| org.apache.commons.validator.UrlTest
UrlTest | public class UrlTest extends TestCase (Code) | | Performs Validation Test for url validations.
version: $Revision: 478334 $ $Date: 2006-11-22 21:31:54 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) $ |
testPartsIndex | int[] testPartsIndex(Code) | | |
testUrlScheme | TestPair[] testUrlScheme(Code) | | The data given below approximates the 4 parts of a URL
://? except that the port number
is broken out of authority to increase the number of permutations.
A complete URL is composed of a scheme+authority+port+path+query,
all of which must be individually valid for the entire URL to be considered
incrementTestPartsIndex | static boolean incrementTestPartsIndex(int[] testPartsIndex, Object[] testParts)(Code) | | |
main | public static void main(String[] argv)(Code) | | Only used to debug the unit tests.
Parameters: argv - |
setUp | protected void setUp()(Code) | | |
suite | public static Test suite()(Code) | | |
tearDown | protected void tearDown()(Code) | | |
testIsValid | public void testIsValid()(Code) | | |
testIsValid | public void testIsValid(Object[] testObjects, int options)(Code) | | Create set of tests by taking the testUrlXXX arrays and
running through all possible permutations of their combinations.
Parameters: testObjects - Used to create a url. |
testIsValidScheme | public void testIsValidScheme()(Code) | | |
testValidateUrl | public void testValidateUrl()(Code) | | |
testValidator202 | public void testValidator202()(Code) | | |
testValidator204 | public void testValidator204()(Code) | | |