001: /**
002: * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All
003: * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject
004: * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
005: * Commercial Software -- Government Users
006: * Subject to Standard License Terms and
007: * Conditions.
008: *
009: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and Sun ONE
010: * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
011: * Inc. in the United States and other countries.
012: */package com.sun.portal.fabric.config;
014: import java.io.File;
015: import java.io.PrintStream;
016: import java.io.FileOutputStream;
017: import java.lang.InterruptedException;
018: import java.util.HashMap;
019: import java.util.List;
020: import java.util.Map;
021: import java.util.Iterator;
022: import java.util.Set;
023: import java.util.Vector;
024: import java.util.logging.Level;
025: import java.util.logging.Logger;
027: import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
028: import javax.management.ObjectName;
030: import com.sun.portal.admin.common.context.PSConfigContext;
031: import com.sun.portal.admin.common.util.AdminClientUtil;
032: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.AntUtil;
033: import com.sun.portal.fabric.util.FileUtil;
034: import com.sun.portal.log.common.PortalLogger;
035: import com.sun.portal.util.Platform;
037: import org.jdom.Attribute;
039: import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildEvent;
040: import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
041: import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildListener;
042: import org.apache.tools.ant.DefaultLogger;
043: import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
044: import org.apache.tools.ant.ProjectHelper;
046: /*
047: * The primary purpose of this class is to setup the Portal samples
048: * shared data. This data is used to configure sample Portal content
049: * with the JES Portal installer or manually with the Portal content
050: * configuration ant scripts.
051: */
052: public class SamplePortals implements BuildListener {
054: private PSConfigContext pscContext = null;
055: private String sharedBaseDir = null;
056: private String buildfile = null;
057: private String tmpDir = null;
058: private Logger logger = null;
059: private AntUtil antUtil = null;
061: // vectors for sample targets
062: Vector developerTargets = null;
063: Vector enterpriseTargets = null;
064: Vector communityTargets = null;
065: Vector welcomeTargets = null;
066: Vector portalTargets = null;
067: Vector postTargets = null;
068: Vector sraTargets = null;
069: Vector uninstallTargets = null;
071: // shared properties file names
072: private final static String INPUT_FILE = "input.properties";
073: private final static String PASSWORD_FILE = "password.properties";
074: private final static String COMMS_FILE = "comms.properties";
076: // top level sample portal targets
077: private final static String COMMUNITY_PORTAL = "community_portal";
078: private final static String COMMUNITY_POST = "community_post";
079: private final static String COMMUNITY_SRA = "community_sra";
080: private final static String DEVELOPER_PORTAL = "developer_portal";
081: private final static String DEVELOPER_POST = "developer_post";
082: private final static String DEVELOPER_SRA = "developer_sra";
083: private final static String ENTERPRISE_PORTAL = "enterprise_portal";
084: private final static String ENTERPRISE_POST = "enterprise_post";
085: private final static String ENTERPRISE_SRA = "enterprise_sra";
086: private final static String WELCOME_PORTAL = "welcome_portal";
087: private final static String WELCOME_POST = "welcome_post";
089: // common vars
090: private final static String fs = Platform.fs;
091: private final static String TEMPLATE = ".template";
092: private final static String LOG = ".log";
093: private final static String SHARED_BUILD_FILE = "build.xml";
094: private final static String INSTALL_REDEPLOY = "install_redeploy";
095: private final static String UNINSTALL_SAMPLES = "uninstall_samples";
096: private final static String PORTALS = "portals";
097: private final static String SAMPLES = "samples";
098: private final static String SHARED = "shared";
099: private final static String ANT_INSTANCE_PROP = "ps.instance.id";
101: // profiler and communications element attribute names
102: private final static String PROFILER_EMAIL = "ProfilerFromEmailAddress";
103: private final static String PROFILER_SMTP = "ProfilerSMTPHost";
104: private final static String PROTOCOL = "Protocol";
105: private final static String HOST = "Host";
106: private final static String PORT = "Port";
107: private final static String SMTP_HOST = "SMTPHost";
108: private final static String SMTP_PORT = "SMTPPort";
109: private final static String CLIENT_PROTOCOL = "ClientProtocol";
110: private final static String CLIENT_HOST = "ClientHost";
111: private final static String CLIENT_PORT = "ClientPort";
112: private final static String WEBAPP_URI = "WebappURI";
113: private final static String DOMAIN = "Domain";
114: private final static String CODEBASE = "Codebase";
116: // logfiles
117: private final static String CONFIG_DEVELOPER_LOGFILE = "portal.developer.sample.";
118: private final static String CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_LOGFILE = "portal.enterprise.sample.";
119: private final static String CONFIG_COMMUNITY_LOGFILE = "portal.community.sample.";
120: private final static String CONFIG_WELCOME_LOGFILE = "portal.welcome.sample.";
121: private final static String CONFIG_LOGFILE = "portal.samples.";
122: private final static String CONFIG_SRA_LOGFILE = "portal.samples.sra";
123: private final static String UNCONFIG_LOGFILE = "portal.samples.unconfig";
125: /*
126: * Default Constructor
127: *
128: * @param pcc PSConfigContext
129: */
130: public SamplePortals(PSConfigContext pcc) {
131: pscContext = pcc;
132: logger = PortalLogger.getLogger(SamplePortals.class);
133: String sPSDataDir = pcc.getPSDataDir();
134: tmpDir = sPSDataDir + fs + "tmp";
135: String samplesBaseDir = pcc.getPSBaseDir() + fs + SAMPLES + fs
136: + PORTALS;
137: sharedBaseDir = samplesBaseDir + fs + SHARED;
138: buildfile = samplesBaseDir + fs + SHARED_BUILD_FILE;
139: antUtil = new AntUtil(sPSDataDir);
140: }
142: /*
143: * Configure the Portal Samples
144: *
145: * @param configDeveloper Configure the developer sample (true or false)
146: * @param configEnterprise Configure the enterprise sample (true or false)
147: * @param configCommunity Configure the community sample (true or false)
148: * @param portalID Portal identifier
149: * @param portalAccessURL Portal access url
150: * @param portalWebappURI Portal web application uri
151: * @param amAdminPassword AM admin password
152: * @param amldapuserPassword AM ldap user password
153: * @param searchID Search identifier
154: * @param searchURL Search access url
155: * @param portalInstances List of portal server instances
156: * @param profiler List of profiler settings
157: * @param addressbook List of address book settings
158: * @param calendar List of calendar settings
159: * @param instantmessenger List of instant messenger settings
160: * @param mail List of mail settings
161: * @param msc MBean Server Connection
162: * @param pc Portal Configurator
163: * @param portalServerData Portal Server Related Data in psconfig.xml
164: */
165: public void configure(boolean configDeveloper,
166: boolean configEnterprise, boolean configCommunity,
167: String portalID, String portalAccessURL,
168: String portalWebappURI, String amAdminPassword,
169: String amldapuserPassword, String searchID,
170: String searchURL, List portalInstances, List profiler,
171: List addressbook, List calendar, List instantmessenger,
172: List mail, MBeanServerConnection msc,
173: PortalConfigurator pc, Map portalServerData) {
175: // configure samples if selected
176: if (configDeveloper || configEnterprise || configCommunity) {
178: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFC0078");
180: portalTargets = new Vector();
181: postTargets = new Vector();
182: sraTargets = new Vector();
184: // set samples to configure
185: setConfigCommunity(configCommunity);
186: setConfigDeveloper(configDeveloper);
187: setConfigEnterprise(configEnterprise);
188: setConfigWelcome();
190: String sDevList = "Developer";
191: String sEntList = "Enterprise";
192: String sComList = "Community";
193: String sWelcomeList = "Welcome";
194: if (developerTargets != null) {
196: if (communityTargets != null) {
197: developerTargets.addAll(communityTargets);
198: communityTargets = null;
199: sDevList += ",Community";
200: }
201: if (enterpriseTargets != null) {
202: developerTargets.addAll(enterpriseTargets);
203: enterpriseTargets = null;
204: sDevList += ",Enterprise";
205: }
206: developerTargets.addAll(welcomeTargets);
207: welcomeTargets = null;
208: sDevList += ",Welcome";
209: } else if (enterpriseTargets != null) {
211: if (communityTargets != null) {
212: enterpriseTargets.addAll(communityTargets);
213: communityTargets = null;
214: sEntList += ",Community";
215: }
216: enterpriseTargets.addAll(welcomeTargets);
217: welcomeTargets = null;
218: sEntList += ",Welcome";
219: } else if (communityTargets != null) {
221: communityTargets.addAll(welcomeTargets);
222: welcomeTargets = null;
223: sComList += ",Welcome";
224: }
226: // generate input and password properties files
227: generatePasswordFile(amAdminPassword, amldapuserPassword);
228: generateInputFile(portalID, portalAccessURL,
229: portalWebappURI, amAdminPassword, searchID,
230: searchURL, profiler);
231: generateCommsFile(addressbook, calendar, instantmessenger,
232: mail);
234: // configure portal samples (not instance specific)
235: String logprefix = null;
237: try {
239: PortalSampleConfiguration communitySampleThread = null;
240: if (communityTargets != null) {
242: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0302",
243: new String[] { sComList });
244: logprefix = CONFIG_COMMUNITY_LOGFILE + portalID;
245: communitySampleThread = new PortalSampleConfiguration(
246: communityTargets, logprefix);
247: communitySampleThread.start();
248: }
250: PortalSampleConfiguration welcomeSampleThread = null;
251: if (welcomeTargets != null) {
253: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0302",
254: new String[] { sWelcomeList });
255: logprefix = CONFIG_WELCOME_LOGFILE + portalID;
256: welcomeSampleThread = new PortalSampleConfiguration(
257: welcomeTargets, logprefix);
258: welcomeSampleThread.start();
259: }
261: PortalSampleConfiguration enterpriseSampleThread = null;
262: if (enterpriseTargets != null) {
264: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0302",
265: new String[] { sEntList });
266: logprefix = CONFIG_ENTERPRISE_LOGFILE + portalID;
267: enterpriseSampleThread = new PortalSampleConfiguration(
268: enterpriseTargets, logprefix);
269: enterpriseSampleThread.start();
270: }
272: if (developerTargets != null) {
274: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0304");
275: pc.configurePortletApps(portalServerData,
276: pscContext, amAdminPassword, searchURL);
278: // developer sample configuration
279: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0302",
280: new String[] { sDevList });
281: logprefix = CONFIG_DEVELOPER_LOGFILE + portalID;
282: antUtil.runant(buildfile, developerTargets,
283: logprefix, null, null);
284: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0303",
285: new String[] { sDevList });
286: } else {
288: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0304");
289: pc.configurePortletApps(portalServerData,
290: pscContext, amAdminPassword, searchURL);
291: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0305");
292: }
294: if (welcomeSampleThread != null) {
296: welcomeSampleThread.join();
297: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0303",
298: new String[] { sWelcomeList });
299: }
301: if (communitySampleThread != null) {
303: communitySampleThread.join();
304: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0303",
305: new String[] { sComList });
306: }
308: if (enterpriseSampleThread != null) {
310: enterpriseSampleThread.join();
311: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0303",
312: new String[] { sEntList });
313: }
315: } catch (InterruptedException e) {
317: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "", e);
318: }
320: logprefix = CONFIG_LOGFILE + portalID;
321: antUtil.runant(buildfile, portalTargets, logprefix, null,
322: null);
324: // remove password file
325: removePasswordFile();
326: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFC0080");
327: } else {
328: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFC0079");
330: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0304");
331: pc.configurePortletApps(portalServerData, pscContext,
332: amAdminPassword, searchURL);
333: logger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSFB_CSPFC0305");
335: }
336: }
338: /*
339: * Configure SRA
340: *
341: * @param amAdminPassword AM admin password
342: * @param amAdminPassword AM ldap password
343: */
344: public void configureSRA(String amAdminPassword,
345: String amldapuserPassword) {
346: if ((sraTargets != null) && (!sraTargets.isEmpty())) {
347: generatePasswordFile(amAdminPassword, amldapuserPassword);
348: antUtil.runant(buildfile, sraTargets, CONFIG_SRA_LOGFILE,
349: null, null);
350: removePasswordFile();
351: }
352: }
354: /*
355: * Unconfigure the Portal Samples
356: *
357: * @param amAdminPassword AM admin password
358: */
359: public void unconfigure(String amAdminPassword,
360: String amldapuserPassword) {
361: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFC0082");
362: generatePasswordFile(amAdminPassword, amldapuserPassword);
363: uninstallTargets = new Vector();
364: uninstallTargets.add(UNINSTALL_SAMPLES);
365: antUtil.runant(buildfile, uninstallTargets, UNCONFIG_LOGFILE,
366: null, null);
367: removePasswordFile();
368: logger.log(Level.INFO, "PSFB_CSPFC0162");
369: }
371: /*
372: * Sets welcome sample configuration boolean
373: */
374: public void setConfigWelcome() {
376: welcomeTargets = new Vector();
377: welcomeTargets.add(WELCOME_PORTAL);
378: portalTargets.add(INSTALL_REDEPLOY);
379: portalTargets.addAll(postTargets);
380: }
382: /*
383: * Sets developer sample configuration boolean
384: */
385: public void setConfigDeveloper(final boolean bConfigDeveloper) {
386: if (bConfigDeveloper) {
387: developerTargets = new Vector();
388: developerTargets.add(DEVELOPER_PORTAL);
389: postTargets.add(DEVELOPER_POST);
390: sraTargets.add(DEVELOPER_SRA);
391: }
392: }
394: /*
395: * Sets enterprise sample configuration boolean
396: */
397: public void setConfigEnterprise(final boolean bConfigEnterprise) {
398: if (bConfigEnterprise) {
399: enterpriseTargets = new Vector();
400: enterpriseTargets.add(ENTERPRISE_PORTAL);
401: sraTargets.add(ENTERPRISE_SRA);
402: }
403: }
405: /*
406: * Sets community sample configuration boolean
407: */
408: public void setConfigCommunity(final boolean bConfigCommunity) {
409: if (bConfigCommunity) {
410: communityTargets = new Vector();
411: communityTargets.add(COMMUNITY_PORTAL);
412: sraTargets.add(COMMUNITY_SRA);
413: }
414: }
416: /*
417: * Generate the input.properties file with substituted tokens
418: *
419: * @param portalID The Portal Identifier
420: * @param portalAccessURL Portal access url
421: * @param portalWebappURI Portal web application uri
422: * @param amAdminPassword AM admin password
423: * @param searchID Search identifier
424: * @param searchURL Search access url
425: * @param profiler List of profiler settings (smtp & email)
426: */
427: private void generateInputFile(String portalID,
428: String portalAccessURL, String portalWebappURI,
429: String amAdminPassword, String searchID, String searchURL,
430: List profiler) {
432: File file = getSharedAntFile(INPUT_FILE);
433: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%DEFAULT_ORG_DN%",
434: pscContext.getDefaultOrganization());
435: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AM.ADMIN.DN%", pscContext
436: .getAdminUserDN());
437: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%PS_CONFIG_LOCATION%",
438: pscContext.getPSConfigDir());
439: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%PORTAL_ID%", portalID);
440: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%PORTAL_ACCESS_URL%",
441: portalAccessURL);
442: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%PORTAL_WEBAPP_URI%",
443: portalWebappURI);
444: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%SEARCH_ACCESS_URL%",
445: searchURL);
446: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%SEARCH_ID%", searchID);
448: String profilerEmail = "";
449: String profilerSMTP = "";
451: if (!profiler.isEmpty()) {
452: HashMap pmap = new HashMap(profiler.size());
453: for (Iterator it = profiler.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
454: Attribute attr = (Attribute) it.next();
455: pmap.put(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());
456: }
458: profilerEmail = (String) pmap.get(PROFILER_EMAIL);
459: profilerSMTP = (String) pmap.get(PROFILER_SMTP);
460: }
462: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%PROFILER_EMAIL%",
463: profilerEmail);
464: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%PROFILER_SMTP_HOST%",
465: profilerSMTP);
466: }
468: /*
469: * Generate the comms.properties file with substituted tokens
470: *
471: * @param ab List of address book server settings
472: * @param calendar List of calendar server settings
473: * @param im List of instant messenger server settings
474: * @param mail List of mail server settings
475: */
476: private void generateCommsFile(List ab, List calendar, List im,
477: List mail) {
479: File file = getSharedAntFile(COMMS_FILE);
481: if (!ab.isEmpty()) {
482: HashMap abMap = new HashMap(ab.size());
483: for (Iterator abIt = ab.iterator(); abIt.hasNext();) {
484: Attribute abAttr = (Attribute) abIt.next();
485: abMap.put(abAttr.getName(), abAttr.getValue());
486: }
488: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_PROTOCOL%",
489: (String) abMap.get(PROTOCOL));
490: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_HOST%",
491: (String) abMap.get(HOST));
492: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_PORT%",
493: (String) abMap.get(PORT));
494: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_CLIENT_PROTOCOL%",
495: (String) abMap.get(CLIENT_PROTOCOL));
496: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_CLIENT_HOST%",
497: (String) abMap.get(CLIENT_HOST));
498: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_CLIENT_PORT%",
499: (String) abMap.get(CLIENT_PORT));
500: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_WEBAPP_URI%",
501: (String) abMap.get(WEBAPP_URI));
502: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AB_DOMAIN%",
503: (String) abMap.get(DOMAIN));
504: }
506: if (!calendar.isEmpty()) {
507: HashMap calMap = new HashMap(calendar.size());
508: for (Iterator calIt = calendar.iterator(); calIt.hasNext();) {
509: Attribute calAttr = (Attribute) calIt.next();
510: calMap.put(calAttr.getName(), calAttr.getValue());
511: }
513: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_PROTOCOL%",
514: (String) calMap.get(PROTOCOL));
515: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_HOST%",
516: (String) calMap.get(HOST));
517: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_PORT%",
518: (String) calMap.get(PORT));
519: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_CLIENT_PROTOCOL%",
520: (String) calMap.get(CLIENT_PROTOCOL));
521: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_CLIENT_HOST%",
522: (String) calMap.get(CLIENT_HOST));
523: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_CLIENT_PORT%",
524: (String) calMap.get(CLIENT_PORT));
525: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_WEBAPP_URI%",
526: (String) calMap.get(WEBAPP_URI));
527: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%CAL_DOMAIN%",
528: (String) calMap.get(DOMAIN));
529: }
531: if (!mail.isEmpty()) {
532: HashMap mMap = new HashMap(mail.size());
533: for (Iterator mailIt = mail.iterator(); mailIt.hasNext();) {
534: Attribute mailAttr = (Attribute) mailIt.next();
535: mMap.put(mailAttr.getName(), mailAttr.getValue());
536: }
538: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_IMAP_HOST%",
539: (String) mMap.get(HOST));
540: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_IMAP_PORT%",
541: (String) mMap.get(PORT));
542: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_SMTP_HOST%",
543: (String) mMap.get(SMTP_HOST));
544: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_SMTP_PORT%",
545: (String) mMap.get(SMTP_PORT));
546: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_CLIENT_PROTOCOL%",
547: (String) mMap.get(CLIENT_PROTOCOL));
548: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_CLIENT_HOST%",
549: (String) mMap.get(CLIENT_HOST));
550: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_CLIENT_PORT%",
551: (String) mMap.get(CLIENT_PORT));
552: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_WEBAPP_URI%",
553: (String) mMap.get(WEBAPP_URI));
554: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%MAIL_DOMAIN%",
555: (String) mMap.get(DOMAIN));
556: }
558: if (!im.isEmpty()) {
559: HashMap imMap = new HashMap(im.size());
560: for (Iterator imIt = im.iterator(); imIt.hasNext();) {
561: Attribute imAttr = (Attribute) imIt.next();
562: imMap.put(imAttr.getName(), imAttr.getValue());
563: }
565: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%IM_HOST%",
566: (String) imMap.get(HOST));
567: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%IM_PORT%",
568: (String) imMap.get(PORT));
569: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%IM_CODEBASE%",
570: (String) imMap.get(CODEBASE));
571: }
572: }
574: /*
575: * Generate the password.properties file with substituted tokens
576: *
577: * @param amAdminPassword The amadmin user password
578: */
579: private void generatePasswordFile(String amAdminPassword,
580: String amldapuser) {
582: File file = getSharedAntFile(PASSWORD_FILE);
583: file.deleteOnExit();
584: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AMADMIN_PASSWORD%",
585: amAdminPassword);
586: FileUtil.replaceTokenInFile(file, "%AMLDAPUSER_PASSWORD%",
587: amldapuser);
588: }
590: /*
591: * Retrieves a File object based on the filename in the shared portals sample
592: * directory. This method will append ".template" to the filename for source file
593: * to retrieve. Then it copies filename.template to filename and returns this
594: * file object.
595: *
596: * @param filename name of file to return
597: */
598: private File getSharedAntFile(String filename) {
599: StringBuffer fromFile = new StringBuffer();
600: StringBuffer toFile = new StringBuffer();
602: fromFile.append(sharedBaseDir).append(fs).append(filename)
603: .append(TEMPLATE);
604: toFile.append(tmpDir).append(fs).append(filename);
605: FileUtil.copyFile(fromFile.toString(), toFile.toString());
606: File file = new File(toFile.toString());
607: return file;
608: }
610: /*
611: * Remove the generated shared password file
612: *
613: */
614: public void removePasswordFile() {
615: String filename = tmpDir + fs + PASSWORD_FILE;
616: File file = new File(filename);
618: if (file.exists()) {
619: file.delete();
620: }
621: }
623: /*
624: * Signals that the last target has finished.
625: */
626: public void buildFinished(BuildEvent event) {
627: Throwable error = event.getException();
629: if (error != null) {
630: String[] param = new String[1];
632: if (error instanceof BuildException) {
633: param[0] = error.toString();
634: } else {
635: param[0] = error.getMessage();
636: }
638: logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "PSFB_CSPFC0084", param);
639: }
640: }
642: /*
643: * Signals that a build has started.
644: */
645: public void buildStarted(BuildEvent event) {
646: }
648: /*
649: * Signals a message logging event.
650: */
651: public void messageLogged(BuildEvent event) {
652: }
654: /*
655: * Signals that a target has finished.
656: */
657: public void targetFinished(BuildEvent event) {
658: }
660: /*
661: * Signals that a target is starting.
662: */
663: public void targetStarted(BuildEvent event) {
664: }
666: /*
667: * Signals that a task has finished.
668: */
669: public void taskFinished(BuildEvent event) {
670: }
672: /*
673: * Signals that a task is starting.
674: */
675: public void taskStarted(BuildEvent event) {
676: }
678: private class PortalSampleConfiguration extends Thread {
680: Vector targets = null;
681: String logName = null;
683: /*
684: * Use ant API to configure the sample portals with the <code>buildfile</code>
685: * and the <code>targets</code>
686: *
687: * @param targets Ant targets
688: * @param logfile Ant logfile prefix
689: */
690: public PortalSampleConfiguration(Vector targets, String logName) {
692: this .targets = targets;
693: this .logName = logName;
694: }
696: public void run() {
698: antUtil.runant(buildfile, targets, logName, null, null);
699: }
700: }
701: }