A base class for node combiner implementations.
A node combiner is an object that knows how two hierarchical node
structures can be combined into a single one. Of course, there are many
possible ways of implementing such a combination, e.g. constructing a union,
an intersection, or an "override" structure (were nodes in the first
hierarchy take precedence over nodes in the second hierarchy). This abstract
base class only provides some helper methods and defines the common interface
for node combiners. Concrete sub classes will implement the diverse
combination algorithms.
For some concrete combiner implementations it is important to distinguish
whether a node is a single node or whether it belongs to a list structure.
Alone from the input structures, the combiner will not always be able to make
this decision. So sometimes it may be necessary for the developer to
configure the combiner and tell it, which nodes should be treated as list
nodes. For this purpose the addListNode() method exists. It
can be passed the name of a node, which should be considered a list node.
author: author: href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/configuration/team-list.html">Commons author: Configuration team version: $Id: NodeCombiner.java 439648 2006-09-02 20:42:10Z oheger $ since: 1.3 |