0001: /**
0002: * $Id: CalendarProvider.java,v 1.126 2005/09/21 10:41:04 dg154973 Exp $
0003: * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All
0004: * rights reserved. Use of this product is subject
0005: * to license terms. Federal Acquisitions:
0006: * Commercial Software -- Government Users
0007: * Subject to Standard License Terms and
0008: * Conditions.
0009: *
0010: * Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo, and iPlanet
0011: * are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems,
0012: * Inc. in the United States and other countries.
0013: *
0014: */package com.sun.portal.providers.calendar;
0016: /**
0017: * The CalendarProvider displays a Calendar configured by a Portal user
0018: * on his/her desktop.
0019: *
0020: * Calendar Server Connection
0021: * ==========================
0022: * The CalendarProvider uses the SSOAdapter APIs to establish a connection to the
0023: * backend Calendar server. The CalendarProvider references an SSOAdapter Coinfiguration
0024: * via the display profile property 'ssoAdapter'.
0025: *
0026: * Calendar Views
0027: * ==============
0028: * Five views are supported by the CalendarProvider. The display profile property
0029: * 'view' is used to determine which calendar view is displayed.
0030: * - dayView
0031: * - dayWeekView (default)
0032: * - weekView
0033: * - monthView
0034: * - none
0035: *
0036: *
0037: * History
0038: * =======
0039: * Note: This class is based on CalendarProvider originally shipped with iPS:MAP 3.0
0040: * release. Changes has been made to make it work with SunONE Portal Server and
0041: * SunONE Identity Server.
0042: */
0044: import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
0045: import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
0046: import java.net.URL;
0047: import java.net.MalformedURLException;
0048: import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
0049: import java.util.logging.Logger;
0050: import java.util.logging.Level;
0051: import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
0052: import java.util.*;
0054: import com.sun.portal.providers.Provider;
0055: import com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException;
0056: import com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderAdapter;
0057: import com.sun.portal.providers.ProfileProviderAdapter;
0058: import com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderEditUtility;
0059: import com.sun.portal.providers.calendar.CalendarApplicationHelper;
0060: import com.sun.portal.providers.context.ProviderContext;
0061: import com.sun.portal.providers.context.ProviderContextException;
0062: import com.sun.portal.providers.context.ContainerProviderContext;
0063: import com.sun.portal.providers.util.ProviderProperties;
0064: import com.sun.portal.log.common.PortalLogger;
0066: import com.sun.ssoadapter.SSOAdapter;
0067: import com.sun.ssoadapter.SSOAdapterSession;
0068: import com.sun.ssoadapter.SSOAdapterFactory;
0069: import com.sun.ssoadapter.SSOAdapterException;
0071: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.*;
0072: import com.sun.comclient.calendar.socs.*;
0074: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
0075: import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
0077: public class CalendarProvider extends ProfileProviderAdapter {
0079: private static final int DAYS_OF_PREFETCHED_EVENTS = 7;
0081: private TimeZone userTimeZone = null;
0082: private java.util.Locale userLocale = null;
0083: private ResourceBundle bundle = null;
0085: private ProviderContext providerContext = null;
0086: protected SSOAdapterFactory adapterFactory = null;
0087: protected HashMap appHandlers = null;
0089: // display profile default values
0090: private String fontFace = null;
0092: // bundle default values
0093: private String bundleAllDayEvent = null;
0094: private String bundleAtLocation = null;
0095: private String bundleAtNoLocation = null;
0096: private String bundleConflict = null;
0097: private String bundleDescriptionSeperator = null;
0098: private String bundleDueEvents = null;
0099: private String bundleDueTasks = null;
0100: private String bundleFetchError = null;
0101: private String bundleNoSummary = null;
0102: private String bundleOpenError = null;
0103: private String bundleOtherTasks = null;
0104: private String bundleOverdueTasks = null;
0105: private String bundleProcessingError = null;
0106: private String bundleTaskCompleteStart = null;
0107: private String bundleTaskCompleteEnd = null;
0109: // flag to determine sso adapter configuration existence in init()
0110: protected boolean isSSOConfigFound = true;
0112: // flag to determine presentability in init()
0113: protected Boolean isPresentable = null;
0115: protected String editContainer = "";
0116: protected String targetProvider = "";
0117: protected String containerName = "";
0118: protected List pflist = null;
0120: // Create a logger for this class
0121: private static Logger debugLogger = PortalLogger
0122: .getLogger(CalendarProvider.class);
0124: /*
0125: * Default Constructor
0126: */
0127: public CalendarProvider() {
0128: super ();
0129: }
0131: /**
0132: * Check to see if <code>ssoAdapter</code> exists. If not then set
0133: * <code>isSSOConfigFound</code> to false disabling editability for the
0134: * user's Session.
0135: *
0136: */
0137: public void init(String name, HttpServletRequest request)
0138: throws ProviderException {
0140: super .init(name, request);
0141: try {
0142: pflist = getProviderContext()
0143: .getClientAndLocalePropertiesFilters();
0144: } catch (ProviderContextException pce) {
0145: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0011");
0146: }
0148: bundle = getResourceBundle();
0149: providerContext = getProviderContext();
0150: fontFace = getBestStringProperty("fontFace1", "Sans-serif",
0151: pflist);
0152: appHandlers = new HashMap();
0153: adapterFactory = SSOAdapterFactory.getInstance();
0155: try {
0156: // get bundle defaults
0157: bundleAllDayEvent = bundle
0158: .getString("CalendarProvider-allDayEvent");
0159: bundleAtLocation = bundle.getString("atLocation");
0160: bundleAtNoLocation = bundle.getString("atNoLocation");
0161: bundleConflict = bundle.getString("conflict");
0162: bundleDescriptionSeperator = bundle
0163: .getString("seperatorDescription");
0164: bundleDueEvents = bundle.getString("dueEvents");
0165: bundleDueTasks = bundle.getString("dueTasks");
0166: bundleFetchError = bundle.getString("componentFetchError")
0167: + " ";
0168: bundleNoSummary = bundle
0169: .getString("CalendarProvider-noSummary");
0170: bundleOpenError = bundle.getString("calendarOpenError")
0171: + " ";
0172: bundleOtherTasks = bundle.getString("otherTasks");
0173: bundleOverdueTasks = bundle.getString("overdueTasks");
0174: bundleProcessingError = bundle
0175: .getString("componentProcessingError");
0176: bundleTaskCompleteStart = bundle
0177: .getString("taskCompleteStart");
0178: bundleTaskCompleteEnd = bundle.getString("taskCompleteEnd");
0180: // check for ssoadapter configuration existence
0181: SSOAdapter ssoAdapter = (SSOAdapter) adapterFactory
0182: .getSSOAdapter(getBestStringProperty("ssoAdapter",
0183: pflist),
0184: new SSOAdapterSession(request,
0185: getProviderContext().getLocale(),
0186: getProviderContext().getUserID(),
0187: getName()));
0188: } catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
0189: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0012", mre);
0190: isPresentable = Boolean.FALSE;
0191: } catch (NullPointerException npe) {
0192: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0013", npe);
0193: isSSOConfigFound = false;
0194: } catch (SSOAdapterException ssoe) {
0195: isSSOConfigFound = false;
0196: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0014", ssoe
0197: .getMessage());
0198: }
0200: // pre-calculate presentability
0201: // in the non-authless case in order to
0202: // prevent re-calc'ing it each request
0203: //
0204: if (!getProviderContext().isAuthless(request)) {
0205: if (isPresentable(request)) {
0206: isPresentable = Boolean.TRUE;
0207: } else {
0208: isPresentable = Boolean.FALSE;
0209: }
0210: }
0212: } // end init
0214: /**
0215: * Channel is presentable if
0216: * 1) parent.isPresentable()
0217: * 2) existence of <code>display.template</code>
0218: * 3) existence of sso adapter template
0219: *
0220: * @return true or false
0221: */
0222: public boolean isPresentable(HttpServletRequest request) {
0223: boolean ip = false;
0224: try {
0225: getTemplate("display.template");
0226: } catch (ProviderException pe) {
0227: debugLogger.info("PSCC_CSPPC0015");
0228: return false;
0229: }
0230: if (isPresentable != null) {
0231: ip = isPresentable.booleanValue();
0232: return (ip && isSSOConfigFound);
0233: } else {
0234: return isSSOConfigFound;
0235: }
0236: }
0238: /**
0239: * returns HTML content to the <code>ProfileProviderAdapter </code>
0240: * to be displayed on the desktop
0241: *
0242: * @param request <code>HttpServletRequest</code>
0243: * @param response <code>HttpServletResponse</code>
0244: * @return <code>StringBuffer</code> containing the provider content
0245: * @exception ProviderException indicates error in getting content
0246: */
0248: public StringBuffer getContent(HttpServletRequest request,
0249: HttpServletResponse response) throws ProviderException {
0251: StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
0252: StringBuffer escapedContent = new StringBuffer();
0253: Hashtable contentTags = new Hashtable();
0254: DateTime startToday = null;
0256: CalendarStore calStore = null;
0257: String tmpConf = null;
0259: int index = 0;
0261: SSOAdapter ssoAdapter = null;
0262: Properties configProps = null;
0264: try {
0266: ssoAdapter = (SSOAdapter) adapterFactory.getSSOAdapter(
0267: getBestStringProperty("ssoAdapter", pflist),
0268: new SSOAdapterSession(request, getProviderContext()
0269: .getLocale(), getProviderContext()
0270: .getUserID(), getName()));
0271: calStore = (CalendarStore) ssoAdapter.getConnection();
0272: ProviderEditUtility.setDefaultPresentation(getName(),
0273: getProviderContext(), contentTags);
0275: } catch (SSOAdapterException ssoe) {
0276: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", ssoe);
0277: String ssoError = bundle.getString("ssoadapterError");
0278: contentTags.put("ErrorMessage", ssoError);
0279: String strContent = getTemplate("display.template",
0280: contentTags).toString();
0281: content.append(strContent);
0282: return content;
0283: } catch (Exception genexcp) {
0284: String errorMessage = bundle.getString("loginError");
0285: contentTags.put("ErrorMessage", errorMessage);
0286: String strContent = getTemplate("display.template",
0287: contentTags).toString();
0288: content.append(strContent);
0289: contentTags.clear();
0290: return content;
0291: }
0293: if ((ssoAdapter != null) && (calStore != null)) {
0295: // get timezone from user service
0296: String tz = getStringAttribute("preferredtimezone");
0298: if (tz == null || tz.length() == 0) {
0299: tz = TimeZone.getDefault().getID();
0300: }
0302: userTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tz);
0303: calStore.getSession().setTimeZone(userTimeZone);
0305: configProps = ssoAdapter.getProperties();
0306: tmpConf = ssoAdapter.getName();
0308: contentTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
0310: //Get user locale
0311: userLocale = providerContext.getLocale();
0312: String applicationStartURL = "";
0313: CalendarApplicationHelper appHelper = null;
0314: String appHelperClass = getBestStringProperty(
0315: "applicationHelperURL", pflist);
0317: if (appHelperClass != null) {
0318: appHelper = getCalAppHelper(ssoAdapter, appHelperClass,
0319: true);
0320: if (appHelper != null) {
0321: applicationStartURL = getApplicationStartURL(
0322: appHelper, request);
0323: } else {
0324: applicationStartURL = null;
0325: }
0326: if (applicationStartURL != null) {
0327: contentTags.put("calendar-display-client-uri",
0328: applicationStartURL);
0329: }
0330: }
0332: if (appHelper == null) {
0333: debugLogger.info("PSCC_CSPPC0017");
0334: }
0336: contentTags.put("config-index", String.valueOf(index));
0338: //get start time
0339: try {
0340: startToday = new DateTime(userTimeZone);
0341: } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
0342: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0018", ne);
0343: startToday = new DateTime();
0344: }
0346: //Set startTime for today
0347: startToday.setTime(0, 0, 0);
0349: // Count events and add summary tags
0350: CalendarComponent[] components = null;
0351: CalendarComponent[] wkComponents = null;
0352: VEvent[] events = null;
0353: VEvent[] wkEvents = null;
0354: VTodo[] tasks = null;
0355: VTodo[] wkTasks = null;
0356: VEvent currentEvent = null;
0357: VTodo currentTask = null;
0358: Vector evtToday = new Vector();
0359: Vector taskToday = new Vector();
0360: Vector evtWk = new Vector();
0361: Vector taskWk = new Vector();
0362: StringBuffer dayView = null;
0363: StringBuffer weekView = null;
0364: int todaysEvts = 0;
0365: int todaysTsks = 0;
0367: // Get calendar display preferences from DisplayProfile
0368: String view = getBestStringProperty("view", "dayWeekView",
0369: pflist);
0371: /** NOTE: There are five scenarios of event and task fetch
0372: * a) dayView : Day View
0373: * b) weekView : Week View
0374: * c) dayWeekView : Day and Week View
0375: * d) monthView : Month View
0376: * e) none
0377: */
0379: //Make a new DateTime Object for comparing the todo timestamps to
0380: //figure out if they are overdue.
