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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Library » Apache commons validator 1.3.1 src » org.apache.commons.validator 
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001:        /*
002:         * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003:         * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004:         * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005:         * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006:         * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007:         * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008:         *
009:         *
010:         *
011:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015:         * limitations under the License.
016:         */
017:        package org.apache.commons.validator;
019:        import;
020:        import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
021:        import java.util.ArrayList;
022:        import java.util.Collection;
023:        import java.util.Collections;
024:        import java.util.HashMap;
025:        import java.util.Iterator;
026:        import java.util.List;
027:        import java.util.Map;
028:        import java.util.StringTokenizer;
030:        import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
031:        import org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap; // DEPRECATED
032:        import org.apache.commons.validator.util.ValidatorUtils;
034:        /**
035:         * This contains the list of pluggable validators to run on a field and any 
036:         * message information and variables to perform the validations and generate 
037:         * error messages.  Instances of this class are configured with a 
038:         * <field> xml element.
039:         * <p>
040:         * The use of FastHashMap is deprecated and will be replaced in a future
041:         * release.
042:         * </p>
043:         *
044:         * @version $Revision: 478334 $ $Date: 2006-11-22 21:31:54 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) $
045:         * @see org.apache.commons.validator.Form
046:         */
047:        public class Field implements  Cloneable, Serializable {
049:            /**
050:             * This is the value that will be used as a key if the <code>Arg</code>
051:             * name field has no value.
052:             */
053:            private static final String DEFAULT_ARG = "org.apache.commons.validator.Field.DEFAULT";
055:            /**
056:             * This indicates an indexed property is being referenced.
057:             */
058:            public static final String TOKEN_INDEXED = "[]";
060:            /**
061:             * The start of a token.
062:             */
063:            protected static final String TOKEN_START = "${";
065:            /**
066:             * The end of a token.
067:             */
068:            protected static final String TOKEN_END = "}";
070:            /**
071:             * A Vriable token.
072:             */
073:            protected static final String TOKEN_VAR = "var:";
075:            /**
076:             * The Field's property name.
077:             */
078:            protected String property = null;
080:            /**
081:             * The Field's indexed property name.
082:             */
083:            protected String indexedProperty = null;
085:            /**
086:             * The Field's indexed list property name.
087:             */
088:            protected String indexedListProperty = null;
090:            /**
091:             * The Field's unique key.
092:             */
093:            protected String key = null;
095:            /**
096:             * A comma separated list of validator's this field depends on.
097:             */
098:            protected String depends = null;
100:            /**
101:             * The Page Number
102:             */
103:            protected int page = 0;
105:            /**
106:             * The order of the Field in the Form.
107:             */
108:            protected int fieldOrder = 0;
110:            /**
111:             * Internal representation of this.depends String as a List.  This List 
112:             * gets updated whenever setDepends() gets called.  This List is 
113:             * synchronized so a call to setDepends() (which clears the List) won't 
114:             * interfere with a call to isDependency().
115:             */
116:            private List dependencyList = Collections
117:                    .synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
119:            /**
120:             * @deprecated Subclasses should use getVarMap() instead. 
121:             */
122:            protected FastHashMap hVars = new FastHashMap();
124:            /**
125:             * @deprecated Subclasses should use getMsgMap() instead.
126:             */
127:            protected FastHashMap hMsgs = new FastHashMap();
129:            /**
130:             * Holds Maps of arguments.  args[0] returns the Map for the first 
131:             * replacement argument.  Start with a 0 length array so that it will
132:             * only grow to the size of the highest argument position.
133:             * @since Validator 1.1
134:             */
135:            protected Map[] args = new Map[0];
137:            /**
138:             * Gets the page value that the Field is associated with for
139:             * validation.
140:             * @return The page number.
141:             */
142:            public int getPage() {
143:                return this .page;
144:            }
146:            /**
147:             * Sets the page value that the Field is associated with for
148:             * validation.
149:             * @param page The page number.
