| java.lang.Object net.sf.ehcache.CacheTC
CacheTC | public class CacheTC implements Ehcache(Code) | | This is a modification of the Ehcache net.sf.ehcache.Cache.java class, which is under the Apache open source license.
In this implementation, DiskStore is not supported, and thus, most synchronized are removed since the memory store
methods are being synchronized.
Constructor Summary | |
public | CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, boolean overflowToDisk, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds) 1.0 Constructor. | public | CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, boolean overflowToDisk, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds) 1.1 Constructor. | public | CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners) 1.2 Constructor The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. | public | CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners, BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) 1.2.1 Constructor The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. | public | CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners, BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader, int maxElementsOnDisk) 1.2.4 Constructor The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. | public | CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners, BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader, int maxElementsOnDisk, int diskSpoolBufferSizeMB) |
Method Summary | |
public void | bootstrap() Bootstrap command. | final public long | calculateInMemorySize() Gets the size of the memory store for this cache. | public synchronized void | clearStatistics() Resets statistics counters back to 0. | final public Object | clone() Clones a cache. | public static CacheTC | convert(Ehcache cache) | public void | dispose() Flushes all cache items from memory to auxilliary caches and close the auxilliary caches. | public boolean | equals(Object object) An equals method which follows the contract of
Object.equals(Object) Parameters: object - the reference object with which to compare. | public void | evictExpiredElements() Causes all elements stored in the Cache to be synchronously checked for expiry, and if expired, evicted. | final public void | flush() Flushes all cache items from memory to the disk store, and from the DiskStore to disk. | final public Element | get(Serializable key) Gets an element from the cache. | final public Element | get(Object key) Gets an element from the cache. | public BootstrapCacheLoader | getBootstrapCacheLoader() Accessor for the BootstrapCacheLoader associated with this cache. | public CacheConfiguration | getCacheConfiguration() | final public RegisteredEventListeners | getCacheEventNotificationService() | final public CacheManager | getCacheManager() Gets the CacheManager managing this cache. | final public long | getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds() the interval between runs of the expiry thread, where it checks the disk store for expired elements. | final public int | getDiskStoreHitCount() Number of times a requested item was found in the Disk Store. | final public int | getDiskStoreSize() Returns the number of elements in the disk store. | final public String | getGuid() The GUID for this cache instance can be used to determine whether two cache instance references are pointing to the
same cache.
the globally unique identifier for this cache instance. | final public int | getHitCount() The number of times a requested item was found in the cache. | final public List | getKeys() Returns a list of all element keys in the cache, whether or not they are expired. | final public List | getKeysNoDuplicateCheck() Returns a list of all elements in the cache, whether or not they are expired. | final public List | getKeysWithExpiryCheck() Returns a list of all element keys in the cache. | final public int | getMaxElementsInMemory() Gets the maximum number of elements to hold in memory. | public int | getMaxElementsOnDisk() | final MemoryStore | getMemoryStore() Gets the internal MemoryStore. | final public MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy | getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy() The policy used to evict elements from the
net.sf.ehcache.store.MemoryStore . | final public int | getMemoryStoreHitCount() Number of times a requested item was found in the Memory Store. | final public long | getMemoryStoreSize() Returns the number of elements in the memory store. | final public int | getMissCountExpired() Number of times a requested element was found but was expired. | final public int | getMissCountNotFound() Number of times a requested element was not found in the cache. | final public String | getName() Gets the cache name. | final public Element | getQuiet(Serializable key) Gets an element from the cache, without updating Element statistics. | final public Element | getQuiet(Object key) Gets an element from the cache, without updating Element statistics. | final public int | getSize() Gets the size of the cache. | public Statistics | getStatistics() Note, the