0381: DateTime currentDT = (DateTime) (startToday.clone());
0383: // open the user's calendar. refer to the 'calendar' display profile
0384: // property to determine which calendar to load. some calendar
0385: // store's (notes/exchange) only allow the user to view their own
0386: // calendar, therefore it is acceptable for the value to be "".
0387: //
0388: ICalendar calendar = null;
0389: String calendarToLoad = null;
0391: try {
0392: calendarToLoad = getBestStringProperty("calendar", "",
0393: pflist);
0395: if (calendarToLoad.length() > 0) {
0396: calendar = calStore.openCalendar(calendarToLoad);
0397: } else {
0398: calendar = calStore.openCalendar();
0399: }
0400: } catch (CalendarStoreException cesx) {
0401: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cesx);
0402: return getErrorContent(bundleOpenError
0403: + cesx.getMessage());
0404: }
0406: // Day and Week View : case (c)
0407: //
0408: if (view.equals("dayWeekView")) {
0409: DateTime endDate = (DateTime) (startToday.clone());
0410: endDate.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE,
0413: try {
0414: wkComponents = calendar
0415: .fetchComponents(startToday, endDate,
0416: ICalendar.VEVENT | ICalendar.VTODO);
0417: } catch (CalendarException cx) {
0418: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cx);
0419: return getErrorContent(bundleFetchError
0420: + cx.getMessage());
0421: }
0423: try {
0425: for (int i = 0; i < wkComponents.length; i++) {
0427: //EVENT
0428: if (wkComponents[i] instanceof VEvent) {
0429: currentEvent = (VEvent) wkComponents[i];
0430: evtWk.add(currentEvent);
0432: // check for todays events
0433: if (matchDayMonthYear(currentEvent
0434: .getStartTime(), startToday)) {
0435: evtToday.add(currentEvent);
0436: todaysEvts++;
0437: }
0438: continue;
0439: }
0441: //TASK
0442: if (wkComponents[i] instanceof VTodo) {
0444: currentTask = (VTodo) wkComponents[i];
0446: // check to see if task is scheduled for today
0447: if (isTodayTask(currentTask, currentDT)) {
0448: taskToday.add(currentTask);
0449: taskWk.add(currentTask);
0450: todaysTsks++;
0452: // check to see if task is overdue
0453: } else if (isTaskOverDue(currentDT,
0454: currentTask)) {
0455: taskToday.add(currentTask);
0457: } else {
0458: taskWk.add(currentTask);
0459: }
0460: }
0462: }//end for
0464: events = (VEvent[]) evtToday.toArray(new VEvent[0]);
0465: tasks = (VTodo[]) taskToday.toArray(new VTodo[0]);
0467: //Get the content for day view
0468: dayView = getDayViewContent(startToday, tmpConf,
0469: request, events, tasks, calStore,
0470: appHelper, applicationStartURL);
0472: contentTags
0473: .put("calendar-display-dayView", dayView);
0475: //Now do the weekview
0476: wkEvents = (VEvent[]) evtWk.toArray(new VEvent[0]);
0477: wkTasks = (VTodo[]) taskWk.toArray(new VTodo[0]);
0479: weekView = getWeekViewContent(startToday,
0480: currentDT, tmpConf, request, wkEvents,
0481: wkTasks, calStore, appHelper,
0482: applicationStartURL,
0483: "calendar-display-weekView",
0484: "display-weekView", null, false);
0486: contentTags.put("calendar-display-weekView",
0487: weekView);
0489: } catch (Exception csx) {
0490: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", csx);
0491: return getErrorContent(bundleProcessingError);
0492: }
0494: // Day View : case (a)
0495: } else if (view.equals("dayView")) {
0497: // Dayview is selected but not weekview.
0498: // So just do the fetch for the day
0499: //
0500: try {
0501: components = calendar
0502: .fetchComponents(ICalendar.VEVENT
0503: | ICalendar.VTODO);
0504: } catch (CalendarException cx1) {
0505: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cx1);
0506: return getErrorContent(bundleFetchError
0507: + cx1.getMessage());
0508: }
0510: try {
0511: for (int j = 0; j < components.length; j++) {
0512: //Check if event
0513: if (components[j] instanceof VEvent) {
0514: currentEvent = (VEvent) components[j];
0515: if (matchDayMonthYear(currentEvent
0516: .getStartTime(), startToday)) {
0517: evtToday.add(currentEvent);
0518: todaysEvts++;
0519: }
0520: continue;
0521: }
0523: //Check if task and if so is it overdue
0524: if (components[j] instanceof VTodo) {
0526: currentTask = (VTodo) components[j];
0528: // check to see if task is scheduled for today
0529: if (isTodayTask(currentTask, currentDT)) {
0530: taskToday.add(currentTask);
0531: todaysTsks++;
0533: // check to see if task is overdue
0534: } else if (isTaskOverDue(currentDT,
0535: currentTask)) {
0536: taskToday.add(currentTask);
0537: }
0538: }
0539: }//end for
0541: events = (VEvent[]) evtToday.toArray(new VEvent[0]);
0542: tasks = (VTodo[]) taskToday.toArray(new VTodo[0]);
0544: //Get the content for day view
0545: dayView = getDayViewContent(startToday, tmpConf,
0546: request, events, tasks, calStore,
0547: appHelper, applicationStartURL);
0549: contentTags
0550: .put("calendar-display-dayView", dayView);
0552: } catch (Exception csx) {
0553: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", csx);
0554: return getErrorContent(bundleProcessingError);
0555: }
0557: // Week View : case (b)
0558: } else if (view.equals("weekView")) {
0560: DateTime endDate = (DateTime) (startToday.clone());
0561: endDate.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE,
0564: try {
0565: wkComponents = calendar
0566: .fetchComponents(startToday, endDate,
0567: ICalendar.VEVENT | ICalendar.VTODO);
0568: } catch (CalendarException cx) {
0569: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cx);
0570: return getErrorContent(bundleFetchError
0571: + cx.getMessage());
0572: }
0574: try {
0575: for (int i = 0; i < wkComponents.length; i++) {
0576: //get the summary info and fill the week vectors
0577: if (wkComponents[i] instanceof VEvent) {
0578: currentEvent = (VEvent) wkComponents[i];
0580: if (matchDayMonthYear(currentEvent
0581: .getStartTime(), startToday)) {
0582: todaysEvts++;
0583: }
0584: evtWk.add(currentEvent);
0585: continue;
0586: }
0587: //Check if task and if so is it overdue
0588: if (wkComponents[i] instanceof VTodo) {
0590: currentTask = (VTodo) wkComponents[i];
0592: // check to see if task is scheduled for today
0593: if (isTodayTask(currentTask, currentDT)) {
0594: todaysTsks++;
0595: taskWk.add(currentTask);
0596: } else if (isTaskOverDue(currentDT,
0597: currentTask)) {
0598: } else {
0599: taskWk.add(currentTask);
0600: }
0601: }
0602: }//end for
0604: wkEvents = (VEvent[]) evtWk.toArray(new VEvent[0]);
0605: wkTasks = (VTodo[]) taskWk.toArray(new VTodo[0]);
0607: weekView = getWeekViewContent(startToday,
0608: currentDT, tmpConf, request, wkEvents,
0609: wkTasks, calStore, appHelper,
0610: applicationStartURL,
0611: "calendar-display-weekView",
0612: "display-weekView", null, true);
0614: contentTags.put("calendar-display-dayView", " ");
0615: contentTags.put("calendar-display-weekView",
0616: weekView);
0618: } catch (Exception csx) {
0619: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", csx);
0620: return getErrorContent(bundleProcessingError);
0621: }
0623: // Month View : case (d)
0624: } else if (view.equals("monthView")) {
0625: StringBuffer monthView = new StringBuffer();
0626: DateTime monthStart = getMonthStart(startToday);
0627: DateTime monthEnd = getMonthEnd(startToday);
0628: CalendarComponent[] monthComponents = null;
0629: VEvent[] monthEvents = null;
0630: VTodo[] monthTasks = null;
0631: currentEvent = null;
0632: Vector eventMonth = new Vector();
0633: Vector taskMonth = new Vector();
0634: Hashtable monthTags = new Hashtable();
0635: String tagPrefix = "calendar-display-monthView";
0637: // fetch month components based on month start and end
0638: try {
0639: monthComponents = calendar.fetchComponents(
0640: monthStart, monthEnd, ICalendar.VEVENT
0641: | ICalendar.VTODO);
0642: } catch (CalendarException cx) {
0643: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cx);
0644: return getErrorContent(bundleFetchError
0645: + cx.getMessage());
0646: }
0648: DateTime iteratorDate = (DateTime) (monthStart.clone());
0649: DateTime iteratorDate2 = (DateTime) (monthStart.clone());
0650: iteratorDate2.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, -1);
0652: populateHeaderTags(monthTags, tagPrefix, startToday);
0653: populateDayOfWeekTags(monthTags, tagPrefix,
0654: iteratorDate2);
