| java.lang.Object org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken
channel | protected int channel(Code) | | |
charPositionInLine | protected int charPositionInLine(Code) | | |
index | protected int index(Code) | | What token number is this from 0..n-1 tokens; < 0 implies invalid index
start | protected int start(Code) | | The char position into the input buffer where this token starts
stop | protected int stop(Code) | | The char position into the input buffer where this token stops
text | protected String text(Code) | | We need to be able to change the text once in a while. If
this is non-null, then getText should return this. Note that
start/stop are not affected by changing this.
CommonToken | public CommonToken(int type)(Code) | | |
CommonToken | public CommonToken(CharStream input, int type, int channel, int start, int stop)(Code) | | |
getChannel | public int getChannel()(Code) | | |
getCharPositionInLine | public int getCharPositionInLine()(Code) | | |
getLine | public int getLine()(Code) | | |
getStartIndex | public int getStartIndex()(Code) | | |
getStopIndex | public int getStopIndex()(Code) | | |
getTokenIndex | public int getTokenIndex()(Code) | | |
getType | public int getType()(Code) | | |
setChannel | public void setChannel(int channel)(Code) | | |
setCharPositionInLine | public void setCharPositionInLine(int charPositionInLine)(Code) | | |
setLine | public void setLine(int line)(Code) | | |
setStartIndex | public void setStartIndex(int start)(Code) | | |
setStopIndex | public void setStopIndex(int stop)(Code) | | |
setText | public void setText(String text)(Code) | | Override the text for this token. getText() will return this text
rather than pulling from the buffer. Note that this does not mean
that start/stop indexes are not valid. It means that that input
was converted to a new string in the token object.
setTokenIndex | public void setTokenIndex(int index)(Code) | | |
setType | public void setType(int type)(Code) | | |