| |
| org.apache.commons.configuration.TestBaseNullConfiguration
TestBaseNullConfiguration | public class TestBaseNullConfiguration extends TestCase (Code) | | Tests some basic functions of the BaseConfiguration class. Missing keys might
return null.
version: $Id: TestBaseNullConfiguration.java 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $ |
incompatibleElementException | protected static Class incompatibleElementException(Code) | | |
missingElementException | protected static Class missingElementException(Code) | | |
testCommaSeparatedString | public void testCommaSeparatedString()(Code) | | |
testGetBigDecimal | public void testGetBigDecimal()(Code) | | |
testGetBigInteger | public void testGetBigInteger()(Code) | | |
testGetBoolean | public void testGetBoolean()(Code) | | |
testGetByte | public void testGetByte()(Code) | | |
testGetDouble | public void testGetDouble()(Code) | | |
testGetFloat | public void testGetFloat()(Code) | | |
testGetList | public void testGetList()(Code) | | |
testGetLong | public void testGetLong()(Code) | | |
testGetProperty | public void testGetProperty()(Code) | | |
testGetShort | public void testGetShort()(Code) | | |
testGetString | public void testGetString()(Code) | | |
testInterpolationLoop | public void testInterpolationLoop() throws Exception(Code) | | |
testMultipleInterpolation | public void testMultipleInterpolation() throws Exception(Code) | | |
testPropertyAccess | public void testPropertyAccess()(Code) | | |
testSubset | public void testSubset()(Code) | | |
testThrowExceptionOnMissing | public void testThrowExceptionOnMissing()(Code) | | |