| com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfCopy
All known Subclasses: com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfSmartCopy,
PdfCopy | public class PdfCopy extends PdfWriter (Code) | | Make copies of PDF documents. Documents can be edited after reading and
before writing them out.
author: Mark Thompson |
Inner Class :static class IndirectReferences | |
Inner Class :protected static class RefKey | |
Inner Class :public static class PageStamp | |
currentObjectNum | protected int currentObjectNum(Code) | | |
namePtr | protected int[] namePtr(Code) | | |
close | public void close()(Code) | | Signals that the Document was closed and that no other
Elements will be added.
The pages-tree is built and written to the outputstream.
A Catalog is constructed, as well as an Info-object,
the referencetable is composed and everything is written
to the outputstream embedded in a Trailer.
copyAcroForm | public void copyAcroForm(PdfReader reader) throws IOException, BadPdfFormatException(Code) | | Copy the acroform for an input document. Note that you can only have one,
we make no effort to merge them.
Parameters: reader - The reader of the input file that is being copied throws: IOException - , BadPdfFormatException |
copyIndirect | protected PdfIndirectReference copyIndirect(PRIndirectReference in) throws IOException, BadPdfFormatException(Code) | | Translate a PRIndirectReference to a PdfIndirectReference
In addition, translates the object numbers, and copies the
referenced object to the output file.
NB: PRIndirectReferences (and PRIndirectObjects) really need to know what
file they came from, because each file has its own namespace. The translation
we do from their namespace to ours is *at best* heuristic, and guaranteed to
fail under some circumstances.
createPageStamp | public PageStamp createPageStamp(PdfImportedPage iPage)(Code) | | Create a page stamp. New content and annotations, including new fields, are allowed.
The fields added cannot have parents in another pages. This method modifies the PdfReader instance.
The general usage to stamp something in a page is:
PdfImportedPage page = copy.getImportedPage(reader, 1);
PdfCopy.PageStamp ps = copy.createPageStamp(page);
ps.addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation.createText(copy, new Rectangle(50, 180, 70, 200), "Hello", "No Thanks", true, "Comment"));
PdfContentByte under = ps.getUnderContent();
PdfContentByte over = ps.getOverContent();
over.setFontAndSize(bf, 18);
over.setTextMatrix(30, 30);
over.showText("total page " + totalPage);
Parameters: iPage - an imported page the PageStamp |
getImportedPage | public PdfImportedPage getImportedPage(PdfReader reader, int pageNumber)(Code) | | Grabs a page from the input document
Parameters: reader - the reader of the document Parameters: pageNumber - which page to get the page |
isRotateContents | public boolean isRotateContents()(Code) | | Getter for property rotateContents.
Value of property rotateContents. |
setFromIPage | protected int setFromIPage(PdfImportedPage iPage)(Code) | | convenience method. Given an importedpage, set our "globals"
setFromReader | protected void setFromReader(PdfReader reader)(Code) | | convenience method. Given a reader, set our "globals"
setRotateContents | public void setRotateContents(boolean rotateContents)(Code) | | Setter for property rotateContents.
Parameters: rotateContents - New value of property rotateContents. |
Methods inherited from com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter | PdfIndirectReference add(PdfPage page, PdfContents contents) throws PdfException(Code)(Java Doc) PdfIndirectReference add(PdfImage pdfImage, PdfIndirectReference fixedRef) throws PdfException(Code)(Java Doc) protected PdfIndirectReference add(PdfICCBased icc)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annot)(Code)(Java Doc) void addAnnotation(PdfAnnotation annot, int page)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addCalculationOrder(PdfFormField annot)(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfName addDirectImageSimple(Image image) throws PdfException, DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfName addDirectImageSimple(Image image, PdfIndirectReference fixedRef) throws PdfException, DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) PdfName addDirectTemplateSimple(PdfTemplate template, PdfName forcedName)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addFileAttachment(String description, byte fileStore, String file, String fileDisplay) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void addFileAttachment(String description, PdfFileSpecification fs) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void addFileAttachment(PdfFileSpecification fs) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJavaScript(PdfAction js)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJavaScript(String code, boolean unicode)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJavaScript(String code)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJavaScript(String name, PdfAction js)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJavaScript(String name, String code, boolean unicode)(Code)(Java Doc) public void addJavaScript(String name, String code)(Code)(Java Doc) void addLocalDestinations(TreeMap dest) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void addOCGRadioGroup(ArrayList group)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void addSharedObjectsToBody() throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) FontDetails addSimple(BaseFont bf)(Code)(Java Doc) ColorDetails addSimple(PdfSpotColor spc)(Code)(Java Doc) PdfObject[] addSimpleExtGState(PdfDictionary gstate)(Code)(Java Doc) PdfName addSimplePattern(PdfPatternPainter painter)(Code)(Java Doc) ColorDetails addSimplePatternColorspace(Color color)(Code)(Java Doc) PdfObject[] addSimpleProperty(Object prop, PdfIndirectReference refi)(Code)(Java Doc) void addSimpleShading(PdfShading shading)(Code)(Java Doc) void addSimpleShadingPattern(PdfShadingPattern shading)(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(PdfObject object) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(PdfObject object, boolean inObjStm) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(PdfObject object, PdfIndirectReference ref) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(PdfObject object, PdfIndirectReference ref, boolean inObjStm) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(PdfObject object, int refNumber) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(PdfObject object, int refNumber, boolean inObjStm) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void addViewerPreference(PdfName key, PdfObject value)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean breakTableIfDoesntFit(PdfTable table) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void clearTextWrap() throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void close()(Code)(Java Doc) public void createXmpMetadata()(Code)(Java Doc) void eliminateFontSubset(PdfDictionary fonts)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean fitsPage(Table table, float margin)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean fitsPage(Table table)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean fitsPage(PdfPTable table, float margin)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean fitsPage(PdfPTable table)(Code)(Java Doc) public void