| com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealmTest
CoadunationRealmTest | public class CoadunationRealmTest extends TestCase (Code) | | The coadunation coadunation realm test
author: brett |
Method Summary | |
protected void | setUp() | protected void | tearDown() | public void | testAuthenticate() Test of authenticate method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm. | public void | testGetName() Test of getName method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm. | public void | testGetPassword() Test of getPassword method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm. | public void | testGetPrincipal() Test of getPrincipal method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm. |
CoadunationRealmTest | public CoadunationRealmTest(String testName)(Code) | | |
testAuthenticate | public void testAuthenticate() throws Exception(Code) | | Test of authenticate method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm.
testGetName | public void testGetName()(Code) | | Test of getName method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm.
testGetPassword | public void testGetPassword()(Code) | | Test of getPassword method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm.
testGetPrincipal | public void testGetPrincipal()(Code) | | Test of getPrincipal method, of class com.rift.coad.daemon.tomcat.security.CoadunationRealm.