abstractpublic class PropertySuppressionStrategy (Code)
Pluggable strategy specifying whether property's should be suppressed.
Implementations can be used to give rules about which properties
should be ignored by Betwixt when introspecting.
since: 0.7 author: Jakarta Commons Team, Apache Software Foundation
Default implementation suppresses the class property
found on every object. Also, the isEmpty
property is supressed for implementations of Collection.
Method Detail
abstractpublic boolean suppressProperty(Class classContainingTheProperty, Class propertyType, String propertyName)(Code)
Should the given property be suppressed?
Parameters: classContainingTheProperty - Class giving the type of the bean containing the property propertyName Parameters: propertyType - Class giving the type of the property, not null Parameters: propertyName - the name of the property, not null true when the given property should be suppressed