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Java Source Code / Java Documentation » Parser » Rats Parser Generators » antlr 
Source Cross Referenced  Class Diagram Java Document (Java Doc) 

001:        package antlr;
003:        /* ANTLR Translator Generator
004:         * Project led by Terence Parr at
005:         * Software rights:
006:         *
007:         * $Id:,v 1.1 2004/01/21 19:18:33 rgrimm Exp $
008:         */
010:        import*;
012:        import antlr.collections.impl.BitSet;
013:        import antlr.collections.impl.Vector;
014:        import antlr.PreservingFileWriter;
015:        import antlr.Version;
017:        public class Tool {
018:            public static String version = "";
020:            /** Object that handles analysis errors */
021:            ToolErrorHandler errorHandler;
023:            /** Was there an error during parsing or analysis? */
024:            protected boolean hasError = false;
026:            /** Generate diagnostics? (vs code) */
027:            boolean genDiagnostics = false;
029:            /** Generate DocBook vs code? */
030:            boolean genDocBook = false;
032:            /** Generate HTML vs code? */
033:            boolean genHTML = false;
035:            /** Current output directory for generated files */
036:            protected static String outputDir = ".";
038:            // Grammar input
039:            protected String grammarFile;
040:            transient Reader f = new InputStreamReader(;
041:            // SAS: changed for proper text io
042:            //  transient DataInputStream in = null;
044:            protected static String literalsPrefix = "LITERAL_";
045:            protected static boolean upperCaseMangledLiterals = false;
047:            /** C++ file level options */
048:            protected NameSpace nameSpace = null;
049:            protected String namespaceAntlr = null;
050:            protected String namespaceStd = null;
051:            protected boolean genHashLines = true;
052:            protected boolean noConstructors = false;
054:            private BitSet cmdLineArgValid = new BitSet();
056:            /** Construct a new Tool. */
057:            public Tool() {
058:                errorHandler = new DefaultToolErrorHandler(this );
059:            }
061:            public String getGrammarFile() {
062:                return grammarFile;
063:            }
065:            public boolean hasError() {
066:                return hasError;
067:            }
069:            public NameSpace getNameSpace() {
070:                return nameSpace;
071:            }
073:            public String getNamespaceStd() {
074:                return namespaceStd;
075:            }
077:            public String getNamespaceAntlr() {
078:                return namespaceAntlr;
079:            }
081:            public boolean getGenHashLines() {
082:                return genHashLines;
083:            }
085:            public String getLiteralsPrefix() {
086:                return literalsPrefix;
087:            }
089:            public boolean getUpperCaseMangledLiterals() {
090:                return upperCaseMangledLiterals;
091:            }
093:            public void setFileLineFormatter(FileLineFormatter formatter) {
094:                FileLineFormatter.setFormatter(formatter);
095:            }
097:            protected void checkForInvalidArguments(String[] args,
098:                    BitSet cmdLineArgValid) {
099:                // check for invalid command line args
100:                for (int a = 0; a < args.length; a++) {
101:                    if (!cmdLineArgValid.member(a)) {
102:                        warning("invalid command-line argument: " + args[a]
103:                                + "; ignored");
104:                    }
105:                }
106:            }
108:            /** This example is from the book _Java in a Nutshell_ by David
109:             * Flanagan.  Written by David Flanagan.  Copyright (c) 1996
110:             * O'Reilly & Associates.  You may study, use, modify, and
111:             * distribute this example for any purpose.  This example is
112:             * provided WITHOUT WARRANTY either expressed or implied.  */
113:            public void copyFile(String source_name, String dest_name)
114:                    throws IOException {
115:                File source_file = new File(source_name);
116:                File destination_file = new File(dest_name);
117:                Reader source = null;
118:                Writer destination = null;
119:                char[] buffer;
120:                int bytes_read;
122:                try {
123:                    // First make sure the specified source file
124:                    // exists, is a file, and is readable.
125:                    if (!source_file.exists() || !source_file.isFile())
126:                        throw new FileCopyException(
127:                                "FileCopy: no such source file: " + source_name);
128:                    if (!source_file.canRead())
129:                        throw new FileCopyException("FileCopy: source file "
130:                                + "is unreadable: " + source_name);
132:                    // If the destination exists, make sure it is a writeable file
133:                    // and ask before overwriting it.  If the destination doesn't
134:                    // exist, make sure the directory exists and is writeable.