freeReader(PdfReader reader) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfAcroForm getAcroForm()(Code)(Java Doc) public Rectangle getBoxSize(String boxName)(Code)(Java Doc) protected PdfDictionary getCatalog(PdfIndirectReference rootObj)(Code)(Java Doc) PdfName getColorspaceName()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getCurrentDocumentSize()(Code)(Java Doc) PdfIndirectReference getCurrentPage()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getCurrentPageNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfDictionary getDefaultColorspace()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfContentByte getDirectContent()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfContentByte getDirectContentUnder()(Code)(Java Doc) PdfEncryption getEncryption()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfDictionary getExtraCatalog()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfDictionary getGroup()(Code)(Java Doc) PdfIndirectReference getImageReference(PdfName name)(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfImportedPage getImportedPage(PdfReader reader, int pageNumber)(Code)(Java Doc) int getIndirectReferenceNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfDictionary getInfo()(Code)(Java Doc) public static PdfWriter getInstance(Document document, OutputStream os) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public static PdfWriter getInstance(Document document, OutputStream os, DocListener listener) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) protected int getNewObjectNumber(PdfReader reader, int number, int generation)(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfOCProperties getOCProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) OutputStreamCounter getOs()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getPDFXConformance()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfPageEvent getPageEvent()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getPageNumber()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectReference getPageReference(int page)(Code)(Java Doc) public Rectangle getPageSize()(Code)(Java Doc) PdfDocument getPdfDocument()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfIndirectReference getPdfIndirectReference()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfTable getPdfTable(Table table)(Code)(Java Doc) PdfVersionImp getPdfVersion()(Code)(Java Doc) RandomAccessFileOrArray getReaderFile(PdfReader reader)(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfOutline getRootOutline()(Code)(Java Doc) public int getRunDirection()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getSpaceCharRatio()(Code)(Java Doc) public PdfStructureTreeRoot getStructureTreeRoot()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getTableBottom(Table table)(Code)(Java Doc) public float getUserunit()(Code)(Java Doc) public float getVerticalPosition(boolean ensureNewLine)(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isFullCompression()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isPdfX()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isStrictImageSequence()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isTagged()(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean isUserProperties()(Code)(Java Doc) public void open()(Code)(Java Doc) boolean propertyExists(Object prop)(Code)(Java Doc) void registerLayer(PdfOCG layer)(Code)(Java Doc) public void releaseTemplate(PdfTemplate tp) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public int reorderPages(int order) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) void resetContent()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setAdditionalAction(PdfName actionType, PdfAction action) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setAtLeastPdfVersion(char version)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setBoxSize(String boxName, Rectangle size)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setCollection(PdfCollection collection)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setCropBoxSize(Rectangle crop)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setDefaultColorspace(PdfName key, PdfObject cs)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setDuration(int seconds)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEncryption(byte userPassword, byte ownerPassword, int permissions, int encryptionType) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEncryption(Certificate[] certs, int[] permissions, int encryptionType) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEncryption(byte userPassword, byte ownerPassword, int permissions, boolean strength128Bits) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEncryption(boolean strength, String userPassword, String ownerPassword, int permissions) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setEncryption(int encryptionType, String userPassword, String ownerPassword, int permissions) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setFullCompression()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setGroup(PdfDictionary group)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setLinearPageMode()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOpenAction(String name)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOpenAction(PdfAction action)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOutlines(java.util.List outlines)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setOutputIntents(String outputConditionIdentifier, String outputCondition, String registryName, String info, byte destOutputProfile) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public boolean setOutputIntents(PdfReader reader, boolean checkExistence) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPDFXConformance(int pdfx)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPageAction(PdfName actionType, PdfAction action) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPageEmpty(boolean pageEmpty)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPageEvent(PdfPageEvent event)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPageLabels(PdfPageLabels pageLabels)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPageXmpMetadata(byte[] xmpMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPdfVersion(char version)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setPdfVersion(PdfName version)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setRunDirection(int runDirection)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSigFlags(int f)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setSpaceCharRatio(float spaceCharRatio)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setStrictImageSequence(boolean strictImageSequence)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTagged()(Code)(Java Doc) public void setThumbnail(Image image) throws PdfException, DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setTransition(PdfTransition transition)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setUserProperties(boolean userProperties)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setUserunit(float userunit) throws DocumentException(Code)(Java Doc) public void setViewerPreferences(int preferences)(Code)(Java Doc) public void setXmpMetadata(byte[] xmpMetadata)(Code)(Java Doc) protected void writeOutlines(PdfDictionary catalog, boolean namedAsNames) throws IOException(Code)(Java Doc)