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001:        /*
002:         * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation.
003:         * 
004:         * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
005:         * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
006:         * You may obtain a copy of the License at
007:         * 
008:         *
009:         * 
010:         * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
011:         * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
012:         * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
013:         * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
014:         * limitations under the License.
015:         */
016:        package org.apache.commons.logging.pathable;
018:        import;
019:        import java.util.ArrayList;
020:        import java.util.Arrays;
021:        import java.util.Enumeration;
023:        import junit.framework.Test;
024:        import junit.framework.TestCase;
026:        import org.apache.commons.logging.PathableClassLoader;
027:        import org.apache.commons.logging.PathableTestSuite;
029:        /**
030:         * Tests for the PathableTestSuite and PathableClassLoader functionality,
031:         * where lookup order for the PathableClassLoader is child-first.
032:         * <p>
033:         * These tests assume:
034:         * <ul>
035:         * <li>junit is in system classpath
036:         * <li>nothing else is in system classpath
037:         * </ul>
038:         */
040:        public class ChildFirstTestCase extends TestCase {
042:            /**
043:             * Set up a custom classloader hierarchy for this test case.
044:             * The hierarchy is:
045:             * <ul>
046:             * <li> contextloader: child-first.
047:             * <li> childloader: child-first, used to load test case.
048:             * <li> parentloader: child-first, parent is the bootclassloader.
049:             * </ul>
050:             */
051:            public static Test suite() throws Exception {
052:                Class this Class = ChildFirstTestCase.class;
053:                ClassLoader this ClassLoader = this Class.getClassLoader();
055:                // Make the parent a direct child of the bootloader to hide all
056:                // other classes in the system classpath
057:                PathableClassLoader parent = new PathableClassLoader(null);
058:                parent.setParentFirst(false);
060:                // Make the junit classes visible as a special case, as junit
061:                // won't be able to call this class at all without this. The
062:                // junit classes must be visible from the classloader that loaded
063:                // this class, so use that as the source for future access to classes
064:                // from the junit package.
065:                parent.useExplicitLoader("junit.", this ClassLoader);
067:                // Make the commons-logging.jar classes visible via the parent
068:                parent.addLogicalLib("commons-logging");
070:                // Create a child classloader to load the test case through
071:                PathableClassLoader child = new PathableClassLoader(parent);
072:                child.setParentFirst(false);
074:                // Obviously, the child classloader needs to have the test classes
075:                // in its path!
076:                child.addLogicalLib("testclasses");
077:                child.addLogicalLib("commons-logging-adapters");
079:                // Create a third classloader to be the context classloader.
080:                PathableClassLoader context = new PathableClassLoader(child);
081:                context.setParentFirst(false);
083:                // reload this class via the child classloader
084:                Class testClass = child.loadClass(this Class.getName());
086:                // and return our custom TestSuite class
087:                return new PathableTestSuite(testClass, context);
088:            }
090:            /**
091:             * Test that the classloader hierarchy is as expected, and that
092:             * calling loadClass() on various classloaders works as expected.
093:             * Note that for this test case, parent-first classloading is
094:             * in effect.
095:             */
096:            public void testPaths() throws Exception {
097:                // the context classloader is not expected to be null
098:                ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread()
099:                        .getContextClassLoader();
100:                assertNotNull("Context classloader is null", contextLoader);
101:                assertEquals("Context classloader has unexpected type",
102:                        PathableClassLoader.class.getName(), contextLoader
103:                                .getClass().getName());
105:                // the classloader that loaded this class is obviously not null
106:                ClassLoader this Loader = this .getClass().getClassLoader();
107:                assertNotNull("thisLoader is null", this Loader);
108:                assertEquals("thisLoader has unexpected type",
109:                        PathableClassLoader.class.getName(), this Loader
110:                                .getClass().getName());
112:                // the suite method specified that the context classloader's parent
113:                // is the loader that loaded this test case.
