| net.sf.jftp.gui.base.dir.DirPanel net.sf.jftp.gui.base.dir.DirComponent net.sf.jftp.gui.base.RemoteDir
RemoteDir | public RemoteDir()(Code) | | RemoteDir constructor.
RemoteDir | public RemoteDir(String path)(Code) | | RemoteDir constructor.
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)(Code) | | Handles the user events if the ui is unlocked
actionPerformed | public void actionPerformed(Object target, String msg)(Code) | | Called by FtpConnection
blockedTransfer | public synchronized void blockedTransfer(int index)(Code) | | Initiate a tranfer with ui locking enabled
connectionInitialized | public void connectionInitialized(BasicConnection con)(Code) | | Called by FtpConnection
fresh | public void fresh()(Code) | | Do a hard UI refresh - do no longe call this directly, use
safeUpdate() instead if possible.
gui | public void gui(boolean fakeInit)(Code) | | Part of a gui refresh.
There's no need to call this by hand.
gui_init | public void gui_init()(Code) | | Creates the gui and adds the MouseListener etc.
lock | public void lock(boolean first)(Code) | | Lock the gui.
setDirList | public void setDirList(boolean fakeInit)(Code) | | List directory and create/update the whole file list.
There's no need to call this by hand.
setViewPort | public void setViewPort()(Code) | | |
showContentWindow | public void showContentWindow(String url, DirEntry d)(Code) | | Mime type handler for doubleclicks on files
startTransfer | public void startTransfer(DirEntry entry)(Code) | | Start a file transfer.
Depending on the local and remote connection types some things like
local working directory have to be set, resuming may have to be checked etc.
As with ftp to ftp transfers the action used to download a file might actually be
an upload.
WARNING: If you do anything here, please check LocalDir.startTransfer(), too!
transfer | public synchronized void transfer()(Code) | | Transfers all selected files
transfer | public void transfer(int i)(Code) | | Transfers single file, or all selected files if index is -1
unlock | public void unlock(boolean first)(Code) | | Unlock the gui.
updateProgress | public void updateProgress(String file, String type, long bytes)(Code) | | Called by FtpConnection, DownloadList is updated from here