| java.lang.Object com.tcspring.AopProxyFactoryProtocol
AopProxyFactoryProtocol | public class AopProxyFactoryProtocol (Code) | | Intercepts the Spring AOP proxy creation and returns a FastProxy instead - falls back to regular creation upon failure
or if some requirements are not fulfilled.
author: Jonas Bonér |
Inner Class :public static class BeanFactoryAwareMixin implements BeanFactoryAware | |
createAopProxy | public Object createAopProxy(StaticJoinPoint jp, AdvisedSupport proxyFactory) throws Throwable(Code) | | Around advice that is intercepting the pointcut:
execution(* org.springframework.aop.framework.AopProxyFactory+.createAopProxy(..)) && args(proxyFactory)
saveBeanFactory | public void saveBeanFactory(BeanFactoryAware bean, BeanFactory beanFactory) throws Throwable(Code) | | Advises PCD: before(execution(void saveBeanFactory(..)) && args(beanFactory) && this(bean))