0655: monthTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
0657: try {
0658: for (int i = 0; i < monthComponents.length; i++) {
0660: // perform summary calculations for events
0661: if (monthComponents[i] instanceof VEvent) {
0662: currentEvent = (VEvent) monthComponents[i];
0664: if (matchDayMonthYear(currentEvent
0665: .getStartTime(), startToday)) {
0666: todaysEvts++;
0667: }
0668: eventMonth.add(currentEvent);
0669: continue;
0670: }
0672: // perform summary calculations for tasks
0673: if (monthComponents[i] instanceof VTodo) {
0674: currentTask = (VTodo) monthComponents[i];
0676: // check to see if task is scheduled for today
0677: if (isTodayTask(currentTask, currentDT)) {
0678: todaysTsks++;
0679: taskMonth.add(currentTask);
0680: } else if (isTaskOverDue(currentDT,
0681: currentTask)) {
0682: } else {
0683: taskMonth.add(currentTask);
0684: }
0685: }
0686: }//end for
0688: monthEvents = (VEvent[]) eventMonth
0689: .toArray(new VEvent[0]);
0690: monthTasks = (VTodo[]) taskMonth
0691: .toArray(new VTodo[0]);
0693: monthView = getTemplate(
0694: "display-monthView-dayOfWeek.template",
0695: monthTags);
0696: monthTags.put(tagPrefix + "-dayOfWeek", monthView);
0698: // construct weeks
0699: for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++) {
0700: monthView = getWeekViewContent(iteratorDate,
0701: currentDT, tmpConf, request,
0702: monthEvents, monthTasks, calStore,
0703: appHelper, applicationStartURL,
0704: "calendar-display-monthView",
0705: "display-monthView",
0706: "display-monthView-weekView.template",
0707: false);
0709: monthTags.put(
0710: "calendar-display-monthView-weekView"
0711: + k, monthView);
0712: iteratorDate.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
0713: }
0715: monthView = getTemplate(
0716: "display-monthView.template", monthTags);
0717: contentTags.put("calendar-display-monthView",
0718: monthView);
0720: } catch (Exception csx) {
0721: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", csx);
0722: return getErrorContent(bundleProcessingError);
0723: }
0725: // None View : case (e)
0726: //But we still have to count todays evt/todos and overdue tasks
0727: } else {
0729: try {
0730: components = calendar
0731: .fetchComponents(ICalendar.VEVENT
0732: | ICalendar.VTODO);
0733: } catch (CalendarException cxn) {
0734: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cxn);
0735: return getErrorContent(bundleFetchError
0736: + cxn.getMessage());
0737: }
0739: try {
0741: for (int k = 0; k < components.length; k++) {
0742: //Check if event
0743: if (components[k] instanceof VEvent) {
0744: if (matchDayMonthYear(
0745: ((VEvent) components[k])
0746: .getStartTime(), startToday)) {
0747: todaysEvts++;
0748: }
0749: continue;
0750: }
0752: //Check if task and if so is it overdue
0753: if (components[k] instanceof VTodo) {
0755: currentTask = (VTodo) components[k];
0757: // check to see if task is scheduled for today
0758: if (isTodayTask(currentTask, currentDT)) {
0759: todaysTsks++;
0761: }
0762: }
0763: }//end for
0765: contentTags.put("calendar-display-dayView", " ");
0766: contentTags.put("calendar-display-weekView", " ");
0768: } catch (Exception csx) {
0769: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", csx);
0770: throw new ProviderException(csx.getMessage());
0771: }
0772: }
0774: StringBuffer summ = getSummaryContent(todaysEvts,
0775: todaysTsks);
0776: contentTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-summary", summ);
0778: /** Now populate the contentTags Hashtable to do tagswapping
0779: * and get the final content to render
0780: */
0782: try {
0783: //user id
0784: contentTags.put("CalUserId", configProps.getProperty(
0785: "uid", ""));
0786: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0019",
0787: configProps.getProperty("uid"));
0788: //password
0789: contentTags.put("CalPassword", configProps.getProperty(
0790: "password", ""));
0792: //Add CalendarStore to Hashtable..
0793: contentTags.put("calendar-display-client-calStore",
0794: calStore);
0796: // Add Client URL tags
0798: if ((applicationStartURL != null)
0799: && (!applicationStartURL.equals(""))) {
0800: contentTags.put("calendar-display-clientURL",
0801: getTemplate("display-clientURL.template"));
0802: }
0804: // Finally get tagswapped content
0805: String strContent = getTemplate("display.template",
0806: contentTags).toString();
0807: content.append(strContent);
0808: contentTags.clear();
0810: } catch (Exception nex) {
0811: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", nex);
0812: }
0813: index++;
0815: // connection management. check ssoadapter for per request connection
0816: // management property. if true, then close connection to store.
0817: //
0818: String eprc = configProps.getProperty(
0819: "enablePerRequestConnection", "false");
0821: if ((eprc != null) && (eprc.equals("true"))) {
0822: ssoAdapter.closeConnection();
0823: }
0825: } else {
0827: // user level sso adapter exists, but store is null
0828: //
0829: if ((ssoAdapter != null)
0830: && (ssoAdapter.getName().endsWith("_" + getName()))) {
0831: return getErrorContent(bundle.getString("loginError"));
0833: // user level sso adapter does not exist
0834: //
0835: } else {
0836: return getErrorContent(bundle
0837: .getString("noConfigError"));
0838: }
0839: }
0841: return content;
0842: } //end getContent
0844: protected URL getURL(String url) {
0845: try {
0846: return new URL(url);
0847: } catch (MalformedURLException mu) {
0848: return null;
0849: }
0850: }
0852: /**
0853: *@param request HttpServletRequest
0854: *@param response HttpServletResponse
0855: *@return StringBuffer HTML content for the edit page
0856: *@exception ProviderException indicates error in generating edit content
0857: */
0859: public StringBuffer getEdit(HttpServletRequest request,
0860: HttpServletResponse response) throws ProviderException {
0862: StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer();
0863: SSOAdapter ssoAdapter = null;
0864: Hashtable tagTable = new Hashtable();
0865: editContainer = request.getParameter("provider");
0866: targetProvider = request.getParameter("targetprovider");
0867: containerName = request.getParameter("containerName");
0869: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0020", new Object[] {
0870: editContainer, targetProvider, containerName });
0872: try {
0873: ssoAdapter = (SSOAdapter) adapterFactory.getSSOAdapter(
0874: getBestStringProperty("ssoAdapter", pflist),
0875: new SSOAdapterSession(request, getProviderContext()
0876: .getLocale(), getProviderContext()
0877: .getUserID(), getName()));
0878: ProviderEditUtility.setDefaultPresentation(getName(),
0879: getProviderContext(), tagTable);
0880: } catch (Exception e) {
0881: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0021", e);
0882: }
0884: String appPref = ProviderEditUtility.getRequestParameter(
0885: "appPref", request);
0886: if (!appPref.equals("")) {
0888: // if 'loadSubscribedCalendars' then retrieve the user's subscribed
0889: // calendars from the calendar store and set the 'calendarSelectOptions'
0890: // collection for use in the edit view.
0891: //
0892: if ((existsBooleanProperty("loadSubscribedCalendars"))
0893: && (getBestBooleanProperty(
0894: "loadSubscribedCalendars", false, pflist))) {
0895: setCalendarSelectOptions(ssoAdapter);
0896: }
0898: CalendarApplicationHelper cah = getCalAppHelper(ssoAdapter,
0899: appPref, false);
0900: content = cah.getAppPrefsEdit(this , request, response);
0901: } else {
0903: tagTable.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
0904: // Get the starting template
0905: content
0906: .append(getTemplate("edit-start.template", tagTable));
0908: // Get the SSOAdapter attributes
0909: try {
0910: content.append(ProviderEditUtility.getSSOAdapterPrefs(
0911: (ProviderAdapter) this , ssoAdapter));
0912: } catch (Exception e) {
0913: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0022", e);
0914: }
0916: // Get ending template
0917: content.append(getTemplate("edit-end.template", tagTable));
0919: CalendarApplicationHelper cah = null;
0920: Map appHelperClasses = getAppHandlerMap();
0921: if (appHelperClasses == null) {
0922: debugLogger.info("PSCC_CSPPC0023");
0923: } else {
0924: // Don't generate link if null.