114:                assertSame("Context classloader is not child of thisLoader",
115:                        this Loader, contextLoader.getParent());
117:                // thisLoader's parent should be available
118:                ClassLoader parentLoader = this Loader.getParent();
119:                assertNotNull("Parent classloader is null", parentLoader);
120:                assertEquals("Parent classloader has unexpected type",
121:                        PathableClassLoader.class.getName(), parentLoader
122:                                .getClass().getName());
124:                // parent should have a parent of null
125:                assertNull("Parent classloader has non-null parent",
126:                        parentLoader.getParent());
128:                // getSystemClassloader is not a PathableClassLoader; it's of a
129:                // built-in type. This also verifies that system classloader is none of
130:                // (context, child, parent).
131:                ClassLoader systemLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
132:                assertNotNull("System classloader is null", systemLoader);
133:                assertFalse("System classloader has unexpected type",
134:                        PathableClassLoader.class.getName().equals(
135:                                systemLoader.getClass().getName()));
137:                // junit classes should be visible; their classloader is system.
138:                // this will of course throw an exception if not found.
139:                Class junitTest = contextLoader
140:                        .loadClass("junit.framework.Test");
141:                assertSame("Junit not loaded via systemloader", systemLoader,
142:                        junitTest.getClassLoader());
144:                // jcl api classes should be visible only via the parent
145:                Class logClass = contextLoader
146:                        .loadClass("org.apache.commons.logging.Log");
147:                assertSame("Log class not loaded via parent", logClass
148:                        .getClassLoader(), parentLoader);
150:                // jcl adapter classes should be visible via both parent and child. However
151:                // as the classloaders are child-first we should see the child one.
152:                Class log4jClass = contextLoader
153:                        .loadClass("org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger");
154:                assertSame("Log4JLogger not loaded via child", log4jClass
155:                        .getClassLoader(), this Loader);
157:                // test classes should be visible via the child only
158:                Class testClass = contextLoader
159:                        .loadClass("org.apache.commons.logging.PathableTestSuite");
160:                assertSame("PathableTestSuite not loaded via child", testClass
161:                        .getClassLoader(), this Loader);
163:                // test loading of class that is not available
164:                try {
165:                    Class noSuchClass = contextLoader
166:                            .loadClass("no.such.class");
167:                    fail("Class no.such.class is unexpectedly available");
168:                } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
169:                    // ok
170:                }
172:                // String class classloader is null
173:                Class stringClass = contextLoader.loadClass("java.lang.String");
174:                assertNull("String class classloader is not null!", stringClass
175:                        .getClassLoader());
176:            }
178:            /**
179:             * Test that the various flavours of ClassLoader.getResource work as expected.
180:             */
181:            public void testResource() {
182:                URL resource;
184:                ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread()
185:                        .getContextClassLoader();
186:                ClassLoader childLoader = contextLoader.getParent();
188:                // getResource where it doesn't exist
189:                resource = childLoader.getResource("nosuchfile");
190:                assertNull("Non-null URL returned for invalid resource name",
191:                        resource);
193:                // getResource where it is accessable only to parent classloader
194:                resource = childLoader
195:                        .getResource("org/apache/commons/logging/Log.class");
196:                assertNotNull("Unable to locate Log.class resource", resource);
198:                // getResource where it is accessable only to child classloader
199:                resource = childLoader
200:                        .getResource("org/apache/commons/logging/PathableTestSuite.class");
201:                assertNotNull(
202:                        "Unable to locate PathableTestSuite.class resource",
203:                        resource);
205:                // getResource where it is accessable to both classloaders. The one visible
206:                // to the child should be returned. The URL returned will be of form
207:                //  jar:file:/x/y.jar!path/to/resource. The filename part should include the jarname
208:                // of form commons-logging-adapters-nnnn.jar, not commons-logging-nnnn.jar
209:                resource = childLoader
210:                        .getResource("org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Log4JLogger.class");
211:                assertNotNull("Unable to locate Log4JLogger.class resource",
212:                        resource);
213:                assertTrue("Incorrect source for Log4JLogger class", resource
214:                        .toString().indexOf("/commons-logging-adapters-1.") > 0);
215:            }
217:            /**
218:             * Test that the various flavours of ClassLoader.getResources work as expected.
