Package Documentation for org.apache.commons.jexl.junit Package
Using JEXL expressions in JUnit assertions.
This package only contains one class, Asserter, which
allows you to use a JEXL expression in a JUnit assertion.
The following example demonstrates the use of the Asserter
class. An instance is created, and the internal JexlContext
is populated via calls to setVariable(). Calls to
assertExpression() succeed if the expression evaluates to
the value of the second parameter, otherwise an
AssertionFailedException is thrown.
Asserter asserter = new Asserter();
asserter.setVariable("foo", new Foo());
asserter.setVariable("person", "James");
asserter.assertExpression("person", "James");
asserter.assertExpression("size(person)", new Integer(5));
asserter.assertExpression("foo.getCount()", new Integer(5));
asserter.assertExpression("foo.count", new Integer(5));