0926: Iterator iter = appHelperClasses.entrySet().iterator();
0927: while (iter.hasNext()) {
0928: Map.Entry appClass = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
0929: String appHelperClass = (String) appClass
0930: .getValue();
0931: cah = getCalAppHelper(ssoAdapter, appHelperClass,
0932: true);
0933: String link = "";
0934: if (cah == null) {
0935: debugLogger.info("PSCC_CSPPC0024");
0936: } else {
0937: link = cah.getAppHelperEditLink(request,
0938: getProviderContext());
0939: }
0940: if ((link != null) || (!link.equals(""))) {
0941: content.append(link);
0942: } else {
0943: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0025");
0944: }
0945: }
0946: }
0948: }
0950: return content;
0952: }
0954: /**
0955: * Retrieves the CalendarApplicationHelper
0956: *
0957: * @param request The HttpServletRequest object
0958: * @param ssoAdapter The SSOAdapter object
0959: * @return CalendarApplicationHelper
0960: */
0961: protected Map getAppHandlerMap() {
0962: Map appHelperClasses = null;
0963: appHelperClasses = getBestCollectionProperty(
0964: "applicationHelperEdit", pflist);
0965: return appHelperClasses;
0966: }
0968: /**
0969: * Gets the aBAppHelper attribute of the AddressBookProvider object
0970: *
0971: *@param ssoAdapter ssoAdapter for this channel
0972: *@return The aBAppHelper value
0973: */
0974: private CalendarApplicationHelper getCalAppHelper(
0975: SSOAdapter ssoAdapter, String applicationHelperName,
0976: boolean safe) {
0977: CalendarApplicationHelper abApplicationHelper = null;
0979: if (ssoAdapter == null) {
0980: debugLogger.info("PSCC_CSPPC0026");
0981: return null;
0982: }
0984: if (applicationHelperName == null) {
0985: debugLogger.info("PSCC_CSPPC0027");
0986: return null;
0987: }
0989: //Verify that the applicationHelperName is a valid App Helper and not any old class
0990: //This is done to prevent malicious users from instantiate any class they wish
0991: boolean validClass = safe;
0992: if (!safe) {
0993: Map validAppHelpers = getAppHandlerMap();
0994: if (validAppHelpers != null) {
0995: validClass = validAppHelpers
0996: .containsKey(applicationHelperName);
0997: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0028", Boolean
0998: .toString(validClass));
0999: } else {
1000: validClass = false;
1001: }
1002: }
1003: // try to get the stored AppHandler
1004: if (ProviderEditUtility.isAppHandlerSet(appHandlers,
1005: applicationHelperName)) {
1006: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0029",
1007: applicationHelperName);
1008: abApplicationHelper = (CalendarApplicationHelper) appHandlers
1009: .get(applicationHelperName);
1010: return abApplicationHelper;
1011: } else if (validClass) {
1012: //Create the new AppHelper and store it
1014: try {
1015: Class applicationHelperClass = Class
1016: .forName(applicationHelperName);
1017: Class[] argConst = {};
1018: Constructor applicationHelperConst = applicationHelperClass
1019: .getConstructor(argConst);
1020: Object[] argConstObj = {};
1021: abApplicationHelper = (CalendarApplicationHelper) applicationHelperConst
1022: .newInstance(argConstObj);
1024: } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
1025: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cnfe);
1026: } catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
1027: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", nsme);
1028: } catch (InstantiationException ine) {
1029: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", ine);
1030: } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
1031: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", iae);
1032: } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {
1033: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", ite);
1034: }
1036: try {
1037: abApplicationHelper.init(this , ssoAdapter);
1038: } catch (Exception e) {
1039: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
1040: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.FINE,
1041: "PSCC_CSPPC0030");
1042: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
1043: logRecord
1044: .setParameters(new Object[] { applicationHelperName });
1045: logRecord.setThrown(e);
1046: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
1047: }
1048: return null;
1050: }
1052: // save application helper into the hashmap
1053: if (abApplicationHelper != null) {
1054: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0031",
1055: applicationHelperName);
1056: appHandlers.put(applicationHelperName,
1057: abApplicationHelper);
1058: abApplicationHelper.setName(applicationHelperName);
1059: return abApplicationHelper;
1060: } else {
1061: return null;
1062: }
1063: } else {
1064: return null;
1065: }
1066: }
1068: /**
1069: * processEdit handles the processing of the edit form once submitted by the
1070: * user
1071: *
1072: *@param request HttpServletRequest
1073: *@param response HttpServletResponse
1074: *@return java.net.URL sends back a redirect url
1075: *@exception ProviderException indicates error in processing of submitted
1076: * data
1077: */
1079: public URL processEdit(HttpServletRequest req,
1080: HttpServletResponse res) throws ProviderException {
1081: SSOAdapter ssoAdapter = null;
1082: URL returnURL = null;
1083: editContainer = req.getParameter("provider");
1084: targetProvider = req.getParameter("targetprovider");
1085: containerName = req.getParameter("containerName");
1087: try {
1088: ssoAdapter = (SSOAdapter) adapterFactory.getSSOAdapter(
1089: getBestStringProperty("ssoAdapter", pflist),
1090: new SSOAdapterSession(req, getProviderContext()
1091: .getLocale(), getProviderContext()
1092: .getUserID(), getName()));
1094: } catch (SSOAdapterException ssoe) {
1095: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0021", ssoe);
1096: }
1098: String appPref = ProviderEditUtility.getRequestParameter(
1099: "appPref", req);
1101: debugLogger
1102: .log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0032", new Object[] {
1103: editContainer, targetProvider, containerName,
1104: appPref });
1106: CalendarApplicationHelper cah = null;
1107: if (!appPref.equals("")) {
1108: cah = getCalAppHelper(ssoAdapter, appPref, false);
1109: if (cah == null) {
1110: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0033");
1111: returnURL = null;
1112: } else {
1113: returnURL = cah.processAppPrefsEdit(this , req, res);
1114: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0034",
1115: returnURL);
1116: }
1117: } else {
1119: //Set the SSOAdapter attributes
1120: ProviderEditUtility.editContainer = editContainer;
1121: ProviderEditUtility.container = containerName;
1122: SSOAdapter newAdapter = null;
1123: try {
1124: newAdapter = ProviderEditUtility.setSSOAdapterPrefs(
1125: (ProviderAdapter) this , ssoAdapter,
1126: adapterFactory, req);
1127: returnURL = ProviderEditUtility.getErrorURL();
1128: if (returnURL == null) {
1129: if (newAdapter != null) {
1130: debugLogger.finer("PSCC_CSPPC0035");
1131: appPref = getBestStringProperty(
1132: "applicationHelperURL", pflist);
1133: cah = getCalAppHelper(ssoAdapter, appPref,
1134: false);
1135: cah.init(this , newAdapter);
1136: }
1137: }
1138: } catch (Exception e) {
1139: debugLogger.finer("PSCC_CSPPC0036");
1140: }
1142: }
1143: return returnURL;
1144: }
1146: /**
1147: * @param msg the message String to be displayed as error
1148: * @return StringBuffer HTML content for the error display
1149: *
1150: */
1151: protected StringBuffer getErrorContent(String msg)
1152: throws ProviderException {
1153: Hashtable errorTags = new Hashtable();
1154: errorTags.put("calendar-display-error", msg);
1155: return getTemplate("display-error.template", errorTags);
1156: }
1158: /*
1159: * Test is the todo is completed or not.
1160: *
1161: * @param task VTodo
1162: * @return true if the task is complete
1163: */
1164: private boolean isTaskComplete(VTodo task) {
1165: try {
1166: return task.isCompleted();
1167: } catch (OperationNotSupportedException onse) {
1168: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", onse);
1169: } catch (CalendarComponentException cce) {
1170: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", cce);
1171: }
1173: return false;
1174: }
1176: /**
1177: * Determines if Task is overdue
1178: *
1179: * @param dt DateTime object to be compared against
1180: * @param tsk Task that needs to be compared
1181: * @throws OperationNotSupportedException
1182: * @return true if the task is overdue. default is false.
1183: */
1184: private boolean isTaskOverDue(DateTime dt, VTodo tsk)
1185: throws OperationNotSupportedException {
1187: boolean taskOverdue = false;
1189: try {
1190: DateTime taskDT = tsk.getDueTime();
1191: if (taskDT == null) {
1192: return taskOverdue;
1193: }
1195: // check to see if the task is an 'All Day' task. If yes,
1196: // then verify the task does not correspond to today and is
1197: // not in the future if so then the task is overdue.
1198: // Else, check to see if the task due time is before the
1199: // current time.
1200: //
1201: if (tsk.isAllDay()) {
1202: if ((!matchDayMonthYear(dt, taskDT))
1203: && (!isTaskComplete(tsk))
1204: && (!taskDT.after(dt))) {
1205: taskOverdue = true;
1206: }
1207: } else {
1208: if ((taskDT.before(dt)) && (!isTaskComplete(tsk))) {
1209: taskOverdue = true;
1210: }
1211: }
1212: } catch (Exception e) {
1213: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", e);
1214: }
1216: return taskOverdue;
1217: }
1219: /**
1220: * getDayViewContent gets the HTML dayview of a specific calendar
1221: *
1222: * @return StringBuffer day view content for calendar
1223: * @param today DateTime object on which day view will be generated
1224: * @param events array of Event objects scheduled for today
1225: * @param tasks array of Task objects due today
1226: * @exception ProviderException
1227: * @see com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException
1228: *
1229: */
1231: protected StringBuffer getDayViewContent(DateTime today,
1232: String cnfgName, HttpServletRequest rqst, VEvent events[],
1233: VTodo tasks[], CalendarStore calStore,
1234: CalendarApplicationHelper appHelper, String clientURL)
1235: throws ProviderException, Exception {
1236: boolean overdue = false;
1237: int odTasks = 0;
1238: Hashtable dayViewTags = new Hashtable();
1239: StringBuffer dayViewEventList = new StringBuffer();
1240: StringBuffer dayViewTaskList = new StringBuffer();
1241: StringBuffer overdueTaskList = new StringBuffer();
1242: StringBuffer otherTaskList = new StringBuffer();
1244: populateDayTags(dayViewTags, "calendar-display-dayView", today);
1245: dayViewTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
1247: if (clientURL != null) {
1248: dayViewTags.put("calendar-display-client-url", clientURL);
1249: }
1251: //------------------------------------//
1252: // DAY VIEW TASKS //
1253: //------------------------------------//
1255: //Empty TaskList
1257: if (tasks.length == 0) {
1258: debugLogger.finer("PSCC_CSPPC0037");
1259: try {
1260: dayViewTaskList = getTemplate("display-dayView-emptyTaskList.template");
1261: } catch (NullPointerException np) {
1262: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0038", np);
1263: }
1265: } else {
1266: //When dayview tasks exist
1267: StringBuffer dayViewTask = null;
1268: StringBuffer dayViewOverdueTask = null;
1269: Hashtable dayViewTaskTags = new Hashtable();
1270: Hashtable dayViewODHash = new Hashtable();
1271: DateFormatSymbols dfSymbols = new DateFormatSymbols(
1272: userLocale);
1273: DateTime taskDT = null;
1274: DateTime currDT = null;
1276: if ((clientURL == null) || (clientURL.equals(""))) {
1277: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0039");