150:             */
151:            public void setPage(int page) {
152:                this .page = page;
153:            }
155:            /**
156:             * Gets the position of the <code>Field</code> in the validation list.
157:             * @return The field position.
158:             */
159:            public int getFieldOrder() {
160:                return this .fieldOrder;
161:            }
163:            /**
164:             * Sets the position of the <code>Field</code> in the validation list.
165:             * @param fieldOrder The field position.
166:             */
167:            public void setFieldOrder(int fieldOrder) {
168:                this .fieldOrder = fieldOrder;
169:            }
171:            /**
172:             * Gets the property name of the field.
173:             * @return The field's property name.
174:             */
175:            public String getProperty() {
176:                return this .property;
177:            }
179:            /**
180:             * Sets the property name of the field.
181:             * @param property The field's property name.
182:             */
183:            public void setProperty(String property) {
184:                this .property = property;
185:            }
187:            /**
188:             * Gets the indexed property name of the field.  This
189:             * is the method name that can take an <code>int</code> as
190:             * a parameter for indexed property value retrieval.
191:             * @return The field's indexed property name.
192:             */
193:            public String getIndexedProperty() {
194:                return this .indexedProperty;
195:            }
197:            /**
198:             * Sets the indexed property name of the field.
199:             * @param indexedProperty The field's indexed property name.
200:             */
201:            public void setIndexedProperty(String indexedProperty) {
202:                this .indexedProperty = indexedProperty;
203:            }
205:            /**
206:             * Gets the indexed property name of the field.  This
207:             * is the method name that will return an array or a
208:             * <code>Collection</code> used to retrieve the
209:             * list and then loop through the list performing the specified
210:             * validations.
211:             * @return The field's indexed List property name.
212:             */
213:            public String getIndexedListProperty() {
214:                return this .indexedListProperty;
215:            }
217:            /**
218:             * Sets the indexed property name of the field.
219:             * @param indexedListProperty The field's indexed List property name.
220:             */
221:            public void setIndexedListProperty(String indexedListProperty) {
222:                this .indexedListProperty = indexedListProperty;
223:            }
225:            /**
226:             * Gets the validation rules for this field as a comma separated list.
227:             * @return A comma separated list of validator names.
228:             */
229:            public String getDepends() {
230:                return this .depends;
231:            }
233:            /**
234:             * Sets the validation rules for this field as a comma separated list.
235:             * @param depends A comma separated list of validator names.
236:             */
237:            public void setDepends(String depends) {
238:                this .depends = depends;
240:                this .dependencyList.clear();
242:                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(depends, ",");
243:                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
244:                    String depend = st.nextToken().trim();
246:                    if (depend != null && depend.length() > 0) {
247:                        this .dependencyList.add(depend);
248:                    }
249:                }
250:            }
252:            /**
253:             * Add a <code>Msg</code> to the <code>Field</code>.
254:             * @param msg A validation message.
255:             */
256:            public void addMsg(Msg msg) {
257:                hMsgs.put(msg.getName(), msg);
258:            }
260:            /**
261:             * Retrieve a message value.
262:             * @param key Validation key.
263:             * @return A validation message for a specified validator.
264:             */
265:            public String getMsg(String key) {
266:                Msg msg = getMessage(key);
267:                return (msg == null) ? null : msg.getKey();
268:            }
270:            /**
271:             * Retrieve a message object.
272:             * @since Validator 1.1.4
273:             * @param key Validation key.
274:             * @return A validation message for a specified validator.
275:             */
276:            public Msg getMessage(String key) {
277:                return (Msg) hMsgs.get(key);
278:            }
280:            /**
281:             * The <code>Field</code>'s messages are returned as an
282:             * unmodifiable <code>Map</code>.
283:             * @since Validator 1.1.4
284:             * @return Map of validation messages for the field.
285:             */
286:            public Map getMessages() {
287:                return Collections.unmodifiableMap(hMsgs);
288:            }
290:            /**
291:             * Add an <code>Arg</code> to the replacement argument list.
