| org.apache.commons.validator.routines.TimeValidatorTest
TimeValidatorTest | public class TimeValidatorTest extends TestCase (Code) | | Test Case for TimeValidator.
version: $Revision: 478334 $ $Date: 2006-11-22 21:31:54 +0000 (Wed, 22 Nov 2006) $ |
TimeValidatorTest | public TimeValidatorTest(String name)(Code) | | Constructor
Parameters: name - test name |
createDate | protected static Date createDate(TimeZone zone, int time, int millisecond)(Code) | | Create a date instance for a specified time zone, date and time.
Parameters: zone - The time zone Parameters: time - the time in HH:mm:ss format Parameters: millisecond - the milliseconds the new Date instance. |
createTime | protected static Calendar createTime(TimeZone zone, int time, int millisecond)(Code) | | Create a calendar instance for a specified time zone, date and time.
Parameters: zone - The time zone Parameters: time - the time in HH:mm:ss format Parameters: millisecond - the milliseconds the new Calendar instance. |
main | public static void main(String[] args)(Code) | | Main
Parameters: args - arguments |
testCompare | public void testCompare()(Code) | | Test compare date methods
testFormat | public void testFormat()(Code) | | Test Invalid Dates with "locale" validation
testLocaleInvalid | public void testLocaleInvalid()(Code) | | Test Invalid Dates with "locale" validation
testLocaleValid | public void testLocaleValid()(Code) | | Test Valid Dates with "locale" validation
testPatternInvalid | public void testPatternInvalid()(Code) | | Test Invalid Dates with "pattern" validation
testPatternValid | public void testPatternValid()(Code) | | Test Valid Dates with "pattern" validation
testTimeZone | public void testTimeZone()(Code) | | Test time zone methods.