| The class contains a utility method for converting from
a MIME format called "x-www-form-urlencoded "
to a String
To convert to a String , each character is examined in turn:
- The ASCII characters '
a ' through 'z ',
'A ' through 'Z ', and '0 '
through '9 ' remain the same.
- The plus sign '
+ 'is converted into a
space character ' '.
- The remaining characters are represented by 3-character
strings which begin with the percent sign,
%xy ", where xy is the two-digit
hexadecimal representation of the lower 8-bits of the character.
Code reworked to not do any charset translations by Tom Mueller
author: Mark Chamness author: Michael McCloskey version: 1.2 06/29/98 since: JDK1.2 |