292:             * @since Validator 1.1
293:             * @param arg Validation message's argument.
294:             */
295:            public void addArg(Arg arg) {
296:                // TODO this first if check can go away after arg0, etc. are removed from dtd
297:                if (arg == null || arg.getKey() == null
298:                        || arg.getKey().length() == 0) {
299:                    return;
300:                }
302:                determineArgPosition(arg);
303:                ensureArgsCapacity(arg);
305:                Map argMap = this .args[arg.getPosition()];
306:                if (argMap == null) {
307:                    argMap = new HashMap();
308:                    this .args[arg.getPosition()] = argMap;
309:                }
311:                if (arg.getName() == null) {
312:                    argMap.put(DEFAULT_ARG, arg);
313:                } else {
314:                    argMap.put(arg.getName(), arg);
315:                }
317:            }
319:            /**
320:             * Calculate the position of the Arg
321:             */
322:            private void determineArgPosition(Arg arg) {
324:                int position = arg.getPosition();
326:                // position has been explicity set
327:                if (position >= 0) {
328:                    return;
329:                }
331:                // first arg to be added
332:                if (args == null || args.length == 0) {
333:                    arg.setPosition(0);
334:                    return;
335:                }
337:                // determine the position of the last argument with
338:                // the same name or the last default argument
339:                String key = arg.getName() == null ? DEFAULT_ARG : arg
340:                        .getName();
341:                int lastPosition = -1;
342:                int lastDefault = -1;
343:                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
344:                    if (args[i] != null && args[i].containsKey(key)) {
345:                        lastPosition = i;
346:                    }
347:                    if (args[i] != null && args[i].containsKey(DEFAULT_ARG)) {
348:                        lastDefault = i;
349:                    }
350:                }
352:                if (lastPosition < 0) {
353:                    lastPosition = lastDefault;
354:                }
356:                // allocate the next position
357:                arg.setPosition(++lastPosition);
359:            }
361:            /**
362:             * Ensures that the args array can hold the given arg.  Resizes the array as
363:             * necessary.
364:             * @param arg Determine if the args array is long enough to store this arg's
365:             * position.
366:             */
367:            private void ensureArgsCapacity(Arg arg) {
368:                if (arg.getPosition() >= this .args.length) {
369:                    Map[] newArgs = new Map[arg.getPosition() + 1];
370:                    System
371:                            .arraycopy(this .args, 0, newArgs, 0,
372:                                    this .args.length);
373:                    this .args = newArgs;
374:                }
375:            }
377:            /**
378:             * Gets the default <code>Arg</code> object at the given position.
379:             * @param position Validation message argument's position.
380:             * @return The default Arg or null if not found.
381:             * @since Validator 1.1
382:             */
383:            public Arg getArg(int position) {
384:                return this .getArg(DEFAULT_ARG, position);
385:            }
387:            /**
388:             * Gets the <code>Arg</code> object at the given position.  If the key
389:             * finds a <code>null</code> value then the default value will be 
390:             * retrieved.
391:             * @param key The name the Arg is stored under.  If not found, the default 
392:             * Arg for the given position (if any) will be retrieved.
393:             * @param position The Arg number to find.
394:             * @return The Arg with the given name and position or null if not found.
395:             * @since Validator 1.1
396:             */
397:            public Arg getArg(String key, int position) {
398:                if ((position >= this .args.length)
399:                        || (this .args[position] == null)) {
400:                    return null;
401:                }
403:                Arg arg = (Arg) args[position].get(key);
405:                // Didn't find default arg so exit, otherwise we would get into 
406:                // infinite recursion
407:                if ((arg == null) && key.equals(DEFAULT_ARG)) {
408:                    return null;
409:                }
411:                return (arg == null) ? this .getArg(position) : arg;
412:            }
414:            /**
415:             * Retrieves the Args for the given validator name.
416:             * @param key The validator's args to retrieve.
