Method Summary |
public boolean | add(Object o) Add an Object to this cell. |
public void | addElement(Element element) Adds an element to this Cell . |
public float | bottom() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public float | bottom(int margin) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public String | cellWidth() Gets the width. |
public void | clear() Clears all the Element s of this Cell . |
public int | colspan() Gets the colspan. |
public PdfPCell | createPdfPCell() Creates a PdfPCell based on this Cell object. |
void | fill() Makes sure there is at least 1 object in the Cell. |
public float | getBottom() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public ArrayList | getChunks() Gets all the chunks in this element. |
public int | getColspan() Gets the colspan. |
public Iterator | getElements() Gets an iterator of Element s. |
public boolean | getGroupChange() |
public int | getHorizontalAlignment() Gets the horizontal alignment. |
public float | getLeading() Gets the leading. |
public float | getLeft() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public int | getMaxLines() |
public float | getRight() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public int | getRowspan() Gets the rowspan. |
public String | getShowTruncation() |
public float | getTop() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public int | getVerticalAlignment() Gets the vertical alignment. |
public float | getWidth() Gets the width. |
public String | getWidthAsString() Gets the width as a String. |
public boolean | header() |
public int | horizontalAlignment() Gets the horizontal alignment. |
public boolean | isEmpty() Checks if the Cell is empty. |
public boolean | isHeader() |
public boolean | isTable() Checks if this Cell is a placeholder for a (nested) table. |
public boolean | isUseAscender() |
public boolean | isUseBorderPadding() Gets the value of
Cell.useBorderPadding . |
public boolean | isUseDescender() |
public float | leading() Gets the leading. |
public float | left() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public float | left(int margin) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public boolean | noWrap() Get nowrap. |
public boolean | process(ElementListener listener) Processes the element by adding it (or the different parts) to an
ElementListener . |
public float | right() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public float | right(int margin) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public int | rowspan() Gets the rowspan. |
public void | setBottom(int value) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public void | setColspan(int value) Sets the colspan. |
public void | setGroupChange(boolean value) Sets group change. |
public void | setHeader(boolean value) Sets header. |
public void | setHorizontalAlignment(int value) Sets the horizontal alignment. |
public void | setHorizontalAlignment(String alignment) Sets the alignment of this cell. |
public void | setLeading(float value) Sets the leading. |
public void | setLeft(int value) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public void | setMaxLines(int value) |
public void | setNoWrap(boolean value) Set nowrap. |
public void | setRight(int value) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public void | setRowspan(int value) Sets the rowspan. |
public void | setShowTruncation(String value) |
public void | setTop(int value) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public void | setUseAscender(boolean use) Sets the value of
Cell.useAscender . |
public void | setUseBorderPadding(boolean use) Sets the value of
Cell.useBorderPadding . |
public void | setUseDescender(boolean use) Sets the value of
Cell.useDescender . |
public void | setVerticalAlignment(int value) Sets the vertical alignment. |
public void | setVerticalAlignment(String alignment) Sets the alignment of this paragraph. |
public void | setWidth(float value) Sets the width. |
public void | setWidth(String value) Sets the width. |
public int | size() Gets the number of Element s in the Cell. |
public float | top() This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public float | top(int margin) This method throws an UnsupportedOperationException . |
public int | type() Gets the type of the text element. |
public int | verticalAlignment() Gets the vertical alignment. |