Specialized Context and Command implementations suitable for use in a Servlet API environment.
Custom subclass of ChainServlet that also dispatches incoming requests to a configurable Command loaded from the specified Catalog .
In addition to the servlet init parameters supported by ChainServlet , this class supports the following additional parameters:
Command that uses the "path info" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog , and execute it.
Command that uses a specified request parameter to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog , and execute it.
Private implementation of Map for servlet context attributes.
Private implementation of Map for servlet request name-value.
Private implementation of Map for servlet request name-values[].
Private implementation of Map for servlet context init parameters.
Private implementation of Map for servlet parameter name-value.
Private implementation of Map for servlet parameter name-values[].
Command that uses the "servlet path" component of the request URI to select a Command from the appropriate Catalog , and execute it.
Private implementation of Map for servlet request attributes.
Private implementation of Map for HTTP session attributes.
Concrete implementation of WebContext suitable for use in Servlets and JSP pages.