| com.rift.coad.web.admin.client.MXManagerAsync
MXManagerAsync | public interface MXManagerAsync (Code) | | This is the asynchronious interface for the mx manager.
author: brett chaldecott |
Method Summary | |
public void | getMXBeans(AsyncCallback asyncCallBack) This method returns the list of mx beans. | public void | getMethod(String objectName, String methodName, AsyncCallback asyncCallBack) This method returns definition of the method. | public void | getMethods(String name, AsyncCallback asyncCallBack) This method returns the list of methods. | public void | invokeMethod(String objectName, MethodDef method, AsyncCallback asyncCallBack) This method is called to invoke the daemon. |
getMXBeans | public void getMXBeans(AsyncCallback asyncCallBack)(Code) | | This method returns the list of mx beans.
Parameters: asynCallBack - The async call back |
getMethod | public void getMethod(String objectName, String methodName, AsyncCallback asyncCallBack)(Code) | | This method returns definition of the method.
Parameters: objectName - The name of the object. Parameters: methodName - The name of the method. Parameters: asynCallBack - The async call back |
getMethods | public void getMethods(String name, AsyncCallback asyncCallBack)(Code) | | This method returns the list of methods.
Parameters: name - The name of the object. Parameters: asynCallBack - The async call back |
invokeMethod | public void invokeMethod(String objectName, MethodDef method, AsyncCallback asyncCallBack)(Code) | | This method is called to invoke the daemon.
Parameters: objectName - The name of the object. Parameters: method - The method to call. Parameters: asynCallBack - The async call back |