| |
| java.lang.Object org.columba.mail.gui.composer.AttachmentController
AttachmentController | public AttachmentController(ComposerController controller)(Code) | | Creates the attachment controller.
Parameters: controller - the main composer controller. |
addFileAttachment | public void addFileAttachment()(Code) | | Opens up a file chooser and lets the user select the files to import.
addFileAttachment | public void addFileAttachment(File file)(Code) | | Attaches a file to the email as an attachment. This method accepts only
files and not directories.
Parameters: file - the file to attach to the email. |
delete | public void delete()(Code) | |
getActionListener | public ActionListener getActionListener()(Code) | | Returns the action listener for this attachment controller.
the action listener for this attachment controller. |
installListener | public void installListener()(Code) | | Installs this object as a listener to the view.
isCopyActionEnabled | public boolean isCopyActionEnabled()(Code) | |
isCutActionEnabled | public boolean isCutActionEnabled()(Code) | |
isDeleteActionEnabled | public boolean isDeleteActionEnabled()(Code) | |
isPasteActionEnabled | public boolean isPasteActionEnabled()(Code) | |
isRedoActionEnabled | public boolean isRedoActionEnabled()(Code) | |
isSelectAllActionEnabled | public boolean isSelectAllActionEnabled()(Code) | |
isUndoActionEnabled | public boolean isUndoActionEnabled()(Code) | |
paste | public void paste()(Code) | |
removeSelected | public void removeSelected()(Code) | | Removes the current selected attachments.
selectAll | public void selectAll()(Code) | |
updateComponents | public void updateComponents(boolean b)(Code) | | Synchronizes model and view.
Parameters: b - If true, model data is transferred to the view. If false, viewdata is saved in the model. |