135:                    if (destination_file.exists()) {
136:                        if (destination_file.isFile()) {
137:                            DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(;
138:                            String response;
140:                            if (!destination_file.canWrite())
141:                                throw new FileCopyException(
142:                                        "FileCopy: destination "
143:                                                + "file is unwriteable: "
144:                                                + dest_name);
145:                            /*
146:                              System.out.print("File " + dest_name +
147:                              " already exists.  Overwrite? (Y/N): ");
148:                              System.out.flush();
149:                              response = in.readLine();
150:                              if (!response.equals("Y") && !response.equals("y"))
151:                              throw new FileCopyException("FileCopy: copy cancelled.");
152:                             */
153:                        } else {
154:                            throw new FileCopyException(
155:                                    "FileCopy: destination "
156:                                            + "is not a file: " + dest_name);
157:                        }
158:                    } else {
159:                        File parentdir = parent(destination_file);
160:                        if (!parentdir.exists())
161:                            throw new FileCopyException(
162:                                    "FileCopy: destination "
163:                                            + "directory doesn't exist: "
164:                                            + dest_name);
165:                        if (!parentdir.canWrite())
166:                            throw new FileCopyException(
167:                                    "FileCopy: destination "
168:                                            + "directory is unwriteable: "
169:                                            + dest_name);
170:                    }
172:                    // If we've gotten this far, then everything is okay; we can
173:                    // copy the file.
174:                    source = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(source_file));
175:                    destination = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(
176:                            destination_file));
178:                    buffer = new char[1024];
179:                    while (true) {
180:                        bytes_read =, 0, 1024);
181:                        if (bytes_read == -1)
182:                            break;
183:                        destination.write(buffer, 0, bytes_read);
184:                    }
185:                }
186:                // No matter what happens, always close any streams we've opened.
187:                finally {
188:                    if (source != null) {
189:                        try {
190:                            source.close();
191:                        } catch (IOException e) {
192:                            ;
193:                        }
194:                    }
195:                    if (destination != null) {
196:                        try {
197:                            destination.close();
198:                        } catch (IOException e) {
199:                            ;
200:                        }
201:                    }
202:                }
203:            }
205:            /** Perform processing on the grammar file.  Can only be called
206:             * from main() @param args The command-line arguments passed to
207:             * main().  This wrapper does the System.exit for use with command-line.
208:             */
209:            public void doEverythingWrapper(String[] args) {
210:                int exitCode = doEverything(args);
211:                System.exit(exitCode);
212:            }
214:            /** Process args and have ANTLR do it's stuff without calling System.exit.
215:             *  Just return the result code.  Makes it easy for ANT build tool.
216:             */
217:            public int doEverything(String[] args) {
218:                // run the preprocessor to handle inheritance first.
220:                // Start preprocessor. This strips generates an argument list
221:                // without -glib options (inside preTool)
222:                antlr.preprocessor.Tool preTool = new antlr.preprocessor.Tool(
223:                        this , args);
225:                boolean preprocess_ok = preTool.preprocess();
226:                String[] modifiedArgs = preTool.preprocessedArgList();
228:                // process arguments for the Tool
229:                processArguments(modifiedArgs);
230:                if (!preprocess_ok) {
231:                    return 1;
232:                }
234:                f = getGrammarReader();
236:                ANTLRLexer lexer = new ANTLRLexer(f);
237:                TokenBuffer tokenBuf = new TokenBuffer(lexer);
238:                LLkAnalyzer analyzer = new LLkAnalyzer(this );
239:                MakeGrammar behavior = new MakeGrammar(this , args, analyzer);
241:                try {
242:                    ANTLRParser p = new ANTLRParser(tokenBuf, behavior, this );
243:                    p.setFilename(grammarFile);
244:                    p.grammar();
245:                    if (hasError()) {
246:                        fatalError("Exiting due to errors.");
247:                    }
248:                    checkForInvalidArguments(modifiedArgs, cmdLineArgValid);
250:                    // Create the right code generator according to the "language" option
251:                    CodeGenerator codeGen;
253:                    // SAS: created getLanguage() method so subclass can override
254:                    //      (necessary for VAJ interface)
255:                    String codeGenClassName = "antlr." + getLanguage(behavior)
256:                            + "CodeGenerator";
257:                    try {
258:                        Class codeGenClass = Class.forName(codeGenClassName);
259:                        codeGen = (CodeGenerator) codeGenClass.newInstance();
260:                        codeGen.setBehavior(behavior);
261:                        codeGen.setAnalyzer(analyzer);
262:                        codeGen.setTool(this );
263:                        codeGen.gen();
264:                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
265:                        panic("Cannot instantiate code-generator: "
266:                                + codeGenClassName);
267:                    } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
268:                        panic("Cannot instantiate code-generator: "
269:                                + codeGenClassName);
270:                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ie) {
271:                        panic("Cannot instantiate code-generator: "
272:                                + codeGenClassName);
273:                    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