CacheTC.getSize method will have the same value as the size reported by Statistics
for the statistics accuracy of
Statistics.STATISTICS_ACCURACY_BEST_EFFORT . | public int | getStatisticsAccuracy() Accurately measuring statistics can be expensive. | final public Status | getStatus() Gets the status attribute of the Cache. | final public long | getTimeToIdleSeconds() Gets timeToIdleSeconds. | final public long | getTimeToLiveSeconds() Gets timeToLiveSeconds. | public int | hashCode() Returns a hash code value for the object. | public void | initialise() Newly created caches do not have a
net.sf.ehcache.store.MemoryStore or a
net.sf.ehcache.store.DiskStore . | final public boolean | isDiskPersistent() | final public boolean | isElementInMemory(Serializable key) Whether an Element is stored in the cache in Memory, indicating a very low cost of retrieval. | final public boolean | isElementInMemory(Object key) Whether an Element is stored in the cache in Memory, indicating a very low cost of retrieval. | final public boolean | isElementOnDisk(Serializable key) Whether an Element is stored in the cache on Disk, indicating a higher cost of retrieval. | final public boolean | isElementOnDisk(Object key) Whether an Element is stored in the cache on Disk, indicating a higher cost of retrieval. | final public boolean | isEternal() Are elements eternal. | final public boolean | isExpired(Element element) Checks whether this cache element has expired. | public boolean | isKeyInCache(Object key) An inexpensive check to see if the key exists in the cache. | final public boolean | isOverflowToDisk() Does the overflow go to disk. | public boolean | isValueInCache(Object value) An extremely expensive check to see if the value exists in the cache. | final public void | put(Element element) Put an element in the cache. | final public void | put(Element element, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) Put an element in the cache. | final public void | putQuiet(Element element) Put an element in the cache, without updating statistics, or updating listeners. | final public boolean | remove(Serializable key) Removes an
Element from the Cache. | final public boolean | remove(Object key) Removes an
Element from the Cache. | final public boolean | remove(Serializable key, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) Removes an
Element from the Cache. | final public boolean | remove(Object key, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) Removes an
Element from the Cache. | public void | removeAll() Removes all cached items. | public void | removeAll(boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) Removes all cached items. | final public boolean | removeQuiet(Serializable key) Removes an
Element from the Cache, without notifying listeners. | final public boolean | removeQuiet(Object key) Removes an
Element from the Cache, without notifying listeners. | public void | setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) Sets the bootstrap cache loader. | public void | setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager) For use by CacheManager. | public void | setDiskStorePath(String diskStorePath) DiskStore paths can conflict between CacheManager instances. | final public void | setName(String name) Sets the cache name which will name.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache. | public void | setStatisticsAccuracy(int statisticsAccuracy) Sets the statistics accuracy. | final public String | toString() Returns a
String representation of
CacheTC . |
DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME | final public static String DEFAULT_CACHE_NAME(Code) | | A reserved word for cache names. It denotes a default configuration which is applied to caches created without
DEFAULT_EXPIRY_THREAD_INTERVAL_SECONDS | final public static long DEFAULT_EXPIRY_THREAD_INTERVAL_SECONDS(Code) | | The default interval between runs of the expiry thread.
NET_SF_EHCACHE_DISABLED | final public static String NET_SF_EHCACHE_DISABLED(Code) | | System Property based method of disabling ehcache. If disabled no elements will be added to a cache. Set the
property "net.sf.ehcache.disabled=true" to disable ehcache. This can easily be done using
java -Dnet.sf.ehcache.disabled=true in the command line.