417:             * @return An Arg[] sorted by the Args' positions (i.e. the Arg at index 0
418:             * has a position of 0). 
419:             * @since Validator 1.1.1
420:             */
421:            public Arg[] getArgs(String key) {
422:                Arg[] args = new Arg[this .args.length];
424:                for (int i = 0; i < this .args.length; i++) {
425:                    args[i] = this .getArg(key, i);
426:                }
428:                return args;
429:            }
431:            /**
432:             * Add a <code>Var</code> to the <code>Field</code>.
433:             * @param v The Validator Argument.
434:             */
435:            public void addVar(Var v) {
436:                this .hVars.put(v.getName(), v);
437:            }
439:            /**
440:             * Add a <code>Var</code>, based on the values passed in, to the
441:             * <code>Field</code>.
442:             * @param name Name of the validation.
443:             * @param value The Argument's value.
444:             * @param jsType The Javascript type.
445:             */
446:            public void addVar(String name, String value, String jsType) {
447:                this .addVar(new Var(name, value, jsType));
448:            }
450:            /**
451:             * Retrieve a variable.
452:             * @param mainKey The Variable's key
453:             * @return the Variable
454:             */
455:            public Var getVar(String mainKey) {
456:                return (Var) hVars.get(mainKey);
457:            }
459:            /**
460:             * Retrieve a variable's value.
461:             * @param mainKey The Variable's key
462:             * @return the Variable's value
463:             */
464:            public String getVarValue(String mainKey) {
465:                String value = null;
467:                Object o = hVars.get(mainKey);
468:                if (o != null && o instanceof  Var) {
469:                    Var v = (Var) o;
470:                    value = v.getValue();
471:                }
473:                return value;
474:            }
476:            /**
477:             * The <code>Field</code>'s variables are returned as an
478:             * unmodifiable <code>Map</code>.
479:             * @return the Map of Variable's for a Field.
480:             */
481:            public Map getVars() {
482:                return Collections.unmodifiableMap(hVars);
483:            }
485:            /**
486:             * Gets a unique key based on the property and indexedProperty fields.
487:             * @return a unique key for the field.
488:             */
489:            public String getKey() {
490:                if (this .key == null) {
491:                    this .generateKey();
492:                }
494:                return this .key;
495:            }
497:            /**
498:             * Sets a unique key for the field.  This can be used to change
499:             * the key temporarily to have a unique key for an indexed field.
500:             * @param key a unique key for the field
501:             */
502:            public void setKey(String key) {
503:                this .key = key;
504:            }
506:            /**
507:             * If there is a value specified for the indexedProperty field then
508:             * <code>true</code> will be returned.  Otherwise it will be 
509:             * <code>false</code>.
510:             * @return Whether the Field is indexed.
511:             */
512:            public boolean isIndexed() {
513:                return ((indexedListProperty != null && indexedListProperty
514:                        .length() > 0));
515:            }
517:            /**
518:             * Generate correct <code>key</code> value.
519:             */
520:            public void generateKey() {
521:                if (this .isIndexed()) {
522:                    this .key = this .indexedListProperty + TOKEN_INDEXED + "."
523:                            + this .property;
524:                } else {
525:                    this .key = this .property;
526:                }
527:            }
529:            /**
530:             * Replace constants with values in fields and process the depends field
531:             * to create the dependency <code>Map</code>.
