| xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty.JavaPropertyParser
JavaPropertyParser | final public class JavaPropertyParser extends FullParserBase (Code) | | Packrat parser for grammar xtc.xform.samples.javaproperty.JavaProperty .
This class has been generated by the Rats! parser
generator, version 1.8.1, (C) 2004-2006 Robert Grimm.
Inner Class :final static class Chunk1 | |
Inner Class :final static class Chunk2 | |
Inner Class :final static class Chunk3 | |
Inner Class :final static class JavaPropertyParserColumn extends Column | |
Method Summary | |
protected static void | add(Set set, Object[] values) Add the specified values to the specified set. | protected Column | newColumn() | public Result | pCompilationUnit(int yyStart) Parse nonterminal
Parameters: yyStart - The index. |
JAVA_KEYWORDS | final public static Set JAVA_KEYWORDS(Code) | | The JAVA_KEYWORDS set.
JavaPropertyParser | public JavaPropertyParser(Reader reader, String file)(Code) | | Create a new packrat parser.
Parameters: reader - The reader. Parameters: file - The file name. |
JavaPropertyParser | public JavaPropertyParser(Reader reader, String file, int size)(Code) | | Create a new packrat parser.
Parameters: reader - The file reader. Parameters: file - The file name. Parameters: size - The file size. |
add | protected static void add(Set set, Object[] values)(Code) | | Add the specified values to the specified set.
Parameters: set - The set. Parameters: values - The new values. |
pCompilationUnit | public Result pCompilationUnit(int yyStart) throws IOException(Code) | | Parse nonterminal
Parameters: yyStart - The index. The result. throws: IOException - Signals an I/O error. |