219:             */
220:            public void testResources() throws Exception {
221:                Enumeration resources;
222:                URL[] urls;
224:                // verify the classloader hierarchy
225:                ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread()
226:                        .getContextClassLoader();
227:                ClassLoader childLoader = contextLoader.getParent();
228:                ClassLoader parentLoader = childLoader.getParent();
229:                ClassLoader bootLoader = parentLoader.getParent();
230:                assertNull("Unexpected classloader hierarchy", bootLoader);
232:                // getResources where no instances exist
233:                resources = childLoader.getResources("nosuchfile");
234:                urls = toURLArray(resources);
235:                assertEquals("Non-null URL returned for invalid resource name",
236:                        0, urls.length);
238:                // getResources where the resource only exists in the parent
239:                resources = childLoader
240:                        .getResources("org/apache/commons/logging/Log.class");
241:                urls = toURLArray(resources);
242:                assertEquals("Unexpected number of Log.class resources found",
243:                        1, urls.length);
245:                // getResources where the resource only exists in the child
246:                resources = childLoader
247:                        .getResources("org/apache/commons/logging/PathableTestSuite.class");
248:                urls = toURLArray(resources);
249:                assertEquals(
250:                        "Unexpected number of PathableTestSuite.class resources found",
251:                        1, urls.length);
253:                // getResources where the resource exists in both.
254:                // resources should be returned in order (child-resource, parent-resource).
255:                //
256:                // IMPORTANT: due to the fact that in java 1.4 and earlier method
257:                // ClassLoader.getResources is final it isn't possible for PathableClassLoader
258:                // to override this. So even when child-first is enabled the resource order
259:                // is still (parent-resources, child-resources). This test verifies the expected
260:                // behaviour - even though it's not the desired behaviour.
262:                resources = childLoader
263:                        .getResources("org/apache/commons/logging/impl/Log4JLogger.class");
264:                urls = toURLArray(resources);
265:                assertEquals(
266:                        "Unexpected number of Log4JLogger.class resources found",
267:                        2, urls.length);
269:                // There is no gaurantee about the ordering of results returned from getResources
270:                // To make this test portable across JVMs, sort the string to give them a known order
271:                String[] urlsToStrings = new String[2];
272:                urlsToStrings[0] = urls[0].toString();
273:                urlsToStrings[1] = urls[1].toString();
274:                Arrays.sort(urlsToStrings);
275:                assertTrue("Incorrect source for Log4JLogger class",
276:                        urlsToStrings[0].indexOf("/commons-logging-1.") > 0);
277:                assertTrue("Incorrect source for Log4JLogger class",
278:                        urlsToStrings[1]
279:                                .indexOf("/commons-logging-adapters-1.") > 0);
280:            }
282:            /**
283:             * Utility method to convert an enumeration-of-URLs into an array of URLs.
284:             */
285:            private static URL[] toURLArray(Enumeration e) {
286:                ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
287:                while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
288:                    URL u = (URL) e.nextElement();
289:                    l.add(u);
290:                }
291:                URL[] tmp = new URL[l.size()];
292:                return (URL[]) l.toArray(tmp);
293:            }
295:            /**
296:             * Test that getResourceAsStream works.
297:             */
298:            public void testResourceAsStream() throws Exception {
299:       is;
301:                // verify the classloader hierarchy
302:                ClassLoader contextLoader = Thread.currentThread()
303:                        .getContextClassLoader();
304:                ClassLoader childLoader = contextLoader.getParent();
305:                ClassLoader parentLoader = childLoader.getParent();
306:                ClassLoader bootLoader = parentLoader.getParent();
307:                assertNull("Unexpected classloader hierarchy", bootLoader);
309:                // getResourceAsStream where no instances exist
310:                is = childLoader.getResourceAsStream("nosuchfile");
311:                assertNull("Invalid resource returned non-null stream", is);
313:                // getResourceAsStream where resource does exist
314:                is = childLoader
315:                        .getResourceAsStream("org/apache/commons/logging/Log.class");
316:                assertNotNull("Null returned for valid resource", is);
317:                is.close();
319:                // It would be nice to test parent-first ordering here, but that would require
320:                // having a resource with the same name in both the parent and child loaders,
321:                // but with different contents. That's a little tricky to set up so we'll
322:                // skip that for now.
323:            }
324:        } | Contact Us
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