| java.lang.Object com.lowagie.text.rtf.RtfMapper
RtfMapper | public class RtfMapper (Code) | | The RtfMapper provides mappings between com.lowagie.text.* classes
and the corresponding com.lowagie.text.rtf.** classes.
version: $Version:$ author: Mark Hall (mhall@edu.uni-klu.ac.at) |
Method Summary | |
public RtfBasicElement | mapElement(Element element) Takes an Element subclass and returns the correct RtfBasicElement
subclass, that wraps the Element subclass. |
RtfMapper | public RtfMapper(RtfDocument doc)(Code) | | Constructs a RtfMapper for a RtfDocument
Parameters: doc - The RtfDocument this RtfMapper belongs to |