001: /**
002: * $Id: DisplayProfileMBean.java,
003: * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All
004: * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject
005: * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
006: * Commercial Software -- Government Users
007: * Subject to Standard License Terms and
008: * Conditions.
009: *
010: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE
011: * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
012: * Inc. in the United States and other countries.
013: */package com.sun.portal.desktop.admin.mbeans;
015: import com.sun.portal.admin.common.PSMBeanException;
017: import java.util.List;
018: import java.util.Map;
019: import java.util.Set;
021: public interface DisplayProfileMBean {
023: public String getDPPriority(String baseDN) throws PSMBeanException;
025: public String getDPDocument(String baseDN) throws PSMBeanException;
027: public Set getExistingProviders(String baseDN)
028: throws PSMBeanException;
030: public Set getTopLevelChannels(String baseDN)
031: throws PSMBeanException;
033: public Object[] getPhysicalHierarchy(String baseDN)
034: throws PSMBeanException;
036: public Object[] getVisualHierarchy(String baseDN,
037: String rootContainer) throws PSMBeanException;
039: public Set getExistingChannels(String baseDN, Boolean all)
040: throws PSMBeanException;
042: public Set getExistingContainers(String baseDN, Boolean all)
043: throws PSMBeanException;
045: public Set getExistingTabContainers(String baseDN, Boolean all)
046: throws PSMBeanException;
048: public Set getExistingContainerProviders(String baseDN)
049: throws PSMBeanException;
051: public Set getAssignableChannels(String baseDN, String container)
052: throws PSMBeanException;
054: public List getAvailableChannels(String baseDN, String containerName)
055: throws PSMBeanException;
057: public List getSelectedChannels(String baseDN, String containerName)
058: throws PSMBeanException;
060: public String getStringProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
061: String key, List pflist) throws PSMBeanException;
063: public Integer getIntegerProperty(String baseDN,
064: String channelName, String key, List pflist)
065: throws PSMBeanException;
067: public Boolean getBooleanProperty(String baseDN,
068: String channelName, String key, List pflist)
069: throws PSMBeanException;
071: public Map getMapProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
072: String key, List pflist) throws PSMBeanException;
074: public List getListProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
075: String key, List pflist) throws PSMBeanException;
077: /**
078: * gets the map of property name - infoMap
079: * name - infoMap {
080: * KEY_NAMED = <Boolean - true/false>
081: * KEY_VALUE = <Object - value>
082: * KEY_TYPE = <short - com.sun.portal.admin.common.DesktopConstants.TYPE_
085: * KEY_STATE = <String - com.sun.portal.admin.common.DesktopConstants.STATE_
087: * KEY_CATEGORY = <Boolean - advanced:true/false>
088: *
089: * @param fqcn Fully Qualified Channel Name
090: * @param rpn Relative Path Name
091: * @param dn DN
092: * @param client Client or Device type like HTML or WML
093: * @param locale Locale string like en_US_POSIX
094: * @throws PSMBeanException in case of any errors
095: */
096: public Map getNodeProperties(String fqcn, String rpn, String dn,
097: String client, String locale) throws PSMBeanException;
099: public void setDPDocument(String baseDN, String dp)
100: throws PSMBeanException;
102: public void removeDPDocument(String baseDN) throws PSMBeanException;
104: public void setDPPriority(String baseDN, String priority)
105: throws PSMBeanException;
107: public Boolean isContainer(String baseDN, String channelName)
108: throws PSMBeanException;
110: public Boolean isTabContainer(String baseDN, String channelName)
111: throws PSMBeanException;
113: public void setAvailableChannels(String baseDN, List available,
114: String containerName) throws PSMBeanException;
116: public void setSelectedChannels(String baseDN, List selected,
117: String containerName) throws PSMBeanException;
119: public void setStringProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
120: String key, String value, List pflist)
121: throws PSMBeanException;
123: public void setIntegerProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
124: String key, Integer value, List pflist)
125: throws PSMBeanException;
127: public void setBooleanProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
128: String key, Boolean value, List pflist)
129: throws PSMBeanException;
131: public void setMapProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
132: String key, Map value, List pflist) throws PSMBeanException;
134: public void setListProperty(String baseDN, String channelName,
135: String key, List value, List pflist)
136: throws PSMBeanException;
138: /**
139: * sets the properties defined in the Object values
140: * values contains name-value pairs to be set or the List of Strings in
141: * case of un-named properties
142: * A collection can only contain either named or un-named proeperties
143: * and never a mix of two
144: *
145: * @param fqcn Fully Qualified Channel Name
146: * @param rpn Relative Path Name
147: * @param dn DN
148: * @param client Client or Device type like HTML or WML
149: * @param locale Locale string like en_US_POSIX
150: * @param values Map of name-value pairs to be changed in case of named
151: * properties and List of String values in case of
152: * un-named properties.
153: * @throws PSMBeanException in case of any errors
154: */
155: public void setNodeProperties(String fqcn, String rpn, String dn,
156: String client, String locale, Object values)
157: throws PSMBeanException;
159: /**
160: * removes the customization from this node dp.
161: * It creates the ChannelTaskAdmin object w/o dp mergers and then
162: * calls remove so that the entry is physically removed from the dp.
163: * It does NOT add the property with merge=remove
164: *
165: * @param fqcn Fully Qualified Channel Name
166: * @param rpn Relative Path Name
167: * @param dn DN
168: * @param client Client or Device type like HTML or WML
169: * @param locale Locale string like en_US_POSIX
170: * @param names List of propety names to be removed from this node's dp
171: * @throws PSMBeanException in case of any errors
172: */
173: public void removeCustomization(String fqcn, String rpn, String dn,
174: String client, String locale, List names)
175: throws PSMBeanException;
177: /**
178: * Creates a new property inside a collection
179: * Admin does not allow creating a property at channel top level
180: * This method is used only for creating named properties
181: * Unnamed properties are created/deleted differently and do not use this
182: * method
183: * The type of property to be created is determined by type
184: * of Object value.
185: * All validations like duplicate names and Object value's content are
186: * expected to be performed by clients calling this method. This method
187: * does perform any validations. So the admin is expected to have
188: * passed in correct values for all params
189: *
190: * @param fqcn Fully Qualified Channel Name
191: * @param rpn Relative Path Name
192: * @param dn DN
193: * @param client Client or Device type like HTML or WML
194: * @param locale Locale string like en_US_POSIX
195: * @param name Name of the property. This can be anything that dp-api
196: * allows except char used for collecition name separator
197: * which is typically pipe '|'
198: * @param value Object of types String/Integer/Boolean/Map
199: * @param advanced Boolean true if the new property should be advanced
200: * @throws PSMBeanException in case of any errors
201: */
202: public void createNodeProperty(String fqcn, String rpn, String dn,
203: String client, String locale, String name, Object value,
204: Boolean advanced) throws PSMBeanException;
206: public void createChannel(String baseDN, String channelName,
207: String providerName) throws PSMBeanException;
209: public void createContainer(String baseDN, String channelName,
210: String providerName) throws PSMBeanException;
212: public void createTab(String baseDN, String channelName,
213: String providerName, String parentContainer, Map tabProps)
214: throws PSMBeanException;
216: public Set getNonExistentContainerAssignableChannels(String baseDN,
217: String parentContainer, String channelName,
218: String providerName) throws PSMBeanException;
220: public void deleteChannel(String baseDN, String channelName,
221: String parentcontainer) throws PSMBeanException;
223: }