| java.util.HashMap com.lowagie.text.html.WebColors
WebColors | public class WebColors extends HashMap (Code) | | This class is a HashMap that contains the names of colors as a key and the
corresponding Color as value. (Source: Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_colors )
author: blowagie |
Field Summary | |
final public static WebColors | NAMES HashMap containing all the names and corresponding color values. |
NAMES | final public static WebColors NAMES(Code) | | HashMap containing all the names and corresponding color values.
getRGBColor | public static Color getRGBColor(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code) | | Gives you a Color based on a name.
Parameters: name - a name such as black, violet, cornflowerblue or #RGB or #RRGGBBor rgb(R,G,B) the corresponding Color object throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the String isn't a know representation of a color. |