Class used to markup highlighted terms found in the best sections of a
text, using configurable
Fragmenter ,
Scorer ,
Formatter ,
Encoder and tokenizers.
Scorer implementation which scores text fragments by the number of unique query terms found.
This class uses the
QueryTermExtractor class to process determine the query terms and
their boosts to be used.
Utility class used to extract the terms used in a query, plus any weights.
This class will not find terms for MultiTermQuery, RangeQuery and PrefixQuery classes
so the caller must pass a rewritten query (see Query.rewrite) to obtain a list of
expanded terms.
Hides implementation issues associated with obtaining a TokenStream for use with
the higlighter - can obtain from TermFreqVectors with offsets and (optionally) positions or
from Analyzer class reparsing the stored content.