CacheTC | public CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, boolean overflowToDisk, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds)(Code) | | 1.0 Constructor. The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. A
client can specify their own settings here and pass the
CacheTC object into
CacheManager.addCache to specify parameters other than the defaults. Only the CacheManager can initialise them. This
constructor creates disk stores, if specified, that do not persist between restarts. The default expiry thread
interval of 120 seconds is used. This is the interval between runs of the expiry thread, where it checks the disk
store for expired elements. It is not the the timeToLiveSeconds.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache Parameters: maxElementsInMemory - the maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted Parameters: overflowToDisk - whether to use the disk store; always false Parameters: eternal - whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire; always false Parameters: timeToLiveSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its creation date Parameters: timeToIdleSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date since: 1.0 |
CacheTC | public CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, boolean overflowToDisk, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds)(Code) | | 1.1 Constructor. The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. A
client can specify their own settings here and pass the
CacheTC object into
CacheManager.addCache to specify parameters other than the defaults. Only the CacheManager can initialise them.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache Parameters: maxElementsInMemory - the maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted Parameters: overflowToDisk - whether to use the disk store; always false Parameters: eternal - whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire; always false Parameters: timeToLiveSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its creation date Parameters: timeToIdleSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date Parameters: diskPersistent - whether to persist the cache to disk between JVM restarts; always false Parameters: diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds - how often to run the disk store expiry thread. A large number of 120 secondsplus is recommended since: 1.1 |
CacheTC | public CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners)(Code) | | 1.2 Constructor The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. A
client can specify their own settings here and pass the
CacheTC object into
CacheManager.addCache to specify parameters other than the defaults. Only the CacheManager can initialise them.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache Parameters: maxElementsInMemory - the maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted Parameters: memoryStoreEvictionPolicy - always uses DSO. Parameters: overflowToDisk - whether to use the disk store; always false Parameters: diskStorePath - this parameter is ignored. CacheManager sets it using setter injection. Parameters: eternal - whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire; always false Parameters: timeToLiveSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its creation date Parameters: timeToIdleSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date Parameters: diskPersistent - whether to persist the cache to disk between JVM restarts; always false Parameters: diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds - how often to run the disk store expiry thread. A large number of 120 secondsplus is recommended Parameters: registeredEventListeners - a notification service. Optionally null, in which case a new one with no registeredlisteners will be created. since: 1.2 |
CacheTC | public CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners, BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader)(Code) | | 1.2.1 Constructor The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. A
client can specify their own settings here and pass the
CacheTC object into
CacheManager.addCache to specify parameters other than the defaults. Only the CacheManager can initialise them.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache Parameters: maxElementsInMemory - the maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted Parameters: memoryStoreEvictionPolicy - always uses DSO. Parameters: overflowToDisk - whether to use the disk store; always false Parameters: diskStorePath - this parameter is ignored. CacheManager sets it using setter injection. Parameters: eternal - whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire; always false Parameters: timeToLiveSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its creation date Parameters: timeToIdleSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date Parameters: diskPersistent - whether to persist the cache to disk between JVM restarts; always false Parameters: diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds - how often to run the disk store expiry thread. A large number of 120 secondsplus is recommended Parameters: registeredEventListeners - a notification service. Optionally null, in which case a new one with no registeredlisteners will be created. Parameters: bootstrapCacheLoader - the BootstrapCacheLoader to use to populate the cache when it is first initialised.Null if none is required. since: 1.2.1 |
CacheTC | public CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners, BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader, int maxElementsOnDisk)(Code) | | 1.2.4 Constructor The
net.sf.ehcache.config.ConfigurationFactory and clients can create these. A
client can specify their own settings here and pass the
CacheTC object into
CacheManager.addCache to specify parameters other than the defaults. Only the CacheManager can initialise them.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache Parameters: maxElementsInMemory - the maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted Parameters: memoryStoreEvictionPolicy - always uses DSO. Parameters: overflowToDisk - whether to use the disk store; always false Parameters: diskStorePath - this parameter is ignored. CacheManager sets it using setter injection. Parameters: eternal - whether the elements in the cache are eternal, i.e. never expire; always false Parameters: timeToLiveSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its creation date Parameters: timeToIdleSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date Parameters: diskPersistent - whether to persist the cache to disk between JVM restarts; always false Parameters: diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds - how often to run the disk store expiry thread. A large number of 120 secondsplus is recommended Parameters: registeredEventListeners - a notification service. Optionally null, in which case a new one with no registeredlisteners will be created. Parameters: bootstrapCacheLoader - the BootstrapCacheLoader to use to populate the cache when it is first initialised.Null if none is required. since: 1.2.4 |
CacheTC | public CacheTC(String name, int maxElementsInMemory, MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy, boolean overflowToDisk, String diskStorePath, boolean eternal, long timeToLiveSeconds, long timeToIdleSeconds, boolean diskPersistent, long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds, RegisteredEventListeners registeredEventListeners, BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader, int maxElementsOnDisk, int diskSpoolBufferSizeMB)(Code) | | |
bootstrap | public void bootstrap()(Code) | | Bootstrap command. This must be called after the Cache is intialised, during CacheManager initialisation. If loads
are synchronous, they will complete before the CacheManager initialise completes, otherwise they will happen in the
calculateInMemorySize | final public long calculateInMemorySize() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Gets the size of the memory store for this cache. This method relies on calculating Serialized sizes. If the
Element values are not Serializable they will show as zero. Warning: This method can be very expensive to run.
