| java.lang.Object com.sun.portal.rewriter.util.clip.CLIPSubCommand
CLIPSubCommand | public class CLIPSubCommand (Code) | | The SubCommand class defines a CLIP sub command.
A sub command has a set of options, a mininum and maximum number of operands
and help messages.
CLIPSubCommand | public CLIPSubCommand(String aSubCommandName, CLIPOption[] aOptions, int aMinOperands, int aMaxOperands, String aOperandsHelpID, String aSubCommandHelpID) throws IllegalArgumentException(Code) | | Creates a CLIPParser Option.
Parameters: aSubCommandName - name of the sub command or NULL if no sub command are expected for this CLIPParser. Parameters: aOptions - array with all the valid options for the sub command, or NULL if the sub command expects no options. Parameters: aMinOperands - minimum number of operands the sub command expects. Parameters: aMaxOperands - maximum number of operands the sub command expects. Parameters: aSubCommandHelpID - help message for the sub command. Parameters: aOperandsHelpID - help message for the operands. throws: IllegalArgumentException - if invalid information is passed. |
getDefaultOptionValues | public Map getDefaultOptionValues()(Code) | | |
getMaxOperands | public int getMaxOperands()(Code) | | |
getMinOperands | public int getMinOperands()(Code) | | |
getOrderedOptions | public List getOrderedOptions()(Code) | | |
getValidOptions | public Map getValidOptions()(Code) | | |