532:             */
533:            void process(Map globalConstants, Map constants) {
534:                this .hMsgs.setFast(false);
535:                this .hVars.setFast(true);
537:                this .generateKey();
539:                // Process FormSet Constants
540:                for (Iterator i = constants.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
541:                    String key = (String);
542:                    String key2 = TOKEN_START + key + TOKEN_END;
543:                    String replaceValue = (String) constants.get(key);
545:                    property = ValidatorUtils.replace(property, key2,
546:                            replaceValue);
548:                    processVars(key2, replaceValue);
550:                    this .processMessageComponents(key2, replaceValue);
551:                }
553:                // Process Global Constants
554:                for (Iterator i = globalConstants.keySet().iterator(); i
555:                        .hasNext();) {
556:                    String key = (String);
557:                    String key2 = TOKEN_START + key + TOKEN_END;
558:                    String replaceValue = (String) globalConstants.get(key);
560:                    property = ValidatorUtils.replace(property, key2,
561:                            replaceValue);
563:                    processVars(key2, replaceValue);
565:                    this .processMessageComponents(key2, replaceValue);
566:                }
568:                // Process Var Constant Replacement
569:                for (Iterator i = hVars.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
570:                    String key = (String);
571:                    String key2 = TOKEN_START + TOKEN_VAR + key + TOKEN_END;
572:                    Var var = this .getVar(key);
573:                    String replaceValue = var.getValue();
575:                    this .processMessageComponents(key2, replaceValue);
576:                }
578:                hMsgs.setFast(true);
579:            }
581:            /**
582:             * Replace the vars value with the key/value pairs passed in.
583:             */
584:            private void processVars(String key, String replaceValue) {
585:                Iterator i = this .hVars.keySet().iterator();
586:                while (i.hasNext()) {
587:                    String varKey = (String);
588:                    Var var = this .getVar(varKey);
590:                    var.setValue(ValidatorUtils.replace(var.getValue(), key,
591:                            replaceValue));
592:                }
594:            }
596:            /**
597:             * Replace the args key value with the key/value pairs passed in.
598:             */
599:            private void processMessageComponents(String key,
600:                    String replaceValue) {
601:                String varKey = TOKEN_START + TOKEN_VAR;
602:                // Process Messages
603:                if (key != null && !key.startsWith(varKey)) {
604:                    for (Iterator i = hMsgs.values().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
605:                        Msg msg = (Msg);
606:                        msg.setKey(ValidatorUtils.replace(msg.getKey(), key,
607:                                replaceValue));
608:                    }
609:                }
611:                this .processArg(key, replaceValue);
612:            }
614:            /**
615:             * Replace the arg <code>Collection</code> key value with the key/value 
616:             * pairs passed in.
617:             */
618:            private void processArg(String key, String replaceValue) {
619:                for (int i = 0; i < this .args.length; i++) {
621:                    Map argMap = this .args[i];
622:                    if (argMap == null) {
623:                        continue;
624:                    }
626:                    Iterator iter = argMap.values().iterator();
627:                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
628:                        Arg arg = (Arg);
630:                        if (arg != null) {
631:                            arg.setKey(ValidatorUtils.replace(arg.getKey(),
632:                                    key, replaceValue));
633:                        }
634:                    }
635:                }
636:            }
638:            /**
639:             * Checks if the validator is listed as a dependency.
640:             * @param validatorName Name of the validator to check.
641:             * @return Whether the field is dependant on a validator.
642:             */
643:            public boolean isDependency(String validatorName) {
644:                return this .dependencyList.contains(validatorName);
645:            }
647:            /**
648:             * Gets an unmodifiable <code>List</code> of the dependencies in the same 
649:             * order they were defined in parameter passed to the setDepends() method.
650:             * @return A list of the Field's dependancies.
651:             */
652:            public List getDependencyList() {
653:                return Collections.unmodifiableList(this .dependencyList);
654:            }
656:            /**
657:             * Creates and returns a copy of this object.
658:             * @return A copy of the Field.
659:             */
660:            public Object clone() {
661:                Field field = null;
662:                try {
663:                    field = (Field) super .clone();
664:                } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
665:                    throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
666:                }
668:                field.args = new Map[this .args.length];
669:                for (int i = 0; i < this .args.length; i++) {
670:                    if (this .args[i] == null) {
671:                        continue;
672:                    }
674:                    Map argMap = new HashMap(this .args[i]);
675:                    Iterator iter = argMap.keySet().iterator();
676:                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
677:                        String validatorName = (String);
678:                        Arg arg = (Arg) argMap.get(validatorName);
679:                        argMap.put(validatorName, arg.clone());
680:                    }
681:                    field.args[i] = argMap;
682:                }
684:                field.hVars = ValidatorUtils.copyFastHashMap(hVars);
685:                field.hMsgs = ValidatorUtils.copyFastHashMap(hMsgs);
687:                return field;
688:            }
690:            /**
691:             * Returns a string representation of the object.
