001: package it.stefanochizzolini.clown.samples.servlets;
003: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.bytes.Buffer;
004: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.Document;
005: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.Page;
006: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.PageFormat;
007: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.Fonts;
008: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.colorSpaces.DeviceRGBColor;
009: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.composition.BlockFilter;
010: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.composition.PrimitiveFilter;
011: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.composition.AlignmentXEnum;
012: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.composition.AlignmentYEnum;
013: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.entities.Image;
014: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.fonts.StandardType1Font;
015: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.contents.xObjects.XObject;
016: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.documents.interchange.metadata.Information;
017: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.files.File;
018: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.files.SerializationModeEnum;
020: import it.stefanochizzolini.clown.samples.SampleHelper;
022: import java.awt.Dimension;
023: import java.awt.geom.Dimension2D;
024: import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
025: import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
026: import java.io.IOException;
027: import java.util.Date;
028: import java.util.List;
030: import javax.servlet.ServletException;
031: import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
032: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
033: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
034: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
036: import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;
037: import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemFactory;
038: import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItemIterator;
039: import org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.DiskFileItemFactory;
040: import org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.ServletFileUpload;
042: /**
043: This sample serves a PDF file dynamically generated combining user inputs (image and text contents).
044: */
045: public class HelloWorld extends HttpServlet {
046: // <dynamic>
047: // <interface>
048: // <public>
049: public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
050: HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException,
051: ServletException {
052: if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request))
053: return;
055: // 1. Parsing the form fields...
056: FileItem item = null;
057: String comment = null;
058: FileItem imageFileFormField = null;
059: try {
060: FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
061: ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);
062: List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
063: java.util.Iterator iter = items.iterator();
064: while (iter.hasNext()) {
065: item = (FileItem) iter.next();
066: if (item.getFieldName().equals("file")) {
067: imageFileFormField = item;
068: }
069: if (item.getFieldName().equals("comment")) {
070: comment = item.getString();
071: }
072: }
073: } catch (Exception e) {
074: System.err
075: .println("An exception happened while parsing the form fields: "
076: + e.getMessage());
077: e.printStackTrace();
078: return;
079: }
081: // 2. Building the document...
082: File file = null;
083: try {
084: // Instantiate a new PDF document!
085: file = new File();
086: Document document = file.getDocument();
088: buildPdf_page(document, imageFileFormField, comment);
090: buildPdf_metadata(document);
091: } catch (Exception e) {
092: System.err
093: .println("An exception happened while building the sample: "
094: + e.getMessage());
095: e.printStackTrace();
096: return;
097: }
099: // 3. Serializing the document...
100: try {
101: file.writeTo(
102: new it.stefanochizzolini.clown.bytes.OutputStream(
103: response.getOutputStream()),
104: SerializationModeEnum.Standard);
105: response.setContentType("application/pdf");
106: } catch (Exception e) {
107: System.err
108: .println("An exception happened while serializing the sample: "
109: + e.getMessage());
110: e.printStackTrace();
111: return;
112: }
113: }
115: // </public>
117: // <private>
118: private void buildPdf_metadata(Document document) {
119: // Document metadata.
120: Information info = new Information(document);
121: document.setInformation(info);
122: info.setAuthor("Stefano Chizzolini");
123: info.setCreationDate(new Date());
124: info.setCreator(HelloWorld.class.getName());
125: info.setTitle("Sample document");
126: info.setSubject("Online PDF creation sample through servlet.");
127: }
129: private void buildPdf_page(Document document,
130: FileItem imageFileFormField, String comment) {
131: // Set default page size (A4)!
132: document.setPageSize(PageFormat.getSize());
134: // Add page!
135: Page page = new Page(document);
136: document.getPages().add(page);
137: Dimension2D pageSize = page.getSize();
139: PrimitiveFilter builder = new PrimitiveFilter(page);
140: // Add the background template!
141: builder.showXObject(SampleHelper.createTemplate(document));
143: // Wrap the content builder inside a block filter in order to achieve higher-level typographic control!
144: /*
145: NOTE: BlockFilter is a new class of PDF Clown since version 0.0.3.