Allow approximately 1 second per 1MB of entries. Running this method could create liveness problems because the
object lock is held for a long period
the approximate size of the memory store in bytes throws: IllegalStateException - |
clone | final public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException(Code) | | Clones a cache. This is only legal if the cache has not been initialized. At that point only primitives have been
set and no
net.sf.ehcache.store.LruMemoryStore or
net.sf.ehcache.store.DiskStore has been created.
A new, empty, RegisteredEventListeners is created on clone.
an object of type CacheTC throws: CloneNotSupportedException - |
dispose | public void dispose() throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Flushes all cache items from memory to auxilliary caches and close the auxilliary caches. Should be invoked
only by CacheManager.
throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
evictExpiredElements | public void evictExpiredElements()(Code) | | Causes all elements stored in the Cache to be synchronously checked for expiry, and if expired, evicted.
flush | final public void flush() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Flushes all cache items from memory to the disk store, and from the DiskStore to disk.
throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
get | final public Element get(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Gets an element from the cache. Updates Element Statistics Note that the Element's lastAccessTime is always
the time of this get. Use
CacheTC.getQuiet(Object) to peak into the Element to see its last access time with get
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - a serializable value the element, or null, if it does not exist. throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE See Also: CacheTC.isExpired |
get | final public Element get(Object key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Gets an element from the cache. Updates Element Statistics Note that the Element's lastAccessTime is always
the time of this get. Use
CacheTC.getQuiet(Object) to peak into the Element to see its last access time with get
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - an Object value the element, or null, if it does not exist. throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE See Also: CacheTC.isExpired since: 1.2 |
getBootstrapCacheLoader | public BootstrapCacheLoader getBootstrapCacheLoader()(Code) | | Accessor for the BootstrapCacheLoader associated with this cache. For testing purposes.
getCacheConfiguration | public CacheConfiguration getCacheConfiguration()(Code) | | |
getCacheEventNotificationService | final public RegisteredEventListeners getCacheEventNotificationService()(Code) | | Use this to access the service in order to register and unregister listeners
the RegisteredEventListeners instance for this cache. |
getCacheManager | final public CacheManager getCacheManager()(Code) | | Gets the CacheManager managing this cache. For a newly created cache this will be null until it has been added to a
the manager or null if there is none |
getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds | final public long getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds()(Code) | | the interval between runs of the expiry thread, where it checks the disk store for expired elements. It isnot the the timeToLiveSeconds. |
getDiskStoreHitCount | final public int getDiskStoreHitCount()(Code) | | Number of times a requested item was found in the Disk Store. The internal representation of this statistic
has been changed to a long to cater for real world situations when an int is not sufficient to hold it. If the
statistic is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE a nonsensical value will be returned. Use
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics which contains this statistic.
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics |
getDiskStoreSize | final public int getDiskStoreSize() throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Returns the number of elements in the disk store.
the number of elements in the disk store. throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
getGuid | final public String getGuid()(Code) | | The GUID for this cache instance can be used to determine whether two cache instance references are pointing to the
same cache.
the globally unique identifier for this cache instance. This is guaranteed to be unique. since: 1.2 |
getHitCount | final public int getHitCount()(Code) | | The number of times a requested item was found in the cache. The internal representation of this statistic has
been changed to a long to cater for real world situations when an int is not sufficient to hold it. If the
statistic is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE a nonsensical value will be returned. Use
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics which contains this statistic.
the number of times a requested item was found in the cachenet.sf.ehcache.Statistics |
getKeys | final public List getKeys() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Returns a list of all element keys in the cache, whether or not they are expired. The returned keys are unique
and can be considered a set. The List returned is not live. It is a copy. The time taken is O(n). On a
single cpu 1.8Ghz P4, approximately 8ms is required for each 1000 entries.
