| com.sun.portal.desktop.context.DesktopAppContext
All known Subclasses: com.sun.portal.harness.HarnessDesktopAppContext, com.sun.portal.desktop.context.PSDesktopAppContext,
DesktopAppContext | public interface DesktopAppContext (Code) | | |
Method Summary | |
public short | getAuthlessState(String clientType) | public Map | getAuthorizedAuthlessUIDs() | public int | getBrowserCacheInterval() | public int | getCallerPoolMaxSize() | public int | getCallerPoolMinSize() | public int | getCallerPoolPartitionSize() | public String | getCharset(String clientType, Locale locale) | public int | getClassLoaderRevalidateInterval() | public String | getClientPath(String clientType) | public long | getClientSessionInactiveMax() | public long | getClientSessionReapInterval() | public long | getClientSessionsMax() | public String | getClientType(HttpServletRequest req) | public Set | getClientTypeProperties(String clientType, String key) | public String | getClientTypeProperty(String clientType, String key) | public List | getCommunityContributorTypes() | public String | getConfigProperty(String key) | public String | getContentType(String clientType) | public String | getCookiePrefix() | public short | getCookieSupport(String clientType) | public int | getDPScanInterval() | public String | getDefaultAuthlessUID() | public String | getDefaultClientType() | public String | getDefaultDesktopType() | public String | getDesktopContextClassName() | public String | getDesktopURL(HttpServletRequest req) | public String | getDesktopURL(HttpServletRequest req, Map query, Map pathInfo) | public String | getDesktopURL(HttpServletRequest req, String query) | public String | getEncoderClassName(String clientType) | public int | getGetterPoolMaxSize() | public int | getGetterPoolMinSize() | public int | getGetterPoolPartitionSize() | public String | getInstanceId() | public String | getJSPCompilerWARClassPath() | public String | getJSPScratchDir() | public String | getLBCookieName() | public String | getLogoutURL() | public int | getMaxEventGenerations() | public String | getNoSessionURL() | public String | getPortalId() | public String | getPortletRenderModeParallel() | public String | getPreLoginURL(String returnURL, String libertySSOFailedParamName) | public String | getProviderClassBaseDir() | public StringBuffer | getRequestServer(HttpServletRequest req) | public String | getServiceContextClassName() | public String | getSessionID(HttpServletRequest req) | public String | getSessionReturnURLParamName() | public String | getStaticContentPath() | public String | getStringAttribute(String name) Gets the server-specific (global) attribute.
Parameters: name - The attribute name. | public ParsedTagArray | getTemplate(String type, String locale, String app, String provider, String clientFilePath, String file, String baseDir) | public StringBuffer | getTemplate(String type, String locale, String app, String provider, String clientFilePath, String file, Hashtable table, String baseDir) | public StringBuffer | getTemplate(String type, String locale, String app, String provider, String clientFilePath, String file, Hashtable table, String baseDir, ContainerProviderContext pc) | public String | getTemplateBaseDir() | public File | getTemplateMostSpecificPath(String type, String locale, String app, String provider, String clientFilePath, String file, String baseDir) | public File | getTemplatePath(String type, String locale, String app, String provider, String clientFilePath, String file, String baseDir) | public int | getTemplateScanInterval() | public void | init(ServletContext sc) | public boolean | isAuthless(HttpServletRequest req) | public boolean | isAuthlessEnabled() | public boolean | isAuthorizedAuthlessUID(String uid) | public boolean | isFederationEnabled() | public boolean | isWSRP(HttpServletRequest req) | public void | setStringAttribute(String name, String val) Sets the server-specific (global) attribute value.
New data is persisted immediately. | public boolean | validateAuthlessSession(HttpServletRequest req) | public boolean | validateSession(HttpServletRequest req) |
getAuthlessState | public short getAuthlessState(String clientType)(Code) | | |
getAuthorizedAuthlessUIDs | public Map getAuthorizedAuthlessUIDs()(Code) | | |
getBrowserCacheInterval | public int getBrowserCacheInterval()(Code) | | |
getCallerPoolMaxSize | public int getCallerPoolMaxSize()(Code) | | |
getCallerPoolMinSize | public int getCallerPoolMinSize()(Code) | | |
getCallerPoolPartitionSize | public int getCallerPoolPartitionSize()(Code) | | |
getClassLoaderRevalidateInterval | public int getClassLoaderRevalidateInterval()(Code) | | |
getClientSessionInactiveMax | public long getClientSessionInactiveMax()(Code) | | |
getClientSessionReapInterval | public long getClientSessionReapInterval()(Code) | | |
getClientSessionsMax | public long getClientSessionsMax()(Code) | | |
getCommunityContributorTypes | public List getCommunityContributorTypes()(Code) | | |
getCookieSupport | public short getCookieSupport(String clientType)(Code) | | |
getDPScanInterval | public int getDPScanInterval()(Code) | | |
getDefaultAuthlessUID | public String getDefaultAuthlessUID()(Code) | | |
getDefaultClientType | public String getDefaultClientType()(Code) | | |
getDefaultDesktopType | public String getDefaultDesktopType()(Code) | | |
getDesktopContextClassName | public String getDesktopContextClassName()(Code) | | |
getGetterPoolMaxSize | public int getGetterPoolMaxSize()(Code) | | |
getGetterPoolMinSize | public int getGetterPoolMinSize()(Code) | | |
getGetterPoolPartitionSize | public int getGetterPoolPartitionSize()(Code) | | |
getJSPCompilerWARClassPath | public String getJSPCompilerWARClassPath()(Code) | | |
getMaxEventGenerations | public int getMaxEventGenerations()(Code) | | |
getPortletRenderModeParallel | public String getPortletRenderModeParallel()(Code) | | |
getProviderClassBaseDir | public String getProviderClassBaseDir()(Code) | | |
getServiceContextClassName | public String getServiceContextClassName()(Code) | | |
getSessionReturnURLParamName | public String getSessionReturnURLParamName()(Code) | | |
getStaticContentPath | public String getStaticContentPath()(Code) | | |
getStringAttribute | public String getStringAttribute(String name)(Code) | | Gets the server-specific (global) attribute.
Parameters: name - The attribute name. The attribute value in String format. If property isnot not found, return null. |
getTemplateScanInterval | public int getTemplateScanInterval()(Code) | | |
isAuthlessEnabled | public boolean isAuthlessEnabled()(Code) | | |
isAuthorizedAuthlessUID | public boolean isAuthorizedAuthlessUID(String uid)(Code) | | |
isFederationEnabled | public boolean isFederationEnabled()(Code) | | |
setStringAttribute | public void setStringAttribute(String name, String val)(Code) | | Sets the server-specific (global) attribute value.
New data is persisted immediately.
Parameters: name - The attribute name. Parameters: name - The attribute value. |