examples.awk |
Java Source File Name | Type | Comment |
matchesContainsExample.java | Class | This is a test program demonstrating the difference between the
OROMatcher matches() and contains() methods. |
prefixExample.java | Class | This is a test program demonstrating an application of the matchesPrefix()
methods. |
splitExample.java | Class | This is a test program demonstrating the use of the Util.split() method. |
streamInputExample.java | Class | This is a test program demonstrating how to search an input stream
with the AwkTools regular expression classes. |
strings.java | Class | This is a test program demonstrating how to search an input stream
with the jakarta-oro awk package regular expression classes. |
substituteExample.java | Class | This is a test program demonstrating the use of the Util.substitute()
method. |