692:             * @return A string representation of the object.
693:             */
694:            public String toString() {
695:                StringBuffer results = new StringBuffer();
697:                results.append("\t\tkey = " + key + "\n");
698:                results.append("\t\tproperty = " + property + "\n");
699:                results.append("\t\tindexedProperty = " + indexedProperty
700:                        + "\n");
701:                results.append("\t\tindexedListProperty = "
702:                        + indexedListProperty + "\n");
703:                results.append("\t\tdepends = " + depends + "\n");
704:                results.append("\t\tpage = " + page + "\n");
705:                results.append("\t\tfieldOrder = " + fieldOrder + "\n");
707:                if (hVars != null) {
708:                    results.append("\t\tVars:\n");
709:                    for (Iterator i = hVars.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
710:                        Object key =;
711:                        results.append("\t\t\t");
712:                        results.append(key);
713:                        results.append("=");
714:                        results.append(hVars.get(key));
715:                        results.append("\n");
716:                    }
717:                }
719:                return results.toString();
720:            }
722:            /**
723:             * Returns an indexed property from the object we're validating.
724:             *
725:             * @param bean The bean to extract the indexed values from.
726:             * @throws ValidatorException If there's an error looking up the property 
727:             * or, the property found is not indexed.
728:             */
729:            Object[] getIndexedProperty(Object bean) throws ValidatorException {
730:                Object indexedProperty = null;
732:                try {
733:                    indexedProperty = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, this 
734:                            .getIndexedListProperty());
736:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
737:                    throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());
738:                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
739:                    throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());
740:                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
741:                    throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());
742:                }
744:                if (indexedProperty instanceof  Collection) {
745:                    return ((Collection) indexedProperty).toArray();
747:                } else if (indexedProperty.getClass().isArray()) {
748:                    return (Object[]) indexedProperty;
750:                } else {
751:                    throw new ValidatorException(this .getKey()
752:                            + " is not indexed");
753:                }
755:            }
757:            /**
758:             * Returns the size of an indexed property from the object we're validating.
759:             *
760:             * @param bean The bean to extract the indexed values from.
761:             * @throws ValidatorException If there's an error looking up the property 
762:             * or, the property found is not indexed.
763:             */
764:            private int getIndexedPropertySize(Object bean)
765:                    throws ValidatorException {
766:                Object indexedProperty = null;
768:                try {
769:                    indexedProperty = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, this 
770:                            .getIndexedListProperty());
772:                } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
773:                    throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());
774:                } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
775:                    throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());
776:                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
777:                    throw new ValidatorException(e.getMessage());
778:                }
780:                if (indexedProperty == null) {
781:                    return 0;
782:                } else if (indexedProperty instanceof  Collection) {
783:                    return ((Collection) indexedProperty).size();
784:                } else if (indexedProperty.getClass().isArray()) {
785:                    return ((Object[]) indexedProperty).length;
786:                } else {
787:                    throw new ValidatorException(this .getKey()
788:                            + " is not indexed");
789:                }
791:            }
793:            /**
794:             * Executes the given ValidatorAction and all ValidatorActions that it 
795:             * depends on.
796:             * @return true if the validation succeeded.
797:             */
798:            private boolean validateForRule(ValidatorAction va,
799:                    ValidatorResults results, Map actions, Map params, int pos)
800:                    throws ValidatorException {
802:                ValidatorResult result = results.getValidatorResult(this 
803:                        .getKey());
804:                if (result != null && result.containsAction(va.getName())) {
805:                    return result.isValid(va.getName());
806:                }
808:                if (!this .runDependentValidators(va, results, actions, params,
809:                        pos)) {
810:                    return false;
811:                }
813:                return va.executeValidationMethod(this , params, results, pos);
814:            }
816:            /**
817:             * Calls all of the validators that this validator depends on.