274:                        panic("code-generator class '" + codeGenClassName
275:                                + "' is not accessible");
276:                    }
277:                } catch (RecognitionException pe) {
278:                    fatalError("Unhandled parser error: " + pe.getMessage());
279:                } catch (TokenStreamException io) {
280:                    fatalError("TokenStreamException: " + io.getMessage());
281:                }
282:                return 0;
283:            }
285:            /** Issue an error
286:             * @param s The message
287:             */
288:            public void error(String s) {
289:                hasError = true;
290:                System.err.println("error: " + s);
291:            }
293:            /** Issue an error with line number information
294:             * @param s The message
295:             * @param file The file that has the error (or null)
296:             * @param line The grammar file line number on which the error occured (or -1)
297:             * @param column The grammar file column number on which the error occured (or -1)
298:             */
299:            public void error(String s, String file, int line, int column) {
300:                hasError = true;
301:                System.err.println(FileLineFormatter.getFormatter()
302:                        .getFormatString(file, line, column)
303:                        + s);
304:            }
306:            /** When we are 1.1 compatible...
307:            public static Object factory2 (String p, Object[] initargs) {
308:             Class c;
309:             Object o = null;
310:             try {
311:             int argslen = initargs.length;
312:             Class cl[] = new Class[argslen];
313:             for (int i=0;i&lt;argslen;i++) {
314:             cl[i] = Class.forName(initargs[i].getClass().getName());
315:             }
316:             c = Class.forName (p);
317:             Constructor con = c.getConstructor (cl);
318:             o = con.newInstance (initargs);
319:             } catch (Exception e) {
320:             System.err.println ("Can't make a " + p);
321:             }
322:             return o;
323:             }
324:             */
325:            public Object factory(String p) {
326:                Class c;
327:                Object o = null;
328:                try {
329:                    c = Class.forName(p);// get class def
330:                    o = c.newInstance(); // make a new one
331:                } catch (Exception e) {
332:                    // either class not found,
333:                    // class is interface/abstract, or
334:                    // class or initializer is not accessible.
335:                    warning("Can't create an object of type " + p);
336:                    return null;
337:                }
338:                return o;
339:            }
341:            public String fileMinusPath(String f) {
342:                String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
343:                int endOfPath = f.lastIndexOf(separator);
344:                if (endOfPath == -1) {
345:                    return f; // no path found
346:                }
347:                return f.substring(endOfPath + 1);
348:            }
350:            /** Determine the language used for this run of ANTLR
351:             *  This was made a method so the subclass can override it
352:             */
353:            public String getLanguage(MakeGrammar behavior) {
354:                if (genDiagnostics) {
355:                    return "Diagnostic";
356:                }
357:                if (genHTML) {
358:                    return "HTML";
359:                }
360:                if (genDocBook) {
361:                    return "DocBook";
362:                }
363:                return behavior.language;
364:            }
366:            public String getOutputDirectory() {
367:                return outputDir;
368:            }
370:            private static void help() {
371:                System.err.println("usage: java antlr.Tool [args] file.g");
372:                System.err
373:                        .println("  -o outputDir       specify output directory where all output generated.");
374:                System.err
375:                        .println("  -glib superGrammar specify location of supergrammar file.");
376:                System.err
377:                        .println("  -debug             launch the ParseView debugger upon parser invocation.");
378:                System.err
379:                        .println("  -html              generate a html file from your grammar.");
380:                System.err
381:                        .println("  -docbook           generate a docbook sgml file from your grammar.");
382:                System.err
383:                        .println("  -diagnostic        generate a textfile with diagnostics.");
384:                System.err
385:                        .println("  -trace             have all rules call traceIn/traceOut.");
386:                System.err
387:                        .println("  -traceLexer        have lexer rules call traceIn/traceOut.");
388:                System.err
389:                        .println("  -traceParser       have parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.");
390:                System.err
391:                        .println("  -traceTreeParser   have tree parser rules call traceIn/traceOut.");
392:                System.err.println("  -h|-help|--help    this message");
393:            }
395:            public static void main(String[] args) {
396:                System.err.println("ANTLR Parser Generator   Version "
397:                        + Version.project_version + "   1989-2003");
398:                version = Version.project_version;
400:                try {
401:                    if (args.length == 0) {
402:                        help();
403:                        System.exit(1);
404:                    }
405:                    for (int i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
406:                        if (args[i].equals("-h") || args[i].equals("-help")
407:                                || args[i].equals("--help")) {
408:                            help();
409:                            System.exit(1);
410:                        }
411:                    }
413:                    Tool theTool = new Tool();
414:                    theTool.doEverything(args);
415:                    theTool = null;
416:                } catch (Exception e) {
417:                    System.err.println(System.getProperty("line.separator")
418:                            + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
419:                    System.err.println("#$%%*&@# internal error: "
420:                            + e.toString());
421:                    System.err
422:                            .println("[complain to nearest government official");
423:                    System.err
424:                            .println(" or send hate-mail to;");
425:                    System.err.println(" please send stack trace with report.]"
