Main entrypoint for configuration management.
Stores a list of all xml files in a hashtable. Hashtable key is the name of
the xml file. Value is
XmlIO object.
Mail and Addressbook components are just wrappers, encapsulating this class.
Using these wrapper classes, you don't need to specify the module name (for
example: mail, or addressbook) manually.
Note that all configuration file have default templates in the /res directory
in package org.columba.core.config. These default configuration files are
copied into the users's configuration directory the first time Columba is
Config creates the top-level directory for Columba's configuration in
".columba", which usually resides in the user's home directory or on older
Windows versions in Columba's program folder.
Saving and loading of all configuration files is handled here, too.
author: Frederik Dietz |