| java.lang.Object org.apache.commons.digester.Rule org.apache.commons.digester.plugins.PluginDeclarationRule
PluginDeclarationRule | public class PluginDeclarationRule extends Rule (Code) | | A Digester rule which allows the user to pre-declare a class which is to
be referenced later at a plugin point by a PluginCreateRule.
Normally, a PluginDeclarationRule is added to a Digester instance with
the pattern "{root}/plugin" or "* /plugin" where {root} is the name of
the root tag in the input document.
since: 1.6 |
PluginDeclarationRule | public PluginDeclarationRule()(Code) | | constructor
begin | public void begin(String namespace, String name, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes) throws java.lang.Exception(Code) | | Invoked upon reading a tag defining a plugin declaration. The tag
must have the following mandatory attributes:
Parameters: namespace - The xml namespace in which the xml element whichtriggered this rule resides. Parameters: name - The name of the xml element which triggered this rule. Parameters: attributes - The set of attributes on the xml element whichtriggered this rule. exception: java.lang.Exception - |