1278: } else {
1279: dayViewTaskTags.put("calendar-display-client-url",
1280: clientURL);
1281: dayViewODHash.put("calendar-display-client-url",
1282: clientURL);
1283: }
1285: dayViewTaskTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
1286: dayViewODHash.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
1288: //For each task process
1290: for (int cnt = 0; cnt < tasks.length; cnt++) {
1292: if (userTimeZone != null) {
1293: currDT = new DateTime(userTimeZone);
1294: } else {
1295: currDT = new DateTime();
1296: }
1298: //check for null because tasks may not have a duedate
1299: //commenting this for bug 4808636, tasks marked "not due'
1300: //are now shown in as "Other Tasks"
1301: /*
1302: try {
1303: taskDT = tasks[cnt].getDueTime();
1304: if (taskDT == null) {
1305: taskDT = currDT;
1306: }
1307: } catch (NullPointerException ne) {
1308: debugWarning("CalendarProvider.getDayViewContent(): No due date", ne);
1309: taskDT = currDT;
1310: }
1311: */
1313: taskDT = tasks[cnt].getDueTime();
1315: //Only show incomplete and overdue tasks
1317: //TODO: Following line throws exception for Lotus Notes
1318: //servers. Catching for Bug#4804918
1319: try {
1320: overdue = isTaskOverDue(currDT, tasks[cnt]);
1321: } catch (OperationNotSupportedException oex) {
1322: if (taskDT.before(currDT)) {
1323: overdue = true;
1324: }
1325: }
1327: //if(tasks[cnt].getStatus() != SOCSTodo.STATUS_COMPLETED) {}
1328: //if(!tasks[cnt].getStatus().equals("NEEDS_ACTION")) {}
1330: if (!(isTaskComplete(tasks[cnt]))) {
1332: if (tasks[cnt].getDueTime() != null) {
1333: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0040",
1334: String.valueOf(tasks[cnt].getDueTime()
1335: .get(Calendar.HOUR)));
1336: } else {
1337: debugLogger.finer("PSCC_CSPPC0041");
1338: }
1340: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0042",
1341: tasks[cnt].getStatus());
1343: // These are all incomplete tasks but if overdue
1344: // then process separately
1345: if (overdue) {
1347: tagTime(tasks[cnt].getDueTime(), dayViewODHash,
1348: "calendar-display-dayView-task-due",
1349: cnfgName, calStore, rqst);
1351: dayViewODHash
1352: .put(
1353: "calendar-display-dayView-task-dueMonth",
1354: dfSymbols.getMonths()[taskDT
1355: .getMonth()]);
1356: dayViewODHash.put(
1357: "calendar-display-dayView-task-dueDay",
1358: Integer.toString(taskDT.getDay()));
1359: dayViewODHash
1360: .put(
1361: "calendar-display-dayView-task-dueYear",
1362: Integer.toString(taskDT
1363: .getYear()));
1364: } else {
1365: //This is a pending task
1366: tagTime(taskDT, dayViewTaskTags,
1367: "calendar-display-dayView-task-pend",
1368: cnfgName, calStore, rqst);
1369: }
1370: } else {
1371: // Now process Completed Tasks
1372: // and show them as strike through
1373: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0043",
1374: tasks[cnt].getDescription());
1376: tagTime(taskDT, dayViewTaskTags,
1377: "calendar-display-dayView-task-pend",
1378: cnfgName, calStore, rqst);
1380: dayViewTaskTags
1381: .put(
1382: "calendar-display-dayView-task-complete-start",
1383: bundleTaskCompleteStart);
1384: dayViewTaskTags
1385: .put(
1386: "calendar-display-dayView-task-complete-end",
1387: bundleTaskCompleteEnd);
1388: }
1390: if (overdue) {
1392: try {
1393: tasks[cnt].getStatus();
1394: } catch (OperationNotSupportedException oe) {
1395: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0016",
1396: oe);
1397: tasks[cnt]
1398: .setStatus(SOCSTodo.STATUS_IN_PROCESS);
1399: }
1401: if (!isTaskComplete(tasks[cnt])) {
1402: tagTaskSummary(tasks[cnt], dayViewODHash,
1403: "calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask",
1404: rqst, appHelper);
1406: tagDescription(escapeContent(tasks[cnt]
1407: .getDescription()), dayViewODHash,
1408: "calendar-display-dayView-overdueTask");
1410: dayViewOverdueTask = getTemplate(
1411: "display-dayView-overdueTasks.template",
1412: dayViewODHash);
1414: overdueTaskList.append(dayViewOverdueTask);
1415: odTasks++;
1416: }
1418: } else {
1419: //These tasks are not overdue
1420: tagTaskSummary(tasks[cnt], dayViewTaskTags,
1421: "calendar-display-dayView-task", rqst,
1422: appHelper);
1424: tagDescription(escapeContent(tasks[cnt]
1425: .getDescription()), dayViewTaskTags,
1426: "calendar-display-dayView-task");
1428: //This is an "Other Task"
1429: if (tasks[cnt].getDueTime() == null) {
1430: dayViewTask = getTemplate(
1431: "display-dayView-otherTasks.template",
1432: dayViewTaskTags);
1433: otherTaskList.append(dayViewTask);
1434: } else {
1435: dayViewTask = getTemplate(
1436: "display-dayView-task.template",
1437: dayViewTaskTags);
1438: dayViewTaskList.append(dayViewTask);
1439: }
1441: dayViewTaskTags.clear();
1442: if ((clientURL == null) || (clientURL.equals(""))) {
1443: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0039");
1444: } else {
1445: dayViewTaskTags.put(
1446: "calendar-display-client-url",
1447: clientURL);
1448: }
1449: dayViewTaskTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1",
1450: fontFace);
1451: }
1452: }//end for
1453: }//end else
1455: //-------------------------//
1456: // DAY VIEW EVENTS //
1457: //-------------------------//
1459: if (events.length == 0) {
1460: try {
1461: dayViewEventList = getTemplate("display-dayView-emptyEventList.template");
1462: } catch (NullPointerException np) {
1463: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0044", np);
1464: }
1465: } else {
1467: events = getTransformedEventList(events);
1469: //Events exist so for each event ..
1470: for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
1471: Hashtable dayViewEventTags = new Hashtable();
1472: StringBuffer dayViewEvent = new StringBuffer();
1473: String dayViewtemplateName = null;
1474: if ((clientURL == null) || (clientURL.equals(""))) {
1475: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0039");
1476: } else {
1477: dayViewEventTags.put("calendar-display-client-url",
1478: clientURL);
1479: }
1480: dayViewEventTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
1482: if (events[i].isAllDay()) {
1483: dayViewtemplateName = "display-dayView-eventAllDay.template";
1484: dayViewEventTags.put(
1485: "calendar-display-dayView-event-allDay",
1486: bundleAllDayEvent);
1487: } else {
1488: dayViewtemplateName = "display-dayView-event.template";
1490: tagTime(events[i].getStart(), dayViewEventTags,
1491: "calendar-display-dayView-event-start",
1492: cnfgName, calStore, rqst);
1494: tagTime(events[i].getEnd(), dayViewEventTags,
1495: "calendar-display-dayView-event-end",
1496: cnfgName, calStore, rqst);
1497: }
1499: boolean conflicted = new Boolean((String) events[i]
1500: .getProperty("isConflict")).booleanValue();
1501: if (conflicted) {
1502: dayViewEventTags.put(
1503: "calendar-display-event-conflict",
1504: bundleConflict);
1505: }
1507: if ((events[i].getLocation() == null)
1508: || (events[i].getLocation().equals(""))) {
1509: dayViewEventTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-at",
1510: bundleAtNoLocation);
1511: } else {
1512: dayViewEventTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-at",
1513: bundleAtLocation);
1514: }
1515: tagLocation(escapeContent(events[i].getLocation()),
1516: dayViewEventTags,
1517: "calendar-display-dayView-event");
1519: tagEventSummary(events[i], dayViewEventTags,
1520: "calendar-display-dayView-event", rqst,
1521: appHelper);
1523: tagDescription(
1524: escapeContent(events[i].getDescription()),
1525: dayViewEventTags,
1526: "calendar-display-dayView-event");
1528: dayViewEvent = getTemplate(dayViewtemplateName,
1529: dayViewEventTags);
1530: dayViewEventList.append(dayViewEvent);
1531: dayViewEventTags.clear();
1532: } //end for
1533: } //end else
1535: //Get the overdue tasks day view
1536: if (odTasks > 0) {
1537: dayViewTags.put("display-dayView-overdueTask-Header",
1538: bundleOverdueTasks);
1539: dayViewTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskNum",
1540: Integer.toString(odTasks));
1541: dayViewTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-overdueTaskList",
1542: overdueTaskList);
1543: }
1545: if (tasks.length > 0) {
1546: for (int ts = 0; ts < tasks.length; ts++) {
1547: if (isTaskOverDue(new DateTime(), tasks[ts])) {
1548: continue;
1549: } else if (tasks[ts].getDueTime() != null) {
1550: dayViewTags.put("display-dayView-dueTask-Header",
1551: bundleDueTasks);
1552: break;
1553: }
1554: }
1555: }
1556: dayViewTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-taskList",
1557: dayViewTaskList);
1559: if (otherTaskList.length() > 0) {
1560: dayViewTags.put("display-dayView-otherTask-Header",
1561: bundleOtherTasks);
1562: dayViewTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-otherTaskList",
1563: otherTaskList);
1564: }
1566: if (events.length > 0) {
1567: dayViewTags.put("display-dayView-dueEvent-Header",
1568: bundleDueEvents);
1569: }
1570: dayViewTags.put("calendar-display-dayView-eventList",
1571: dayViewEventList);
1573: return (getTemplate("display-dayView.template", dayViewTags));
1574: } //end getDayViewContent
1576: /** returns the weekview of an users calendar
1577: * @param today DateTime object for today
1578: * @param cfgName configurtation name for which weekview is called
1579: * @param request HttpServletRequest
1580: * @param events array of events for the next 7 days
1581: * @param tasks array of tasks for the next 7 days
1582: * @param calStore CalendarStore
1583: * @param appHelper CalendarApplicationHelper
1584: * @return StringBuffer weekview of tasks and events in HTML
1585: * @exception ProviderException indicates error in getting weekview
1586: */
1588: protected StringBuffer getWeekViewContent(DateTime beginDate,
1589: DateTime todaysDate, String cfgName,
1590: HttpServletRequest request, VEvent[] events, VTodo[] tasks,
1591: CalendarStore calStore,
1592: CalendarApplicationHelper appHelper, String clientURL,
1593: String tagPrefix, String templatePrefix,
1594: String endTemplate, boolean addCurrentDayHeader)
1595: throws ProviderException, Exception {
1597: String weekViewTemplateName = null;
1598: StringBuffer weekView = new StringBuffer();
1599: Hashtable weekViewTags = new Hashtable();
1600: DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(userLocale);
1601: int todaysTasks = 0;
1602: int todaysEvents = 0;
1604: // rearrange 'All Day' events to the beginning of the array and tag
1605: // events that are in conflict
1606: //
1607: events = getTransformedEventList(events);
1609: // since the week view can be included in the day view, we need to check the
1610: // boolean and determine whether or not to include the current day header
1611: //
1612: if (addCurrentDayHeader) {
1613: StringBuffer currentDayHeader = null;
1614: populateHeaderTags(weekViewTags, tagPrefix, todaysDate);
1616: try {
1617: currentDayHeader = getTemplate(templatePrefix
1618: + "-currentDayHeader.template", weekViewTags);
1619: } catch (ProviderException pe) {
1620: currentDayHeader = null;
1621: }
1623: if (currentDayHeader != null) {
1624: weekViewTags.put(tagPrefix + "-currentDayHeader",
1625: currentDayHeader);
1626: }
1627: }
1629: weekViewTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
1630: if ((clientURL == null) || (clientURL.equals(""))) {
1631: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0039");
1632: } else {
1633: weekViewTags.put("calendar-display-client-url", clientURL);
1634: }
1636: /* Now populate for each day */
1638: for (int i = 0; i < DAYS_OF_PREFETCHED_EVENTS; i++) {
1639: DateTime date = (DateTime) (beginDate.clone());
1640: date.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, i);
1642: //Put the headers etc.