426:                            + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
427:                    e.printStackTrace();
428:                }
429:                System.exit(0);
430:            }
432:            /** This method is used by all code generators to create new output
433:             * files.
434:             */
435:            public PrintWriter openOutputFile(String f) throws IOException {
436:                return new PrintWriter(new PreservingFileWriter(outputDir
437:                        + System.getProperty("file.separator") + f));
438:            }
440:            public Reader getGrammarReader() {
441:                Reader f = null;
442:                try {
443:                    if (grammarFile != null) {
444:                        f = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(grammarFile));
445:                    }
446:                } catch (IOException e) {
447:                    fatalError("cannot open grammar file " + grammarFile);
448:                }
449:                return f;
450:            }
452:            /** @since 2.7.2
453:             */
454:            public void reportException(Exception e, String message) {
455:                System.err.println(message == null ? e.getMessage() : message
456:                        + ": " + e.getMessage());
457:            }
459:            /** @since 2.7.2
460:             */
461:            public void reportProgress(String message) {
462:                System.out.println(message);
463:            }
465:            /** An error occured that should stop the Tool from doing any work.
466:             *  The default implementation currently exits (via
467:             *  {@link java.lang.System.exit(int)} after printing an error message to
468:             *  <var>stderr</var>. However, the tools should expect that a subclass
469:             *  will override this to throw an unchecked exception such as
470:             *  {@link java.lang.IllegalStateException} or another subclass of
471:             *  {@link java.lang.RuntimeException}. <em>If this method is overriden,
472:             *  <strong>it must never return normally</strong>; i.e. it must always
473:             *  throw an exception or call System.exit</em>.
474:             *  @since 2.7.2
475:             *  @param s The message
476:             */
477:            public void fatalError(String message) {
478:                System.err.println(message);
479:                System.exit(1);
480:            }
482:            /** Issue an unknown fatal error. <em>If this method is overriden,
483:             *  <strong>it must never return normally</strong>; i.e. it must always
484:             *  throw an exception or call System.exit</em>.
485:             *  @deprecated as of 2.7.2 use {@link #fatalError(String)}. By default
486:             *              this method executes <code>fatalError("panic");</code>.
487:             */
488:            public void panic() {
489:                fatalError("panic");
490:            }
492:            /** Issue a fatal error message. <em>If this method is overriden,
493:             *  <strong>it must never return normally</strong>; i.e. it must always
494:             *  throw an exception or call System.exit</em>.
495:             *  @deprecated as of 2.7.2 use {@link #fatalError(String)}. By defaykt
496:             *              this method executes <code>fatalError("panic: " + s);</code>.
497:             * @param s The message
498:             */
499:            public void panic(String s) {
500:                fatalError("panic: " + s);
501:            }
503:            // File.getParent() can return null when the file is specified without
504:            // a directory or is in the root directory.
505:            // This method handles those cases.
506:            public File parent(File f) {
507:                String dirname = f.getParent();
508:                if (dirname == null) {
509:                    if (f.isAbsolute())
510:                        return new File(File.separator);
511:                    else
512:                        return new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
513:                }
514:                return new File(dirname);
515:            }
517:            /** Parse a list such as "f1.g;f2.g;..." and return a Vector
518:             *  of the elements.
519:             */
520:            public static Vector parseSeparatedList(String list, char separator) {
521:                Vector v = new Vector(10);
522:                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(100);
523:                int i = 0;
524:                while (i < list.length()) {
525:                    while (i < list.length() && list.charAt(i) != separator) {
526:                        buf.append(list.charAt(i));
527:                        i++;
528:                    }
529:                    // add element to vector
530:                    v.appendElement(buf.toString());
531:                    buf.setLength(0);
532:                    // must be a separator or finished.
