| java.lang.Object com.rift.coad.util.connection.ConnectionHandler
ConnectionHandler | public class ConnectionHandler implements InvocationHandler(Code) | | This object is responsible for controlling the Proxy wrapping of any RMI
classes in the connection manager.
author: Brett Chaldecott |
Method Summary | |
public Object | invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) This method performs the call on the rmi reference.
Parameters: proxy - The proxy that is making the call on this handler. Parameters: method - The method that is being called. Parameters: args - The arguments that are being called. |
ConnectionHandler | public ConnectionHandler(RMIConnection rmiConnection, Object rmiRef)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of ConnectionHandler.
Parameters: rmiConnection - The reference to the connection object. Parameters: rmiRef - The reference to the sub object to make the call onto. |
invoke | public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable(Code) | | This method performs the call on the rmi reference.
Parameters: proxy - The proxy that is making the call on this handler. Parameters: method - The method that is being called. Parameters: args - The arguments that are being called. Throwable. |