a list of Object keys throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
getKeysNoDuplicateCheck | final public List getKeysNoDuplicateCheck() throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Returns a list of all elements in the cache, whether or not they are expired. The returned keys are not unique
and may contain duplicates. If the cache is only using the memory store, the list will be unique. If the disk store
is being used as well, it will likely contain duplicates, because of the internal store design. The List
returned is not live. It is a copy. The time taken is O(log n). On a single cpu 1.8Ghz P4, approximately 6ms
is required for 1000 entries and 36 for 50000. This is the fastest getKeys method
a list of Object keys throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
getKeysWithExpiryCheck | final public List getKeysWithExpiryCheck() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Returns a list of all element keys in the cache. Only keys of non-expired elements are returned. The returned
keys are unique and can be considered a set. The List returned is not live. It is a copy. The time taken
is O(n), where n is the number of elements in the cache. On a 1.8Ghz P4, the time taken is approximately 200ms per
1000 entries. This method is not syncrhonized, because it relies on a non-live list returned from
CacheTC.getKeys() , which is synchronised, and which takes 8ms per 1000 entries. This way cache liveness is
preserved, even if this method is very slow to return. Consider whether your usage requires checking for
expired keys. Because this method takes so long, depending on cache settings, the list could be quite out of date
by the time you get it.
a list of Object keys throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
getMaxElementsInMemory | final public int getMaxElementsInMemory()(Code) | | Gets the maximum number of elements to hold in memory.
getMaxElementsOnDisk | public int getMaxElementsOnDisk()(Code) | | Gets the maximum number of elements to hold on Disk
getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy | final public MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy()(Code) | | The policy used to evict elements from the
net.sf.ehcache.store.MemoryStore . This can be one of:
- LRU - least recently used
- LFU - least frequently used
- FIFO - first in first out, the oldest element by creation time
The default value is LRU
since: 1.2 |
getMemoryStoreHitCount | final public int getMemoryStoreHitCount()(Code) | | Number of times a requested item was found in the Memory Store. The internal representation of this statistic
has been changed to a long to cater for real world situations when an int is not sufficient to hold it. If the
statistic is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE a nonsensical value will be returned. Use
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics which contains this statistic.
Number of times a requested item was found in the Memory Store.net.sf.ehcache.Statistics |
getMemoryStoreSize | final public long getMemoryStoreSize() throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Returns the number of elements in the memory store.
the number of elements in the memory store throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
getMissCountExpired | final public int getMissCountExpired()(Code) | | Number of times a requested element was found but was expired. The internal representation of this statistic
has been changed to a long to cater for real world situations when an int is not sufficient to hold it. If the
statistic is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE a nonsensical value will be returned. Use
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics which contains this statistic.
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics |
getMissCountNotFound | final public int getMissCountNotFound()(Code) | | Number of times a requested element was not found in the cache. This may be because it expired, in which case this
will also be recorded in
CacheTC.getMissCountExpired , or because it was simply not there. The internal
representation of this statistic has been changed to a long to cater for real world situations when an int is not
sufficient to hold it. If the statistic is larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE a nonsensical value will be
returned. Use
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics which contains this statistic.
net.sf.ehcache.Statistics |
getName | final public String getName()(Code) | | Gets the cache name.
getQuiet | final public Element getQuiet(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Gets an element from the cache, without updating Element statistics. Cache statistics are still updated.
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - a serializable value the element, or null, if it does not exist. throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE See Also: CacheTC.isExpired |
getQuiet | final public Element getQuiet(Object key) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Gets an element from the cache, without updating Element statistics. Cache statistics are not updated.
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - a serializable value the element, or null, if it does not exist. throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE See Also: CacheTC.isExpired since: 1.2 |
getSize | final public int getSize() throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Gets the size of the cache. This is a subtle concept. See below. The size is the number of
Element s
in the
MemoryStore plus the number of
Element s in the
DiskStore . This number is the
actual number of elements, including expired elements that have not been removed. Expired elements are removed
from the the memory store when getting an expired element, or when attempting to spool an expired element to disk.
