| org.jgroups.stack.RpcProtocol org.jgroups.protocols.TOTAL_TOKEN
TOTAL_TOKEN | public class TOTAL_TOKEN extends RpcProtocol (Code) | |
Total order implementation based on
The Totem Single-Ring Ordering and Membership Protocol.
However, this is an adaption of algorithm mentioned in the research paper above since we reuse
our own membership protocol and failure detectors. Somewhat different flow control mechanism is
also implemented.
Token passing is done through reliable point-to-point udp channels provided by UNICAST layer.
Process groups nodes members are organized in a logical ring.
Total token layer doesn't need NAKACK nor STABLE layer beneath it since it implements it's own
retransmission and tracks stability of the messages from the information piggybacked on the
token itself.
For the typical protocol stack configuration used, see org.jgroups.demos.TotalTokenDemo and
total-token.xml configuration file provided with this distribution of JGroups.
author: Vladimir Blagojevic vladimir@cs.yorku.ca version: $Revision: 1.14 $ See Also: org.jgroups.protocols.ring.RingNodeFlowControl See Also: org.jgroups.protocols.ring.RingNode See Also: org.jgroups.protocols.ring.TcpRingNode See Also: org.jgroups.protocols.ring.UdpRingNode |
Inner Class :public static class TotalTokenHeader extends Header | |
Inner Class :public static class RingTokenHeader extends Header | |
blockSendingBacklogThreshold | int blockSendingBacklogThreshold(Code) | | |
highestSeenSeq | long highestSeenSeq(Code) | | |
isRecoveryLeader | volatile boolean isRecoveryLeader(Code) | | |
lastRoundTokensAru | long lastRoundTokensAru(Code) | | |
lastRoundTransmitCountlastRoundRebroadcastCount | int lastRoundTransmitCountlastRoundRebroadcastCount(Code) | | |
liveMembersInRecoverysuspects | SortedSet liveMembersInRecoverysuspects(Code) | | |
senderBlocked | boolean senderBlocked(Code) | | |
sleepTime | volatile int sleepTime(Code) | | |
threadCoordinationMutex | final Object threadCoordinationMutex(Code) | | |
threadDeliveringMessage | final boolean threadDeliveringMessage(Code) | | |
tokenCirculating | boolean tokenCirculating(Code) | | |
tokenInStack | final boolean tokenInStack(Code) | | |
tokenSeen | boolean tokenSeen(Code) | | |
unblockSendingBacklogThreshold | int unblockSendingBacklogThreshold(Code) | | |
getAllReceivedUpTo | public long getAllReceivedUpTo()(Code) | | |
handleDownEvent | public boolean handleDownEvent(Event evt)(Code) | | |
handleUpEvent | public boolean handleUpEvent(Event evt)(Code) | | |
installTransitionalView | public void installTransitionalView(Vector members)(Code) | | |
setProperties | public boolean setProperties(Properties props)(Code) | | Setup the Protocol instance acording to the configuration string
stop | public void stop()(Code) | | Overrides @org.jgroups.stack.MessageProtocol#stop().
updateView | protected void updateView(View newMembers)(Code) | | |
Methods inherited from org.jgroups.stack.RpcProtocol | public Object callRemoteMethod(Address dest, String method_name, int mode, long timeout) throws TimeoutException, SuspectedException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object callRemoteMethod(Address dest, String method_name, Object[] args, Class[] types, int mode, long timeout) throws TimeoutException, SuspectedException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object callRemoteMethod(Address dest, String method_name, Object[] args, String[] signature, int mode, long timeout) throws TimeoutException, SuspectedException(Code)(Java Doc) public Object callRemoteMethod(Address dest, MethodCall method_call, int mode, long timeout) throws TimeoutException, SuspectedException(Code)(Java Doc) public RspList callRemoteMethods(Vector dests, String method_name, Object[] args, Class[] types, int mode, long timeout)(Code)(Java Doc) public RspList callRemoteMethods(Vector dests, String method_name, Object[] args, String[] signature, int mode, long timeout)(Code)(Java Doc) public RspList callRemoteMethods(Vector dests, MethodCall method_call, int mode, long timeout)(Code)(Java Doc) public String getName()(Code)(Java Doc) public Object handle(Message req)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean handleDownEvent(Event evt)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean handleUpEvent(Event evt)(Code)(Java Doc)