| java.lang.Object com.tc.object.RemoteObjectManagerImpl
RemoteObjectManagerImpl | public class RemoteObjectManagerImpl implements RemoteObjectManager(Code) | | This class is a kludge but I think it will do the trick for now. It is responsible for any communications to the
server for object retrieval and removal
addObject | synchronized void addObject(DNA dna)(Code) | | |
clear | public synchronized void clear()(Code) | | |
getDNACacheSize | synchronized int getDNACacheSize()(Code) | | |
objectsNotFoundFor | public synchronized void objectsNotFoundFor(SessionID sessionID, long batchID, Set missingOIDs)(Code) | | |
pause | public synchronized void pause()(Code) | | |
requestOutstanding | public synchronized void requestOutstanding()(Code) | | |
starting | public synchronized void starting()(Code) | | |
unpause | public synchronized void unpause()(Code) | | |