818:             * TODO ValidatorAction should know how to run its own dependencies.
819:             * @param va Run dependent validators for this action.
820:             * @param results
821:             * @param actions
822:             * @param pos
823:             * @return true if all of the dependent validations passed.
824:             * @throws ValidatorException If there's an error running a validator
825:             */
826:            private boolean runDependentValidators(ValidatorAction va,
827:                    ValidatorResults results, Map actions, Map params, int pos)
828:                    throws ValidatorException {
830:                List dependentValidators = va.getDependencyList();
832:                if (dependentValidators.isEmpty()) {
833:                    return true;
834:                }
836:                Iterator iter = dependentValidators.iterator();
837:                while (iter.hasNext()) {
838:                    String depend = (String);
840:                    ValidatorAction action = (ValidatorAction) actions
841:                            .get(depend);
842:                    if (action == null) {
843:                        this .handleMissingAction(depend);
844:                    }
846:                    if (!this .validateForRule(action, results, actions, params,
847:                            pos)) {
848:                        return false;
849:                    }
850:                }
852:                return true;
853:            }
855:            /**
856:             * Run the configured validations on this field.  Run all validations 
857:             * in the depends clause over each item in turn, returning when the first 
858:             * one fails.
859:             * @param params A Map of parameter class names to parameter values to pass
860:             * into validation methods.
861:             * @param actions A Map of validator names to ValidatorAction objects.
862:             * @return A ValidatorResults object containing validation messages for 
863:             * this field.
864:             * @throws ValidatorException If an error occurs during validation.
865:             */
866:            public ValidatorResults validate(Map params, Map actions)
867:                    throws ValidatorException {
869:                if (this .getDepends() == null) {
870:                    return new ValidatorResults();
871:                }
873:                ValidatorResults allResults = new ValidatorResults();
875:                Object bean = params.get(Validator.BEAN_PARAM);
876:                int numberOfFieldsToValidate = this .isIndexed() ? this 
877:                        .getIndexedPropertySize(bean) : 1;
879:                for (int fieldNumber = 0; fieldNumber < numberOfFieldsToValidate; fieldNumber++) {
881:                    Iterator dependencies = this .dependencyList.iterator();
882:                    ValidatorResults results = new ValidatorResults();
883:                    while (dependencies.hasNext()) {
884:                        String depend = (String);
886:                        ValidatorAction action = (ValidatorAction) actions
887:                                .get(depend);
888:                        if (action == null) {
889:                            this .handleMissingAction(depend);
890:                        }
892:                        boolean good = validateForRule(action, results,
893:                                actions, params, fieldNumber);
895:                        if (!good) {
896:                            allResults.merge(results);
897:                            return allResults;
898:                        }
899:                    }
900:                    allResults.merge(results);
901:                }
903:                return allResults;
904:            }
906:            /**
907:             * Called when a validator name is used in a depends clause but there is
908:             * no know ValidatorAction configured for that name.
909:             * @param name The name of the validator in the depends list.
910:             * @throws ValidatorException
911:             */
912:            private void handleMissingAction(String name)
913:                    throws ValidatorException {
914:                throw new ValidatorException("No ValidatorAction named " + name
915:                        + " found for field " + this .getProperty());
916:            }
918:            /**
919:             * Returns a Map of String Msg names to Msg objects.
920:             * @since Validator 1.2.0
921:             * @return A Map of the Field's messages.
922:             */
923:            protected Map getMsgMap() {
924:                return hMsgs;
925:            }
927:            /**
928:             * Returns a Map of String Var names to Var objects.
929:             * @since Validator 1.2.0
930:             * @return A Map of the Field's variables.
931:             */
932:            protected Map getVarMap() {
933:                return hVars;
934:            }
936:        } | Contact Us
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