createNodeProperty(String fqcn, String rpn, String dn, String client, String locale, String name, Object value, Boolean advanced) Creates a new property inside a collection
Admin does not allow creating a property at channel top level
This method is used only for creating named properties
Unnamed properties are created/deleted differently and do not use this
The type of property to be created is determined by type
of Object value.
All validations like duplicate names and Object value's content are
expected to be performed by clients calling this method.
Creates a new property inside a collection
Admin does not allow creating a property at channel top level
This method is used only for creating named properties
Unnamed properties are created/deleted differently and do not use this
The type of property to be created is determined by type
of Object value.
All validations like duplicate names and Object value's content are
expected to be performed by clients calling this method. This method
does perform any validations. So the admin is expected to have
passed in correct values for all params
Parameters: fqcn - Fully Qualified Channel Name Parameters: rpn - Relative Path Name Parameters: dn - DN Parameters: client - Client or Device type like HTML or WML Parameters: locale - Locale string like en_US_POSIX Parameters: name - Name of the property. This can be anything that dp-api allows except char used for collecition name separatorwhich is typically pipe '|' Parameters: value - Object of types String/Integer/Boolean/Map Parameters: advanced - Boolean true if the new property should be advanced throws: PSMBeanException - in case of any errors
removes the customization from this node dp.
It creates the ChannelTaskAdmin object w/o dp mergers and then
calls remove so that the entry is physically removed from the dp.
It does NOT add the property with merge=remove
Parameters: fqcn - Fully Qualified Channel Name Parameters: rpn - Relative Path Name Parameters: dn - DN Parameters: client - Client or Device type like HTML or WML Parameters: locale - Locale string like en_US_POSIX Parameters: names - List of propety names to be removed from this node's dp throws: PSMBeanException - in case of any errors
sets the properties defined in the Object values
values contains name-value pairs to be set or the List of Strings in
case of un-named properties
A collection can only contain either named or un-named proeperties
and never a mix of two
Parameters: fqcn - Fully Qualified Channel Name Parameters: rpn - Relative Path Name Parameters: dn - DN Parameters: client - Client or Device type like HTML or WML Parameters: locale - Locale string like en_US_POSIX Parameters: values - Map of name-value pairs to be changed in case of namedproperties and List of String values in case of un-named properties. throws: PSMBeanException - in case of any errors