| java.lang.Object com.sun.pdfview.NameTree
NameTree | public class NameTree (Code) | | A PDF name tree consists of three kinds of nodes:
- The root node contains only a kids entry, pointing to many
other objects
- An intermediate node contains the limits of all the children in
its subtree, and a kids entry for each child
- A leaf node contains a set of name-to-object mappings in a dictionary,
as well as the limits of the data contained in that child.
A PDF name tree is sorted in accordance with the String.compareTo() method.
NameTree | public NameTree(PDFObject root)(Code) | | Creates a new instance of NameTree
find | public PDFObject find(String key) throws IOException(Code) | | Find the PDF object corresponding to the given String in a name tree
Parameters: key - the key we are looking for in the name tree the object associated with str, if found, or null if not |