533:                    if (i < list.length()) {
534:                        // not done?
535:                        i++; // skip separator
536:                    }
537:                }
538:                if (v.size() == 0)
539:                    return null;
540:                return v;
541:            }
543:            /** given a filename, strip off the directory prefix (if any)
544:             *  and return it.  Return "./" if f has no dir prefix.
545:             */
546:            public String pathToFile(String f) {
547:                String separator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
548:                int endOfPath = f.lastIndexOf(separator);
549:                if (endOfPath == -1) {
550:                    // no path, use current directory
551:                    return "." + System.getProperty("file.separator");
552:                }
553:                return f.substring(0, endOfPath + 1);
554:            }
556:            /** <p>Process the command-line arguments.  Can only be called by Tool.
557:             * A bitset is collected of all correct arguments via setArgOk.</p>
558:             * @param args The command-line arguments passed to main()
559:             *
560:             */
561:            protected void processArguments(String[] args) {
562:                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
563:                    if (args[i].equals("-diagnostic")) {
564:                        genDiagnostics = true;
565:                        genHTML = false;
566:                        setArgOK(i);
567:                    } else if (args[i].equals("-o")) {
568:                        setArgOK(i);
569:                        if (i + 1 >= args.length) {
570:                            error("missing output directory with -o option; ignoring");
571:                        } else {
572:                            i++;
573:                            setOutputDirectory(args[i]);
574:                            setArgOK(i);
575:                        }
576:                    } else if (args[i].equals("-html")) {
577:                        genHTML = true;
578:                        genDiagnostics = false;
579:                        setArgOK(i);
580:                    } else if (args[i].equals("-docbook")) {
581:                        genDocBook = true;
582:                        genDiagnostics = false;
583:                        setArgOK(i);
584:                    } else {
585:                        if (args[i].charAt(0) != '-') {
586:                            // Must be the grammar file
587:                            grammarFile = args[i];
588:                            setArgOK(i);
589:                        }
590:                    }
591:                }
592:            }
594:            public void setArgOK(int i) {
595:                cmdLineArgValid.add(i);
596:            }
598:            public void setOutputDirectory(String o) {
599:                outputDir = o;
600:            }
602:            /** Issue an error; used for general tool errors not for grammar stuff
603:             * @param s The message
604:             */
605:            public void toolError(String s) {
606:                System.err.println("error: " + s);
607:            }
609:            /** Issue a warning
610:             * @param s the message
611:             */
612:            public void warning(String s) {
613:                System.err.println("warning: " + s);
614:            }
616:            /** Issue a warning with line number information
617:             * @param s The message
618:             * @param file The file that has the warning (or null)
619:             * @param line The grammar file line number on which the warning occured (or -1)
620:             * @param column The grammar file line number on which the warning occured (or -1)
621:             */
622:            public void warning(String s, String file, int line, int column) {
623:                System.err.println(FileLineFormatter.getFormatter()
624:                        .getFormatString(file, line, column)
625:                        + "warning:" + s);
626:            }
628:            /** Issue a warning with line number information
629:             * @param s The lines of the message
630:             * @param file The file that has the warning
631:             * @param line The grammar file line number on which the warning occured
632:             */
633:            public void warning(String[] s, String file, int line, int column) {
634:                if (s == null || s.length == 0) {
635:                    panic("bad multi-line message to Tool.warning");
636:                }
637:                System.err.println(FileLineFormatter.getFormatter()
638:                        .getFormatString(file, line, column)
639:                        + "warning:" + s[0]);
640:                for (int i = 1; i < s.length; i++) {
641:                    System.err.println(FileLineFormatter.getFormatter()
642:                            .getFormatString(file, line, column)
643:                            + "    " + s[i]);
644:                }
645:            }
647:            /**
648:             * Support C++ & C# namespaces (for now).  
649:             * C++: Add a nested namespace name to the current namespace.
650:             * C# : Specify an enclosing namespace for the generated code.
651:             * DAW: David Wagner -- C# support by kunle odutola
652:             */
653:            public void setNameSpace(String name) {
654:                if (null == nameSpace)
655:                    nameSpace = new NameSpace(StringUtils.stripFrontBack(name,
656:                            "\"", "\""));
657:            }
658:        } | Contact Us
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