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Provides a small and fast bytecode manipulation framework.

The ASM framework is organized around the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor ClassVisitor}, {@link org.objectweb.asm.FieldVisitor FieldVisitor} and {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor MethodVisitor} interfaces, which allow one to visit the fields and methods of a class, including the bytecode instructions of each method.

In addition to these main interfaces, ASM provides a {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader ClassReader} class, that can parse an existing class and make a given visitor visit it. ASM also provides a {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter ClassWriter} class, which is a visitor that generates Java class files.

In order to generate a class from scratch, only the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter ClassWriter} class is necessary. Indeed, in order to generate a class, one must just call its visitXXX methods with the appropriate arguments to generate the desired fields and methods. See the "helloworld" example in the ASM distribution for more details about class generation.

In order to modify existing classes, one must use a {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassReader ClassReader} class to analyze the original class, a class modifier, and a {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter ClassWriter} to construct the modified class. The class modifier is just a {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor ClassVisitor} that delegates most of the work to another {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor ClassVisitor}, but that sometimes changes some parameter values, or call additional methods, in order to implement the desired modification process. In order to make it easier to implement such class modifiers, ASM provides the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassAdapter ClassAdapter} and {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodAdapter MethodAdapter} classes, which implement the {@link org.objectweb.asm.ClassVisitor ClassVisitor} and {@link org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor MethodVisitor} interfaces by delegating all work to other visitors. See the "adapt" example in the ASM distribution for more details about class modification.

The size of the core ASM library, asm.jar, is only 42KB, which is much smaller than the size of the BCEL library (504KB), and than the size of the SERP library (150KB). ASM is also much faster than these tools. Indeed the overhead of a load time class transformation process is of the order of 60% with ASM, 700% or more with BCEL, and 1100% or more with SERP (see the test/perf directory in the ASM distribution)! @since ASM 1.3

Java Source File NameTypeComment
AnnotationVisitor.javaInterface A visitor to visit a Java annotation.
AnnotationWriter.javaClass An AnnotationVisitor that generates annotations in bytecode form.
Attribute.javaClass A non standard class, field, method or code attribute.
ByteVector.javaClass A dynamically extensible vector of bytes.
ClassAdapter.javaClass An empty ClassVisitor that delegates to another ClassVisitor .
ClassReader.javaClass A Java class parser to make a ClassVisitor visit an existing class.
ClassVisitor.javaInterface A visitor to visit a Java class.
ClassWriter.javaClass A ClassVisitor that generates classes in bytecode form.
Edge.javaClass An edge in the control flow graph of a method body.
FieldVisitor.javaInterface A visitor to visit a Java field.
FieldWriter.javaClass An FieldVisitor that generates Java fields in bytecode form.
Frame.javaClass Information about the input and output stack map frames of a basic block.
Handler.javaClass Information about an exception handler block.
Item.javaClass A constant pool item.
Label.javaClass A label represents a position in the bytecode of a method.
MethodAdapter.javaClass An empty MethodVisitor that delegates to another MethodVisitor .
MethodVisitor.javaInterface A visitor to visit a Java method.
MethodWriter.javaClass A MethodVisitor that generates methods in bytecode form.
Opcodes.javaInterface Defines the JVM opcodes, access flags and array type codes.
Type.javaClass A Java type. | Contact Us
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