Expired elements are removed from the disk store when getting an expired element, or when the expiry thread
runs, which is once every five minutes. To get an exact size, which would exclude expired elements, use
CacheTC.getKeysWithExpiryCheck() .size(), although see that method for the approximate time that would take.
To get a very fast result, use
CacheTC.getKeysNoDuplicateCheck() .size(). If the disk store is being used, there
will be some duplicates.
The size value throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
getStatistics | public Statistics getStatistics() throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Note, the
CacheTC.getSize method will have the same value as the size reported by Statistics
for the statistics accuracy of
getStatisticsAccuracy | public int getStatisticsAccuracy()(Code) | | Accurately measuring statistics can be expensive. Returns the current accuracy setting.
getStatus | final public Status getStatus()(Code) | | Gets the status attribute of the Cache.
The status value from the Status enum class |
getTimeToIdleSeconds | final public long getTimeToIdleSeconds()(Code) | | Gets timeToIdleSeconds.
getTimeToLiveSeconds | final public long getTimeToLiveSeconds()(Code) | | Gets timeToLiveSeconds.
hashCode | public int hashCode()(Code) | | Returns a hash code value for the object. This method is supported for the benefit of hashtables such as those
provided by java.util.Hashtable . The general contract of hashCode is:
- Whenever it is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, the
hashCode method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in
equals comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution
of an application to another execution of the same application.
- If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the
hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
- It is not required that if two objects are unequal according to the
Object.equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer
results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may
improve the performance of hashtables.
As much as is reasonably practical, the hashCode method defined by class Object does return
distinct integers for distinct objects. (This is typically implemented by converting the internal address of the
object into an integer, but this implementation technique is not required by the JavaTM
programming language.) This implementation use the GUID of the cache.
a hash code value for this object. See Also: Object.equals(Object) See Also: java.util.Hashtable |
initialise | public void initialise()(Code) | | Newly created caches do not have a
net.sf.ehcache.store.MemoryStore or a
net.sf.ehcache.store.DiskStore . This method creates those and makes the cache ready to accept
isDiskPersistent | final public boolean isDiskPersistent()(Code) | | true if the cache overflows to disk and the disk is persistent between restarts |
isElementInMemory | final public boolean isElementInMemory(Serializable key)(Code) | | Whether an Element is stored in the cache in Memory, indicating a very low cost of retrieval.
true if an element matching the key is found in memory |
isElementInMemory | final public boolean isElementInMemory(Object key)(Code) | | Whether an Element is stored in the cache in Memory, indicating a very low cost of retrieval.
true if an element matching the key is found in memory since: 1.2 |
isElementOnDisk | final public boolean isElementOnDisk(Serializable key)(Code) | | Whether an Element is stored in the cache on Disk, indicating a higher cost of retrieval.
true if an element matching the key is found in the diskStore |
isElementOnDisk | final public boolean isElementOnDisk(Object key)(Code) | | Whether an Element is stored in the cache on Disk, indicating a higher cost of retrieval.
true if an element matching the key is found in the diskStore since: 1.2 |
isEternal | final public boolean isEternal()(Code) | | Are elements eternal.
isExpired | final public boolean isExpired(Element element) throws IllegalStateException, NullPointerException(Code) | | Checks whether this cache element has expired. The element is expired if:
- the idle time is non-zero and has elapsed, unless the cache is eternal; or
- the time to live is non-zero and has elapsed, unless the cache is eternal; or
- the value of the element is null.
true if it has expired throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE throws: NullPointerException - if the element is null |
isKeyInCache | public boolean isKeyInCache(Object key)(Code) | | An inexpensive check to see if the key exists in the cache. This method is not synchronized. It is possible
that an element may exist in the cache aned be removed before the check gets to it, or vice versa.
Parameters: key - the key to check. true if an Element matching the key is found in the cache. No assertions are made about the state of theElement. |
isOverflowToDisk | final public boolean isOverflowToDisk()(Code) | | Does the overflow go to disk.
isValueInCache | public boolean isValueInCache(Object value)(Code) | | An extremely expensive check to see if the value exists in the cache. This implementation is O(n). Ehcache is not
designed for efficient access in this manner. This method is not synchronized. It is possible that an element
may exist in the cache aned be removed before the check gets to it, or vice versa. Because it is slow to execute
the probability of that this will have happened.