1643: weekViewTags.put(tagPrefix + "-dayOfWeek" + i, symbols
1644: .getShortWeekdays()[date
1645: .get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
1647: weekViewTags.put(tagPrefix + "-day" + i, Integer
1648: .toString(date.getDay()));
1650: //-------------------------------//
1651: // WEEKVIEW TASKS //
1652: //-------------------------------//
1654: StringBuffer weekViewTaskList = new StringBuffer();
1656: //see if there is any task today
1657: int nm = 0;
1658: for (nm = 0; nm < tasks.length; nm++) {
1659: if (tasks[nm].getDueTime() != null) {
1660: if (matchDayMonthYear(tasks[nm].getDueTime(), date)) {
1661: todaysTasks++;
1662: continue;
1663: }
1664: }
1665: }
1667: if (todaysTasks == 0) {
1668: try {
1669: weekViewTaskList = getTemplate(templatePrefix
1670: + "-emptyTaskList.template");
1671: } catch (NullPointerException np) {
1672: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0045", np);
1673: }
1674: } else {
1675: //i.e. weekview tasks exist
1676: for (int tsk = 0; tsk < tasks.length; tsk++) {
1677: StringBuffer weekViewTask = new StringBuffer();
1678: Hashtable weekViewTaskTags = new Hashtable();
1679: weekViewTemplateName = templatePrefix
1680: + "-task.template";
1681: weekViewTaskTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1",
1682: fontFace);
1683: if ((clientURL == null) || (clientURL.equals(""))) {
1684: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0039");
1685: } else {
1686: weekViewTaskTags.put(
1687: "calendar-display-client-url",
1688: clientURL);
1689: }
1691: DateTime tskDT = tasks[tsk].getDueTime();
1693: if ((tskDT != null)) {
1695: if (matchDayMonthYear(tskDT, date)) {
1697: tagTime(tskDT, weekViewTaskTags, tagPrefix
1698: + "-task-pend", cfgName, calStore,
1699: request);
1701: if (isTaskComplete(tasks[tsk])) {
1702: weekViewTaskTags.put(tagPrefix
1703: + "-task-complete-start",
1704: bundleTaskCompleteStart);
1705: weekViewTaskTags.put(tagPrefix
1706: + "-task-complete-end",
1707: bundleTaskCompleteEnd);
1708: }
1710: tagTaskSummary(tasks[tsk],
1711: weekViewTaskTags, tagPrefix
1712: + "-task", request,
1713: appHelper);
1715: } else
1716: continue;
1717: } else
1718: continue;
1720: weekViewTask = getTemplate(weekViewTemplateName,
1721: weekViewTaskTags);
1722: weekViewTaskList.append(weekViewTask);
1723: weekViewTaskTags.clear();
1724: } // end for
1725: }
1727: //-------------------------------------//
1729: //-------------------------------------//
1731: StringBuffer weekViewEventList = new StringBuffer();
1732: //see if there is any event today
1733: int num;
1734: for (num = 0; num < events.length; num++) {
1735: if (events[num].getStart() != null) {
1736: if (matchDayMonthYear(events[num].getStart(), date)) {
1737: todaysEvents++;
1738: continue;
1739: }
1740: }
1741: }
1743: if (todaysEvents == 0) {
1744: weekViewEventList = getTemplate(templatePrefix
1745: + "-emptyEventList.template");
1746: } else {
1748: for (int j = 0; j < events.length; j++) {
1749: StringBuffer weekViewEvent = new StringBuffer();
1750: Hashtable weekViewEventTags = new Hashtable();
1751: if ((clientURL == null) || (clientURL.equals(""))) {
1752: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0039");
1753: } else {
1754: weekViewEventTags.put(
1755: "calendar-display-client-url",
1756: clientURL);
1757: }
1758: weekViewEventTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1",
1759: fontFace);
1761: //#4728197 fix - removed extra calls to fetch
1762: // events and tasks for each day. Now get them for a wk and
1763: // test if they are for the specified day or not.
1765: if ((events[j].isAllDay())
1766: && (matchDayMonthYear(events[j].getStart(),
1767: date))) {
1769: weekViewTemplateName = templatePrefix
1770: + "-eventAllDay.template";
1771: weekViewEventTags.put(tagPrefix
1772: + "-event-allDay", bundleAllDayEvent);
1774: tagEventSummary(events[j], weekViewEventTags,
1775: tagPrefix + "-event", request,
1776: appHelper);
1778: weekViewEvent = getTemplate(
1779: weekViewTemplateName, weekViewEventTags);
1780: weekViewEventList.append(weekViewEvent);
1782: } else if ((!(events[j].isAllDay()))
1783: && (matchDayMonthYear(events[j].getStart(),
1784: date))) {
1786: boolean conflicted = new Boolean(
1787: (String) events[j]
1788: .getProperty("isConflict"))
1789: .booleanValue();
1790: if (conflicted) {
1791: weekViewEventTags.put(
1792: "calendar-display-event-conflict",
1793: bundleConflict);
1794: }
1796: weekViewTemplateName = templatePrefix
1797: + "-event.template";
1798: tagTime(events[j].getStart(),
1799: weekViewEventTags, tagPrefix
1800: + "-event-start", cfgName,
1801: calStore, request);
1803: tagTime(events[j].getEnd(), weekViewEventTags,
1804: tagPrefix + "-event-end", cfgName,
1805: calStore, request);
1807: tagEventSummary(events[j], weekViewEventTags,
1808: tagPrefix + "-event", request,
1809: appHelper);
1811: weekViewEvent = getTemplate(
1812: weekViewTemplateName, weekViewEventTags);
1813: weekViewEventList.append(weekViewEvent);
1814: }
1815: weekViewEventTags.clear();
1816: }
1817: }
1818: weekViewTags.put(tagPrefix + "-eventList" + i,
1819: weekViewEventList);
1820: weekViewTags.put(tagPrefix + "-taskList" + i,
1821: weekViewTaskList);
1822: }
1824: if (endTemplate != null) {
1825: weekView = getTemplate(endTemplate, weekViewTags);
1826: } else {
1827: weekView = getTemplate(templatePrefix + ".template",
1828: weekViewTags);
1829: }
1830: return (weekView);
1831: } //end getWeekViewContent
1833: /** @return StringBuffer containing summary information
1834: * @param int total number of events for today
1835: * @param int total number of tasks for today
1836: * @throws ProviderException
1837: */
1839: private StringBuffer getSummaryContent(int eventCount, int taskCount)
1840: throws ProviderException {
1842: StringBuffer summary = null;
1843: Hashtable summaryTags = new Hashtable();
1845: summaryTags.put("iwtDesktop-fontFace1", fontFace);
1846: summaryTags.put("calendar-display-summary-events", Integer
1847: .toString(eventCount));
1848: summaryTags.put("calendar-display-summary-tasks", Integer
1849: .toString(taskCount));
1850: summary = getTemplate("display-summary.template", summaryTags);
1852: return (summary);
1853: }
1855: private void tagTime(DateTime time, Hashtable tags, String prefix,
1856: String config, CalendarStore calStore,
1857: HttpServletRequest request) {
1859: DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(userLocale);
1860: int usrTimeFmt = 12;
1861: String usrTimeFmtStr = null;
1862: String usrTimeFmtStr1 = null;
1864: CalendarSession session = null;
1866: try {
1867: session = calStore.getSession();
1868: } catch (Exception e) {
1869: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", e);
1870: }
1872: if (time == null) {
1873: tags.put(prefix + "Hour", "");
1874: tags.put(prefix + "Minute", "");
1875: tags.put(prefix + "AmPm", "");
1876: } else {
1877: int hour = time.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR);
1878: int hourOfDay = time.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
1880: tags.put(prefix + "Hour0", Integer.toString(hour));
1881: tags
1882: .put(prefix + "HourOfDay0", Integer
1883: .toString(hourOfDay));
1885: tags.put(prefix + "Hour1", Integer.toString(hour == 0 ? 12
1886: : hour));
1887: tags.put(prefix + "HourOfDay1", Integer
1888: .toString(hourOfDay == 0 ? 24 : hourOfDay));
1890: usrTimeFmtStr = session.getProperty("ceClock");
1892: if (usrTimeFmtStr == null) {
1893: // Newer Calendars use the the property "cal.clock" not "ceClock"
1894: usrTimeFmtStr = session.getProperty("cal.clock");
1895: }
1897: if (usrTimeFmtStr != null) {
1898: usrTimeFmtStr = usrTimeFmtStr.trim();
1899: }
1901: //Set the default to 12 hr clock
1902: if (usrTimeFmtStr == null) {
1903: usrTimeFmtStr = "12";
1904: }
1906: //convert to int
1907: usrTimeFmt = Integer.parseInt(usrTimeFmtStr);
1908: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0046", Integer
1909: .toString(usrTimeFmt));
1911: // Now add a new tag Hour2 based on user pref of
1912: // 12 or 24 hrs format
1914: try {
1915: if (usrTimeFmt == 12) {
1916: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0047",
1917: Integer.toString(hour));
1918: tags.put(prefix + "Hour2", Integer
1919: .toString(hour == 0 ? 12 : hour));
1920: tags.put(prefix + "AmPm",
1921: symbols.getAmPmStrings()[time
1922: .get(java.util.Calendar.AM_PM)]
1923: .toLowerCase());
1924: } else if (usrTimeFmt == 24) {
1925: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0048",
1926: Integer.toString(hourOfDay));
1927: tags.put(prefix + "Hour2", Integer
1928: .toString(hourOfDay));
1929: tags.put(prefix + "AmPm", " Hrs");
1930: }
1931: } catch (Exception xn) {
1932: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", xn);
1933: }
1935: int timeMinutes = time.getMinutes();
1936: StringBuffer minute = new StringBuffer();
1938: if (timeMinutes < 10) {
1939: minute.append("0");
1940: }
1942: minute.append(Integer.toString(timeMinutes));
1943: tags.put(prefix + "Minute", minute.toString());
1944: } //end else
1945: } //end tagTime
1947: private void tagLocation(String location, Hashtable tags,
1948: String prefix) {
1949: if (location == null) {
1950: location = "";
1951: }
1952: tags.put(prefix + "-location", location);
1953: }
1955: private void tagHref(String href, Hashtable tags, String prefix) {
1956: if (href == null) {
1957: href = "";
1958: }
1959: tags.put(prefix + "-href", href);
1960: }
1962: /*
1963: * Responsible for constructing the Summary tag for a VEvent. If the
1964: * CalendarApplicationHelper.getEventURL() returns a non-null value then the
1965: * Event is displayed as a link per the markup in the url.template
1966: *
1967: * @param event Event
1968: * @param tags Tagtable
1969: * @param prefix tag prefix (i.e. day, week, ....)
