peopleCollection, predicate );
This would take a Collection of person objects and filter out any people whose
activeEmployee property is false . Assuming...
The top level object in the
peeopleCollection is an object which represents a
The person object has a
getActiveEmployee() method which returns
the boolean value for the object's activeEmployee property.
Another typical usage might look like:
// create the closure
BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate predicate =
new BeanPropertyValueEqualsPredicate( "personId", "456-12-1234" );
// search the Collection
CollectionUtils.find( peopleCollection, predicate );
This would search a Collection of person objects and return the first object whose
personId property value equals 456-12-1234 . Assuming...
The top level object in the
peeopleCollection is an object which represents a
The person object has a
getPersonId() method which returns
the value for the object's personId property.
author: Norm Deane See Also: org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils See Also: org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate |