| org.columba.addressbook.model.VCARD
VCARD | public interface VCARD (Code) | | All VCARD features Columba is able to handle.
vCard standard: http://www.zvon.org/tmRFC/RFC2426/Output/index.html vCard in
RDF/XML: http://www.w3.org/TR/vcard-rdf
author: fdietz |
ADR | public static String ADR(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the components of the delivery address for the
vCard object.
The structured type value consists of a sequence of address components.
The structured type value corresponds, in sequence, to the post office
box; the extended address; the street address; the locality (e.g., city);
the region (e.g., state or province); the postal code; the country name.
The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the delivery
address type. The TYPE parameter values can include "dom" to indicate a
domestic delivery address; "intl" to indicate an international delivery
address; "postal" to indicate a postal delivery address; "parcel" to
indicate a parcel delivery address; "home" to indicate a delivery address
for a residence; "work" to indicate delivery address for a place of work;
and "pref" to indicate the preferred delivery address when more than one
address is specified.
ADR_POSTOFFICEBOX | public static String ADR_POSTOFFICEBOX(Code) | | |
ADR_STREETADDRESS | public static String ADR_STREETADDRESS(Code) | | |
DISPLAYNAME | public static String DISPLAYNAME(Code) | | Columba-specific extension
Name which is displayed throughout Columba.
EMAIL | public static String EMAIL(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the electronic mail address for communication
with the object the vCard represents.
The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify the format or
preference of the electronic mail address. The TYPE parameter values can
include: "internet" to indicate an Internet addressing type, "x400" to
indicate a X.400 addressing type or "pref" to indicate a preferred-use
email address when more than one is specified.
EMAIL_TYPE_INTERNET | public static String EMAIL_TYPE_INTERNET(Code) | | |
FN | public static String FN(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to the name of
the object the vCard represents.
Example: Mr. John Q. Public
LABEL | public static String LABEL(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the formatted text corresponding to delivery
address of the object the vCard represents.
The type value is formatted text that can be used to present a delivery
address label for the vCard object. The type can include the type
parameter "TYPE" to specify delivery label type. The TYPE parameter
values can include all the different types already found in ADR,
specified above.
LABEL_TYPE_PARCEL | public static String LABEL_TYPE_PARCEL(Code) | | |
LABEL_TYPE_POSTAL | public static String LABEL_TYPE_POSTAL(Code) | | |
N | public static String N(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the components of the name of the object the
vCard represents.
The structured type value corresponds, in sequence, to the Family Name,
Given Name, Additional Names, Honorific Prefixes, and Honorific Suffixes.
Example: Public;John;Quinlan;Mr.
NICKNAME | public static String NICKNAME(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the text corresponding to the nickname of the
object the vCard represents.
The nickname is the descriptive name given instead of or in addition to
the one belonging to a person, place, or thing. It can also be used to
specify a familiar form of a proper name specified by the FN or N types.
Example: Robbie
N_ADDITIONALNAMES | public static String N_ADDITIONALNAMES(Code) | | |
ORG | public static String ORG(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the organizational name and units associated
with the vCard.
The type is based on the X.520 Organization Name and Organization Unit
attributes. The type value is a structured type consisting of the
organization name, followed by one or more levels of organizational unit
ROLE | public static String ROLE(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify information concerning the role, occupation, or
business category of the object the vCard represents.
This type is based on the X.520 Business Category explanatory attribute.
This property is included as an organizational type to avoid confusion
with the semantics of the TITLE type and incorrect usage of that type
when the semantics of this type is intended.
SORTSTRING | public static String SORTSTRING(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the family name or given name text to be used
for national-language-specific sorting of the FN and N types.
The sort string is used to provide family name or given name text that is
to be used in locale- or national-language- specific sorting of the
formatted name and structured name types. Without this information,
sorting algorithms could incorrectly sort this vCard within a sequence of
sorted vCards. When this type is present in a vCard, then this family
name or given name value is used for sorting the vCard.
TEL | public static String TEL(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the telephone number for telephony communication
with the object the vCard represents.
The value of this type is specified in a canonical form in order to
specify an unambiguous representation of the globally unique telephone
endpoint. This type is based on the X.500 Telephone Number attribute.
The type can include the type parameter "TYPE" to specify intended use
for the telephone number. The TYPE parameter values can include: "home"
to indicate a telephone number associated with a residence, "msg" to
indicate the telephone number has voice messaging support, "work" to
indicate a telephone number associated with a place of work, "pref" to
indicate a preferred-use telephone number, "voice" to indicate a voice
telephone number, "fax" to indicate a facsimile telephone number, "cell"
to indicate a cellular telephone number, "video" to indicate a video
conferencing telephone number, "pager" to indicate a paging device
telephone number, "bbs" to indicate a bulletin board system telephone
number, "modem" to indicate a MODEM connected telephone number, "car" to
indicate a car-phone telephone number, "isdn" to indicate an ISDN service
telephone number, "pcs" to indicate a personal communication services
telephone number. The default type is "voice".
TITLE | public static String TITLE(Code) | | Type purpose: To specify the job title, functional position or
function of the object the vCard represents.
This type is based on the X.520 Title attribute.
X_COLUMBA_DEPARTMENT | public static String X_COLUMBA_DEPARTMENT(Code) | | |
X_COLUMBA_IM_JABBER | public static String X_COLUMBA_IM_JABBER(Code) | | |
X_COLUMBA_IM_YAHOO | public static String X_COLUMBA_IM_YAHOO(Code) | | |
X_COLUMBA_URL_BLOG | public static String X_COLUMBA_URL_BLOG(Code) | | Columba-specific extensions
X_COLUMBA_URL_CALENDAR | public static String X_COLUMBA_URL_CALENDAR(Code) | | |
X_COLUMBA_URL_FREEBUSY | public static String X_COLUMBA_URL_FREEBUSY(Code) | | |