1970: * @param request HttpServletRequest
1971: * @param appHelper CalendarApplicationHelper
1972: */
1973: private void tagEventSummary(VEvent event, Hashtable tags,
1974: String prefix, HttpServletRequest request,
1975: CalendarApplicationHelper appHelper) {
1977: String url = null;
1978: String summary = null;
1980: try {
1981: if (appHelper != null) {
1982: url = appHelper.getEventURL(this , request, event);
1983: }
1984: summary = event.getSummary();
1985: } catch (Exception e) {
1986: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", e);
1987: }
1989: tagSummary(summary, tags, prefix, url);
1990: }
1992: /*
1993: * Responsible for constructing the Summary tag for a VTodo. If the
1994: * CalendarApplicationHelper.getTaskURL() returns a non-null value then the
1995: * Event is displayed as a link per the markup in the url.template
1996: *
1997: * @param event Task
1998: * @param tags Tagtable
1999: * @param prefix tag prefix (i.e. day, week, ....)
2000: * @param request HttpServletRequest
2001: * @param appHelper CalendarApplicationHelper
2002: */
2003: private void tagTaskSummary(VTodo task, Hashtable tags,
2004: String prefix, HttpServletRequest request,
2005: CalendarApplicationHelper appHelper) {
2007: String url = null;
2008: String summary = null;
2010: try {
2011: if (appHelper != null) {
2012: url = appHelper.getTaskURL(this , request, task);
2013: }
2014: summary = task.getSummary();
2015: } catch (Exception e) {
2016: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSCC_CSPPC0016", e);
2017: }
2019: tagSummary(summary, tags, prefix, url);
2020: }
2022: /*
2023: * Responsible for constructing the Summary tag for an Event/Task. If the
2024: * <code>link</code> is not null and the display profile property 'disableTaskEventURL'
2025: * is false, then a uri is constructed with the help of the markup in the url.template
2026: *
2027: * There will always be some text so the user can "click" on it. Using the bundle
2028: * 'noSummary' property
2029: *
2030: * @param summary name value
2031: * @param tags Tagtable
2032: * @param prefix tag prefix (i.e. day, week, ....)
2033: * @param link link value
2034: */
2035: private void tagSummary(String summary, Hashtable tags,
2036: String prefix, String link) {
2038: if (summary == null) {
2039: summary = bundleNoSummary;
2040: }
2042: summary = escapeContent(summary);
2044: // build uri (if applicable)
2045: try {
2046: if ((link != null)
2047: && (!getBestBooleanProperty("disableTaskEventURLs",
2048: false, pflist))) {
2049: Hashtable etags = new Hashtable();
2050: etags.put("link", link);
2051: etags.put("name", summary);
2052: summary = getTemplate("url.template", etags).toString();
2053: }
2054: } catch (ProviderException pe) {
2055: debugLogger.log(Level.FINER, "PSCC_CSPPC0049", pe);
2056: }
2058: tags.put(prefix + "-summary", summary);
2059: }
2061: private void tagDescription(String description, Hashtable tags,
2062: String prefix) {
2063: if (description == null) {
2064: description = "";
2065: } else {
2066: tags.put("calendar-display-dayView-description-seperator",
2067: bundleDescriptionSeperator);
2068: }
2069: tags.put(prefix + "-description", description);
2070: }
2072: /**
2073: * This method is reponsible for moving all the 'All Day' events to
2074: * the beginning of the VEvent array and for identifying events that are
2075: * in conflict. All events get the property 'isConflict' set.
2076: *
2077: * @param events[] An array of VEvent objects
2078: * @return a new VEvent array that has been updated and/or reordered
2079: * @throws Exception
2080: */
2081: protected VEvent[] getTransformedEventList(VEvent events[])
2082: throws Exception {
2084: if (events == null) {
2085: return null;
2086: }
2088: ArrayList eventList = new ArrayList();
2089: int allDayIdx = 0;
2091: for (int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
2092: DateTime eventStart = events[i].getStart();
2093: DateTime eventEnd = events[i].getEnd();
2094: String eventID = events[i].getID();
2096: // seed the event "isConflict" property with false if it does not exist
2097: if (!events[i].hasProperty("isConflict")) {
2098: events[i].setProperty("isConflict", "false");
2099: }
2101: // check for conflicting events
2102: for (int k = 0; k < events.length; k++) {
2103: DateTime conflictEventStart = events[k].getStart();
2104: String conflictEventID = events[k].getID();
2106: if ((!conflictEventID.equals(eventID))
2107: && (eventEnd != null)
2108: && (conflictEventStart != null)) {
2110: // if the event has already been marked in conflict, then skip
2111: if ((events[k].hasProperty("isConflict"))
2112: && (events[k].getProperty("isConflict")
2113: .equals("true"))) {
2114: continue;
2115: }
2117: // check for any events that start at the same time as the current event or
2118: // check for any events that start after the same time as the current event
2119: // and also start before the end time of the current event
2120: //
2121: if ((conflictEventStart.equals(eventStart))
2122: || ((conflictEventStart.after(eventStart)) && (conflictEventStart
2123: .before(eventEnd)))) {
2124: events[k].setProperty("isConflict", "true");
2125: events[i].setProperty("isConflict", "true");
2126: } else if (conflictEventStart.after(eventEnd)) {
2127: break;
2128: }
2129: }
2130: }
2132: // identify all day events and place accordingly
2133: if (events[i].isAllDay()) {
2134: eventList.add(allDayIdx, (VEvent) events[i]);
2135: allDayIdx++;
2136: } else {
2137: eventList.add((VEvent) events[i]);
2138: }
2140: }
2142: return (VEvent[]) eventList.toArray(new VEvent[0]);
2143: }
2145: /**
2146: * Retrieves the CalendarApplicationHelper start URL
2147: *
2148: * @param calApplicationHelper The CalendarApplicationHelper object
2149: * @param request The HttpServletRequest object
2150: * @return string representing the Application start URL
2151: */
2152: protected String getApplicationStartURL(
2153: CalendarApplicationHelper calApplicationHelper,
2154: HttpServletRequest request) {
2155: String applicationURLString = null;
2157: if (calApplicationHelper != null) {
2158: applicationURLString = calApplicationHelper.getStartURL(
2159: this , request);
2160: }
2162: if (applicationURLString == null) {
2163: debugLogger.fine("PSCC_CSPPC0050");
2164: }
2166: return applicationURLString;
2167: }
2169: /**
2170: * Helper method to determine if the task is scheduled for today. Tasks are
2171: * scheduled for today if:
2172: *
2173: * - Task is Due Today OR Task does not have a Due Time
2174: *
2175: * @param task Task to evaluate
2176: * @param today DateTime representing Today
2177: * @return boolean true if the Task is scheduled for Today and is not Overdue
2178: * @throws OperationNotSupportedException, CalendarComponentException
2179: */
2180: protected boolean isTodayTask(VTodo task, DateTime today)
2181: throws OperationNotSupportedException,
2182: CalendarComponentException {
2184: boolean isToday = false;
2186: // check to see if task is due today or does not have a due time
2187: if ((task.getDueTime() == null)
2188: || (matchDayMonthYear(task.getDueTime(), today))) {
2189: isToday = true;
2190: }
2192: return isToday;
2193: }
2195: /**
2196: * Helper method to determine if the Day, Month, and Year match for
2197: * two DateTime objects.
2198: *
2199: * @param date1 First DateTime
2200: * @param date2 Second DateTime to match
2201: * @return boolean true if the two DateTime Day, Month, and Year values match
2202: */
2203: protected boolean matchDayMonthYear(DateTime date1, DateTime date2) {
2205: boolean match = false;
2207: if ((date1.getDay() == date2.getDay())
2208: && (date1.getMonth() == date2.getMonth())
2209: && (date1.getYear() == date2.getYear())) {
2210: match = true;
2211: }
2213: return match;
2214: }
2216: /*
2217: * Set the Calendars available to the User in the Edit View.
2218: *
2219: * Retrieve all the Calendars available to the User, if there is an exception
2220: * during retreival, then we assume the messaging server does not support multiple
2221: * calendars and do not populate the display profile 'calendarSelectOptions'
2222: * collection.
2223: *
2224: * Otherwise, retrieve the calendars and populate the display profile
2225: * 'calendarSelectOptions' collection, such that it will be picked up by the
2226: * prefs editing logic.
2227: *
2228: * It is up to the Channel to define the 'calendar' as a select in the
2229: * 'dpEditAttributes'.
2230: *
2231: * @param ssoAdapter SSOAdapter for the Channel
2232: * @throws ProviderException
2233: */
2234: protected void setCalendarSelectOptions(SSOAdapter ssoAdapter)
2235: throws ProviderException {
2236: CalendarStore calStore = (CalendarStore) ssoAdapter
2237: .getConnection();
2239: if (calStore == null) {
2240: return;
2241: }
2243: String[] subscribedCalendars = null;
2244: HashMap calsCollection = new HashMap();
2246: try {
2247: subscribedCalendars = calStore.getSubscribedCalenders();
2248: } catch (CalendarStoreException cse) {
2249: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
2250: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.FINER,
2251: "PSCC_CSPPC0051");
2252: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
2253: logRecord.setParameters(new Object[] { getName() });
2254: logRecord.setThrown(cse);
2255: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
2256: }
2257: } catch (OperationNotSupportedException onse) {
2258: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
2259: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.FINER,
2260: "PSCC_CSPPC0051");
2261: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
2262: logRecord.setParameters(new Object[] { getName() });
2263: logRecord.setThrown(onse);
2264: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
2265: }
2266: }
2268: if (subscribedCalendars != null) {
2269: for (int k = 0; k < subscribedCalendars.length; k++) {
2270: String calid = subscribedCalendars[k];
2271: calsCollection.put(calid, calid);
2272: }
2273: }
2275: // populate display profile collection, if applicable
2276: if (!calsCollection.isEmpty()) {
2277: setMapProperty("calendarSelectOptions", calsCollection);
2278: }
2280: // connection management. check ssoadapter for per request connection
2281: // management property. if true, then close connection to store.
