Extracts parameter values from "multipart; form-data"
contained in incoming HTTP servlet requests. For further
details concerning multipart requests see RFC 1867.
getMultipartHeader(String name) Returns a string containing value of the specified parameter, or null if
parameter does not exist.
Parameters: name - String containing the name of the requested parameter value.
getMultipartValue(String name) Returns a string containing value of the specified parameter, or null if
parameter does not exist.
Parameters: name - String containing the name of the requested parameter value.
getShortFileName(String name) Retrieves the file name contained in the DataBlock with the specified
name stripped of any references to its path.
Parameters: name - String containing name of data block of which file name isrequested.
public boolean
isSecure() Determines whether request was made using a safe channel or not.
A convenience constructor allowing size of multipart content of incoming request to be
of maximum size.
Parameters: request - HttpServletRequest containing multipart message exception: ServletException - is thrown if thrown by this(request, -1);
Creates new IncomingMultiPartHttpServlet out of .
Parameters: request - HttpServletRequest containing multipart message Parameters: maxSize - max. allowable size of multipart message. If smaller than 0 it is assumed tobe Integer.MAX_VALUE exception: ServletException - is thrown if either of the following occurs:
incoming request does not have a multipart message
multipart message is too large too process
IOException occurs while reading multipart message
Extracts content-type from parameter block with the name specified if available.
Parameters: name - String containing name of parameter of which content-type is requested String Containing requested content-type if name belongs to a file data blockotherwise null
Extracts file name from parameter block with the name specified if available.
Parameters: name - String containing name of parameter of which file name is requested String Containing requested file name if name belongs to a file data blockotherwise null
Extracts the binary content of parameter if available.
Parameters: name - String containing name of parameter of which binary content is requested String Containing substring of mDataString with requested binary content
To be consistent the name of this method should actually be
getParameter. However, getParameter will be used to
access the parameters included in the multipart body. The same
applies to the other methods for accessing parameter names and
values. Methods for accessing the HttpServletRequest parameters
include the word "Header".
Parameters: name - String containing name of requested parameter value String containing header parameter value
Returns a string containing value of the specified parameter, or null if
parameter does not exist.
Parameters: name - String containing the name of the requested parameter value. String or null
Returns a string containing value of the specified parameter, or null if
parameter does not exist.
Parameters: name - String containing the name of the requested parameter value. String or null
To be consistent the name of this method should actually be
getParameter. However, as the depatcher uses the getParameter
method to access the object path. The object path parameter, however,
is included in the multipart body of mRequest and is not really
a HttpServletRequest. Thus getParameter will be used to
access the parameters included in the multipart body. The same
applies to the other methods for accessing parameter names and
values. Methods for accessing the HttpServletRequest parameters
include the word "Header".
Parameters: name - String containing name of requested parameter value String containing header parameter value See Also:MultipartRequest.getHeaderParameter
Gets any query string that is part of the HTTP request URI (behind the '?').
Same as the CGI variable QUERY_STRING.
query string that is part of this request's URI, or null if it contains no query string
Retrieves the file name contained in the DataBlock with the specified
name stripped of any references to its path.
Parameters: name - String containing name of data block of which file name isrequested. String containing file name extracted from DataBlock with given name
Determines whether request was made using a safe channel or not.
true if channel was safe (eg https) otherwise false
final public static String newString(byte[] bytes)(Code)
Creates a new String out of an array of bytes or out of null
Parameters: bytes - an array of bytes or null an empty string if bytes is null otherwise a new Stringout of bytes