| |
| com.tc.io.TCByteBufferInput
All known Subclasses: com.tc.io.TCByteBufferInputStream,
available | public int available()(Code) | | |
close | public void close()(Code) | | |
duplicate | public TCByteBufferInput duplicate()(Code) | | Duplicate this stream. The resulting stream will share data with the source stream (ie. no copying), but the two
streams will have independent read positions. The read position of the result stream will initially be the same as
the source stream
duplicateAndLimit | public TCByteBufferInput duplicateAndLimit(int limit)(Code) | | Effectively the same thing as calling duplicate().limit(int), but potentially creating far less garbage (depending
on the size difference between the original stream and the slice you want)
getTotalLength | public int getTotalLength()(Code) | | |
limit | public TCDataInput limit(int limit)(Code) | | Artificially limit the length of this input stream starting at the current read position. This operation is
destructive to the stream contents (ie. data trimmed off by setting limit can never be read with this stream).
mark | public void mark(int readlimit)(Code) | | |
markSupported | public boolean markSupported()(Code) | | |
read | public int read(byte[] b)(Code) | | |
reset | public void reset()(Code) | | |
skip | public long skip(long skip)(Code) | | |
tcReset | public void tcReset()(Code) | | Reset this input stream to the position recorded by the last call to mark(). This method discards the previous
value of the mark
throws: IOException - if mark() has never been called on this stream |