Parameters: value - to check for true if an Element matching the key is found in the cache. No assertions are made about the state of theElement. |
put | final public void put(Element element) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Put an element in the cache. Resets the access statistics on the element, which would be the case if it has
previously been gotten from a cache, and is now being put back. Also notifies the CacheEventListener that:
- the element was put, but only if the Element was actually put.
- if the element exists in the cache, that an update has occurred, even if the element would be expired if it
was requested
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: element - An object. If Serializable it can fully participate in replication and the DiskStore. throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the element is null |
put | final public void put(Element element, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Put an element in the cache. Resets the access statistics on the element, which would be the case if it has
previously been gotten from a cache, and is now being put back. Also notifies the CacheEventListener that:
- the element was put, but only if the Element was actually put.
- if the element exists in the cache, that an update has occurred, even if the element would be expired if it
was requested
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: element - An object. If Serializable it can fully participate in replication and the DiskStore. Parameters: doNotNotifyCacheReplicators - whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer, inwhich case this put should not initiate a further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the element is null |
remove | final public boolean remove(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Removes an
Element from the Cache. This also removes it from any stores it may be in. Also notifies
the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element with the key actually existed.
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - the element key to operate on true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
remove | final public boolean remove(Object key) throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Removes an
Element from the Cache. This also removes it from any stores it may be in. Also notifies
the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element with the key actually existed.
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - the element key to operate on true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE since: 1.2 |
remove | final public boolean remove(Serializable key, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Removes an
Element from the Cache. This also removes it from any stores it may be in. Also notifies
the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element with the key actually existed.
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - the element key to operate on Parameters: doNotNotifyCacheReplicators - whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer, inwhich case this put should not initiate a further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
remove | final public boolean remove(Object key, boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Removes an
Element from the Cache. This also removes it from any stores it may be in. Also notifies
the CacheEventListener after the element was removed, but only if an Element with the key actually existed.
Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - the element key to operate on Parameters: doNotNotifyCacheReplicators - whether the put is coming from a doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peer, inwhich case this put should not initiate a further notification to doNotNotifyCacheReplicators cache peers true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
removeAll | public void removeAll(boolean doNotNotifyCacheReplicators) throws IllegalStateException, CacheException(Code) | | Removes all cached items. Synchronization is handled within the method.
throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
removeQuiet | final public boolean removeQuiet(Serializable key) throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Removes an
Element from the Cache, without notifying listeners. This also removes it from any stores it may
be in. Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - the element key to operate on true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE |
removeQuiet | final public boolean removeQuiet(Object key) throws IllegalStateException(Code) | | Removes an
Element from the Cache, without notifying listeners. This also removes it from any stores it may
be in. Synchronization is handled within the method.
Parameters: key - the element key to operate on true if the element was removed, false if it was not found in the cache throws: IllegalStateException - if the cache is not Status.STATUS_ALIVE since: 1.2 |
setBootstrapCacheLoader | public void setBootstrapCacheLoader(BootstrapCacheLoader bootstrapCacheLoader) throws CacheException(Code) | | Sets the bootstrap cache loader.
Parameters: bootstrapCacheLoader - the loader to be used throws: CacheException - if this method is called after the cache is initialized |
setCacheManager | public void setCacheManager(CacheManager cacheManager)(Code) | | For use by CacheManager.
Parameters: cacheManager - the CacheManager for this cache to use. |
setDiskStorePath | public void setDiskStorePath(String diskStorePath) throws CacheException(Code) | | DiskStore paths can conflict between CacheManager instances. This method allows the path to be changed.
Parameters: diskStorePath - the new path to be used. throws: CacheException - if this method is called after the cache is initialized |
setName | final public void setName(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code) | | Sets the cache name which will name.
Parameters: name - the name of the cache. Should not be null. Should also not contain any '/' characters, as theseinterfere with distribution throws: IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal name is used. |
setStatisticsAccuracy | public void setStatisticsAccuracy(int statisticsAccuracy)(Code) | | Sets the statistics accuracy.