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| java.lang.Object org.jgroups.tests.MessageDispatcherTestAsync
MessageDispatcherTestAsync | public class MessageDispatcherTestAsync implements RequestHandler(Code) | | Asynchronous example for MessageDispatcher; message is mcast to all members, responses are received
asynchronously by calling RspCollector.receiveResponse(). Message is periodically broadcast to all
members; handle() method is invoked whenever a message is received.
author: Bela Ban |
Inner Class :static class MyCollector implements RspCollector | |
cummulative | boolean cummulative(Code) | | |
done_submitted | boolean done_submitted(Code) | | |
MessageDispatcherTestAsync | public MessageDispatcherTestAsync(boolean debug, boolean cummulative)(Code) | | |
disconnect | public void disconnect()(Code) | | |