2282: //
2283: Properties props = ssoAdapter.getProperties();
2285: if (props != null) {
2286: String eprc = props.getProperty(
2287: "enablePerRequestConnection", "false");
2289: if ((eprc != null) && (eprc.equals("true"))) {
2290: ssoAdapter.closeConnection();
2291: }
2292: }
2294: }
2296: /*
2297: * Retreive the Month Start Date
2298: *
2299: * The Month start date is calculated by setting <code>today</code>
2300: * to day 1 of the month, i.e. setDay(1), and the assumption that the week
2301: * start day is Calendar.SUNDAY
2302: *
2303: * @param today DateTime object representing today's date
2304: * @return a cloned DateTime object that represents the Month start date
2305: */
2306: public DateTime getMonthStart(DateTime today) {
2307: DateTime start = (DateTime) (today.clone());
2308: start.setDay(1);
2310: int subtract = ((start.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - Calendar.SUNDAY) * -1);
2311: start.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, subtract);
2313: return start;
2314: }
2316: /*
2317: * Retreive the Month End Date
2318: *
2319: * The Month end date is calculated by setting <code>today</code>
2320: * to the maximum number of days in the month, i.e. getMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH),
2321: * and the assumption that the week end day is Calendar.SATURDAY
2322: *
2323: * @param today DateTime object representing today's date
2324: * @return a cloned DateTime object that represents the Month end date
2325: */
2326: public DateTime getMonthEnd(DateTime today) {
2327: DateTime end = (DateTime) (today.clone());
2328: end.setDay(end.getMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
2330: int add = Calendar.SATURDAY - end.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
2331: end.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, add);
2333: return end;
2334: }
2336: /*
2337: * Populate header tags
2338: *
2339: * This method is responsible for populating the Hashtable, tags, with the following
2340: * tags:
2341: *
2342: * tagPrefix + "-currentDayOfWeek"
2343: * tagPrefix + "-currentMonth"
2344: * tagPrefix + "-currentDay"
2345: * tagPrefix + "-currentYear"
2346: *
2347: * @param tags Hashtable that the tags will be put in
2348: * @param tagPrefix The tag prefix, i.e. calendar-display-monthView
2349: * @param date The date to retrieve information from
2350: */
2351: public void populateHeaderTags(Hashtable tags, String tagPrefix,
2352: DateTime date) {
2354: if ((tags == null) || (date == null)) {
2355: return;
2356: }
2358: try {
2359: DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(
2360: userLocale);
2362: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-currentDayOfWeek", symbols
2363: .getWeekdays()[date
2364: .get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
2365: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-currentMonth",
2366: symbols.getMonths()[date.getMonth()]);
2367: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-currentDay", Integer.toString(date
2368: .getDay()));
2369: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-currentYear", Integer.toString(date
2370: .getYear()));
2371: } catch (Exception e) {
2372: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
2373: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.INFO,
2374: "PSCC_CSPPC0052");
2375: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
2376: logRecord.setParameters(new Object[] { getName() });
2377: logRecord.setThrown(e);
2378: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
2379: }
2380: }
2382: }
2384: /*
2385: * Populate day tags
2386: *
2387: * This method is responsible for populating the Hashtable, tags, with the following
2388: * tags:
2389: *
2390: * tagPrefix + "-dayOfWeek"
2391: * tagPrefix + "-month"
2392: * tagPrefix + "-day"
2393: * tagPrefix + "-year"
2394: *
2395: * @param tags Hashtable that the tags will be put in
2396: * @param tagPrefix The tag prefix, i.e. calendar-display-monthView
2397: * @param date The date to retrieve information from
2398: */
2399: public void populateDayTags(Hashtable tags, String tagPrefix,
2400: DateTime date) {
2402: if ((tags == null) || (date == null)) {
2403: return;
2404: }
2406: try {
2407: DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(
2408: userLocale);
2410: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-dayOfWeek",
2411: symbols.getWeekdays()[date
2412: .get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
2414: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-month", symbols.getMonths()[date
2415: .getMonth()]);
2416: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-day", Integer
2417: .toString(date.getDay()));
2418: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-year", Integer.toString(date
2419: .getYear()));
2420: } catch (Exception e) {
2421: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
2422: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.INFO,
2423: "PSCC_CSPPC0052");
2424: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
2425: logRecord.setParameters(new Object[] { getName() });
2426: logRecord.setThrown(e);
2427: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
2428: }
2429: }
2431: }
2433: /*
2434: * Populate day of week tags
2435: *
2436: * This method is responsible for populating the Hashtable, tags, with the following
2437: * tags:
2438: *
2439: * tagPrefix + "-dayOfWeek" + [0..6]
2440: *
2441: * @param tags Hashtable that the tags will be put in
2442: * @param tagPrefix The tag prefix, i.e. calendar-display-monthView
2443: * @param date The date to retrieve information from
2444: */
2445: public void populateDayOfWeekTags(Hashtable tags, String tagPrefix,
2446: DateTime date) {
2448: if ((tags == null) || (date == null)) {
2449: return;
2450: }
2452: try {
2453: DateFormatSymbols symbols = new DateFormatSymbols(
2454: userLocale);
2456: for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
2457: date.add(java.util.Calendar.DATE, 1);
2459: tags.put(tagPrefix + "-dayOfWeek" + i, symbols
2460: .getWeekdays()[date
2461: .get(java.util.Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)]);
2462: }
2463: } catch (Exception e) {
2464: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
2465: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.INFO,
2466: "PSCC_CSPPC0052");
2467: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
2468: logRecord.setParameters(new Object[] { getName() });
2469: logRecord.setThrown(e);
2470: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
2471: }
2472: }
2474: }
2476: /**
2477: * Does escaping of markup in a client aware fashion, example of markups
2478: * include HTML, XML, WML, cHTML, .....
2479: *
2480: *@param inContent is the string input
2481: *@return String containing the escaped String
2482: */
2483: private String escapeContent(String inContent) {
2485: if (inContent == null) {
2486: return null;
2487: }
2489: try {
2490: return getProviderContext().escape(inContent);
2491: } catch (ProviderContextException e) {
2492: if (debugLogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
2493: LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(Level.INFO,
2494: "PSCC_CSPPC0052");
2495: logRecord.setLoggerName(debugLogger.getName());
2496: logRecord.setParameters(new Object[] { getName() });
2497: logRecord.setThrown(e);
2498: debugLogger.log(logRecord);
2499: }
2500: return inContent;
2501: }
2503: }
2505: /**
2506: * Returns the DP property by attempting to retrieve client and localized properties first
2507: * then it searches for non conditional definitions
2508: *
2509: * @param pflist List containg the client and locale filters
2510: * @param key Display Preofile key
2511: * @return Returns the best value for the DP key
2512: */
2513: public String getBestStringProperty(String key, String def,
2514: List pflist) {
2515: ProviderContext pc = getProviderContext();
2516: try {
2517: if (key != null) {
2518: if (pc
2519: .existsStringProperty(this .getName(), key,
2520: pflist)) {
2521: return pc.getStringProperty(this .getName(), key,
2522: pflist);
2523: } else if (pc.existsStringProperty(this .getName(), key)) {
2524: return pc.getStringProperty(this .getName(), key);
2525: }
2526: }
2527: return def;
2528: } catch (ProviderContextException pce) {
2529: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0053", key);
2530: return def;
2531: }
2532: }
2534: public String getBestStringProperty(String key, List pflist) {
2535: return getBestStringProperty(key, "", pflist);
2536: }
2538: /**
2539: * Returns the DP property by attempting to retrieve client and localized properties first
2540: * then it searches for non conditional definitions
2541: *
2542: * @param pflist List containg the client and locale filters
2543: * @param key Display Preofile key
2544: * @return Returns the best value for the DP key
2545: */
2546: public int getBestIntegerProperty(String key, int def, List pflist) {
2547: ProviderContext pc = getProviderContext();
2548: try {
2549: if (key != null) {
2550: if (pc.existsIntegerProperty(this .getName(), key,
2551: pflist)) {
2552: return pc.getIntegerProperty(this .getName(), key,
2553: pflist);
2554: } else if (pc
2555: .existsIntegerProperty(this .getName(), key)) {
2556: return pc.getIntegerProperty(this .getName(), key);
2557: }
2558: }
2559: return def;
2560: } catch (ProviderContextException pce) {
2561: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0053", key);
2562: return def;
2563: }
2564: }
2566: public int getBestIntegerProperty(String key, List pflist) {
2567: return getBestIntegerProperty(key, -1, pflist);
2568: }
2570: /**
2571: * Returns the DP property by attempting to retrieve client and localized properties first
2572: * then it searches for non conditional definitions
2573: *
2574: * @param pflist List containg the client and locale filters
2575: * @param key Display Preofile key
2576: * @return Returns the best value for the DP key
2577: */
2578: public Map getBestCollectionProperty(String key, Map def,
2579: List pflist) {
2580: ProviderContext pc = getProviderContext();
2581: try {
2582: if (key != null) {
2583: if (pc.existsCollectionProperty(this .getName(), key,
2584: pflist)) {
2585: return pc.getCollectionProperty(this .getName(),
2586: key, pflist);
2587: } else if (pc.existsCollectionProperty(this .getName(),
2588: key)) {
2589: return pc
2590: .getCollectionProperty(this .getName(), key);
2591: }
2592: }
2593: return def;
2594: } catch (ProviderContextException pce) {
2595: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0053", key);
2596: return def;
2597: }
2598: }
2600: public Map getBestCollectionProperty(String key, List pflist) {
2601: return getBestCollectionProperty(key, null, pflist);
2602: }
2604: /**
2605: * Returns the DP property by attempting to retrieve client and localized properties first
2606: * then it searches for non conditional definitions
2607: *
2608: * @param pflist List containg the client and locale filters
2609: * @param key Display Preofile key
2610: * @return Returns the best value for the DP key
2611: */
2612: public boolean getBestBooleanProperty(String key, boolean def,
2613: List pflist) {
2614: ProviderContext pc = getProviderContext();
2615: try {
2616: if (key != null) {
2617: if (pc.existsBooleanProperty(this .getName(), key,
2618: pflist)) {
2619: return pc.getBooleanProperty(this .getName(), key,
2620: pflist);
2621: } else if (pc
2622: .existsBooleanProperty(this .getName(), key)) {
2623: return pc.getBooleanProperty(this .getName(), key);
2624: }
2625: }
2626: return def;
2627: } catch (ProviderContextException pce) {
2628: debugLogger.log(Level.FINE, "PSCC_CSPPC0053", key);
2629: return def;
2630: }
2631: }
2633: public boolean getBestBooleanProperty(String key, List pflist) {
2634: return getBestBooleanProperty(key, false, pflist);
2635: }
2637: } //end class