| java.lang.Object com.lowagie.text.pdf.codec.PngImage
PngImage | public class PngImage (Code) | | Reads a PNG image. All types of PNG can be read.
It is based in part in the JAI codec.
author: Paulo Soares (psoares@consiste.pt) |
Method Summary | |
boolean | checkMarker(String s) | void | decodeIdat() | void | decodePass(int xOffset, int yOffset, int xStep, int yStep, int passWidth, int passHeight) | PdfObject | getColorspace() | public static Image | getImage(URL url) Reads a PNG from an url. | public static Image | getImage(InputStream is) Reads a PNG from a stream. | public static Image | getImage(String file) Reads a PNG from a file. | public static Image | getImage(byte data) Reads a PNG from a byte array. | Image | getImage() | final public static int | getInt(InputStream is) Gets an int from an InputStream . | static int | getPixel(byte image, int x, int y, int bitDepth, int bytesPerRow) | int[] | getPixel(byte curr) | final public static String | getString(InputStream is) Gets a String from an InputStream . | final public static int | getWord(InputStream is) Gets a word from an InputStream . | void | processPixels(byte curr, int xOffset, int step, int y, int width) | void | readPng() | static void | setPixel(byte image, int data, int offset, int size, int x, int y, int bitDepth, int bytesPerRow) |
PNGID | final public static int[] PNGID(Code) | | Some PNG specific values.
bytesPerPixel | int bytesPerPixel(Code) | | |
colorTable | byte colorTable(Code) | | |
compressionMethod | int compressionMethod(Code) | | |
filterMethod | int filterMethod(Code) | | |
genBWMask | boolean genBWMask(Code) | | |
icc_profile | ICC_Profile icc_profile(Code) | | |
idat | NewByteArrayOutputStream idat(Code) | | |
inputBands | int inputBands(Code) | | |
interlaceMethod | int interlaceMethod(Code) | | |
palShades | boolean palShades(Code) | | |
transGreen | int transGreen(Code) | | |
transRedGray | int transRedGray(Code) | | |
xWyWxRyRxGyGxByB | float xWyWxRyRxGyGxByB(Code) | | |
decodeIdat | void decodeIdat()(Code) | | |
decodePass | void decodePass(int xOffset, int yOffset, int xStep, int yStep, int passWidth, int passHeight)(Code) | | |
getImage | public static Image getImage(byte data) throws IOException(Code) | | Reads a PNG from a byte array.
Parameters: data - the byte array throws: IOException - on error the image |
getInt | final public static int getInt(InputStream is) throws IOException(Code) | | Gets an int from an InputStream .
Parameters: is - an InputStream the value of an int |
getPixel | static int getPixel(byte image, int x, int y, int bitDepth, int bytesPerRow)(Code) | | |
getPixel | int[] getPixel(byte curr)(Code) | | |
getString | final public static String getString(InputStream is) throws IOException(Code) | | Gets a String from an InputStream .
Parameters: is - an InputStream the value of an int |
getWord | final public static int getWord(InputStream is) throws IOException(Code) | | Gets a word from an InputStream .
Parameters: is - an InputStream the value of an int |
processPixels | void processPixels(byte curr, int xOffset, int step, int y, int width)(Code) | | |
setPixel | static void setPixel(byte image, int data, int offset, int size, int x, int y, int bitDepth, int bytesPerRow)(Code) | | |