146: It provides block-level typographic features as text and paragraph alignment.
147: Flow-level typographic features are currently not supported: block-level typographic features
148: are the foundations upon which flow-level typographic features will sit.
149: */
150: BlockFilter blockFilter = new BlockFilter(builder);
151: blockFilter.setHyphenation(true);
153: Rectangle2D.Double frame = new Rectangle2D.Double(30, 150,
154: pageSize.getWidth() - 110, pageSize.getHeight() - 250);
156: blockFilter.begin(frame, AlignmentXEnum.Left,
157: AlignmentYEnum.Top);
158: StandardType1Font titleFont = new StandardType1Font(document,
159: StandardType1Font.FamilyNameEnum.Times, true, false);
160: builder.setFont(titleFont, 48);
161: blockFilter.showText("Welcome");
162: blockFilter.showBreak();
163: StandardType1Font bodyFont = new StandardType1Font(document,
164: StandardType1Font.FamilyNameEnum.Times, false, false);
165: builder.setFont(bodyFont, 16);
166: blockFilter
167: .showText("This is an on-the-fly servlet-driven PDF sample document generated by PDF Clown for Java(TM) aka PDF Jester.");
168: blockFilter.end();
170: // Move past the closed block!
171: frame.y = blockFilter.getBoundBox().getMaxY() + 30;
172: frame.height -= (blockFilter.getBoundBox().getHeight() + 30);
174: // Showing the posted image...
175: // Instantiate a jpeg image object!
176: Image image = null;
177: try {
178: image = Image.get(new Buffer(imageFileFormField.get())); // Abstract image (entity).
179: } catch (Exception e) {/* NOOP. */
180: }
181: if (image == null) {
182: blockFilter.begin(frame, AlignmentXEnum.Left,
183: AlignmentYEnum.Top);
184: builder.setFont(bodyFont, 12);
185: builder.setFillColor(new DeviceRGBColor(1, 0, 0));
186: blockFilter
187: .showText("The file you uploaded wasn't a valid JPEG image!");
188: blockFilter.end();
190: // Move past the closed block!
191: frame.y = blockFilter.getBoundBox().getMaxY() + 20;
192: frame.height -= (blockFilter.getBoundBox().getHeight() + 20);
193: } else {
194: blockFilter.begin(frame, AlignmentXEnum.Left,
195: AlignmentYEnum.Top);
196: builder.setFont(bodyFont, 12);
197: blockFilter.showText("Here it is the image you uploaded: ");
198: blockFilter.end();
200: // Move past the closed block!
201: frame.y = blockFilter.getBoundBox().getMaxY() + 20;
202: frame.height -= (blockFilter.getBoundBox().getHeight() + 20);
204: double width = image.getWidth(), height = image.getHeight();
205: if (width > frame.getWidth()) {
206: height *= frame.getWidth() / width;
207: width = frame.getWidth();
208: }
209: if (height > frame.getHeight() / 2) {
210: width *= frame.getHeight() / 2 / height;
211: height = frame.getHeight() / 2;
212: }
213: // Show the image!
214: builder
215: .showXObject(
216: image.toXObject(document),
217: new Point2D.Double(
218: (pageSize.getWidth() - 90 - width) / 2 + 20,
219: blockFilter.getBoundBox().getMaxY() + 20),
220: new Dimension((int) width, (int) height));
221: // Move past the image closed block!
222: frame.x = (pageSize.getWidth() - 90 - width) / 2 + 20;
223: frame.y += (height + 7);
224: frame.height -= (height + 7);
225: frame.width = width;
226: }
228: if (comment != null) {
229: blockFilter.begin(frame, AlignmentXEnum.Justify,
230: AlignmentYEnum.Top);
231: builder.setFont(new StandardType1Font(document,
232: StandardType1Font.FamilyNameEnum.Courier, false,
233: false), 7);
234: blockFilter.showText(comment);
235: blockFilter.end();
236: }
238: builder.flush();
239: }
240: // </private>
241: // </interface>
242: // </dynamic>
243: // </class>
244: }