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| org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.TestPerfTasksLogic
TestPerfTasksLogic | public class TestPerfTasksLogic extends TestCase (Code) | | Test very simply that perf tasks - simple algorithms - are doing what they should.
TestPerfTasksLogic | public TestPerfTasksLogic(String name)(Code) | | Parameters: name - test name |
testExhaustDocMaker | public void testExhaustDocMaker() throws Exception(Code) | | Test Exhasting Doc Maker logic
testExhaustedLooped | public void testExhaustedLooped() throws Exception(Code) | | Test that exhaust in loop works as expected (LUCENE-1115).
testIndexAndSearchTasks | public void testIndexAndSearchTasks() throws Exception(Code) | | Test index creation logic
testLineDocFile | public void testLineDocFile() throws Exception(Code) | | Test WriteLineDoc and LineDocMaker.
testParallelDocMaker | public void testParallelDocMaker() throws Exception(Code) | | Test Parallel Doc Maker logic (for LUCENE-940)
testParallelExhausted | public void testParallelExhausted() throws Exception(Code) | | Test that " {[AddDoc(4000)]: 4} : * " works corrcetly (for LUCENE-941)
testReadTokens | public void testReadTokens() throws Exception(Code) | | Test ReadTokensTask