001: package com.sun.portal.search.autoclassify;
003: import java.util.*;
004: import java.util.logging.Logger;
005: import java.util.logging.Level;
006: import java.io.*;
007: import com.sun.portal.search.rdm.*;
008: import com.sun.portal.search.soif.*;
009: import com.sun.portal.search.util.Getopt;
010: import com.sun.portal.search.util.DateParser;
011: import com.sun.portal.search.util.*;
012: import com.sun.portal.search.admin.util.DBUtil;
013: import com.sun.portal.log.common.PortalLogger;
014: import com.iplanet.am.util.AdminUtils;
015: import java.security.AccessController;
016: import com.sun.identity.security.EncryptAction;
017: import java.text.MessageFormat;
019: /** <p>Title: Autoclassify</p>
020: * <p>Description: </p>
021: * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2002</p>
022: * <p>Company: Sun Microsystems</p>
023: * @author unascribed
024: * @version 1.0
025: */
027: public class Autoclassify {
029: class CreateClassMap implements RDMCallback {
030: Map classMap = null;
032: public CreateClassMap(Map classmap) {
033: classMap = classmap;
034: }
036: public void callback(Object parm1) throws java.lang.Exception {
037: RDMClassification c = (RDMClassification) parm1;
038: if (c.getId() == "ROOT") {
039: return;
040: }
041: String rule = c.getMatchingRule();
042: if (rule == null) {
043: return;
044: }
045: HashMap map = new HashMap();
046: map.put("RULE", rule.trim());
047: classMap.put(c.getId(), map);
049: }
050: }
052: AutoclassifyContext context = null;
053: String server_root = ".";
054: String logDir = null;
055: String taxPath = null;
056: String backupTaxPath = null;
057: Date since = null;
058: Date dbSince = null;
059: Date startAt = new Date();
060: String rdmServer = null;
061: Map newTaxMap = null;
062: Map oldTaxMap = null;
063: Map results = new HashMap();
064: HeartBeat heartbeat = null;
065: RDStore rdstore = null;
066: public boolean securityMode = false;
067: String user = null;
068: String password = null;
070: // Create a logger for this class
071: private static Logger debugLogger = PortalLogger
072: .getLogger(Autoclassify.class);
074: /**
075: * @param appContext Application Context
076: * @param server_root The path of instance server root
077: * @param lastRun An override timestamp
078: * @param rdmServer rdmserver url
079: * @throws Exception
080: */
081: public Autoclassify(AutoclassifyContext appContext,
082: String server_root, Date lastRun, String rdmServer)
083: throws Exception {
084: this .server_root = server_root;
085: context = appContext;
086: logDir = server_root + File.separator + "logs";
088: taxPath = server_root + File.separator + "config"
089: + File.separator + "taxonomy.rdm";
090: since = lastRun;
091: this .rdmServer = rdmServer;
092: since = lastRun;
093: String lockFilePath = SearchConfig
094: .getValue(AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_LOCKFILE);
095: if (lockFilePath == null) {
096: lockFilePath = logDir + File.separator
097: + "autoclassify.lock";
098: }
099: String secMode = SearchConfig.getValue(SearchConfig.SECMODE);
100: if (secMode != null && secMode.toLowerCase().equals("on")) {
101: securityMode = true;
102: user = AdminUtils.getAdminDN();
103: password = (String) AccessController
104: .doPrivileged(new EncryptAction(new String(
105: AdminUtils.getAdminPassword())));
106: }
107: heartbeat = new HeartBeat(lockFilePath);
108: heartbeat.start();
109: // Start the logging
110: try {
111: SearchLogger.init(SearchConfig.AUTOCLASSIFY_LOGGER,
112: server_root);
113: debugLogger = SearchLogger.getLogger();
114: } catch (Exception e) {
115: println(getLocalizedString("loggingInitFailure",
116: new Object[] { e.getMessage() }));
117: return;
118: }
119: }
121: /** A houskeeping procedure before the process terminated */
122: public void shutdown() {
123: heartbeat.Stop();
124: for (; heartbeat.isAlive();) {
125: }
126: /* if (heartbeat.isAlive()) {
127: heartbeat.interrupt();
128: }*/
129: }
131: Map readTaxToMap(String path, boolean getLastRun) throws Exception {
132: Map map = new HashMap();
133: try {
134: SOIFInputStream sIn = new SOIFInputStream(path);
135: RDMTaxonomy tax = new RDMTaxonomy(sIn);
136: if (getLastRun) {
137: String lastRunStr = tax.getSOIF().getValue("LastRun");
138: //println("LastRun=" + lastRunStr);
139: if (lastRunStr != null) {
140: try {
141: dbSince = AutoclassifyConfig.formatter
142: .parse(lastRunStr);
143: } catch (Exception e) {
144: debugLogger.log(Level.SEVERE,
145: "PSSH_CSPSACY0001", e.getMessage());
146: }
147: }
148: }
149: RDMClassification root = tax
150: .find(RDMTaxonomy.RDM_TAXONOMY_ROOT);
151: CreateClassMap cm = new CreateClassMap(map);
152: root.apply(RDM.RDM_TAX_INORDER, cm);
153: //System.out.println("Read classification:" + map.size());
154: } catch (Exception e) {
155: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSSH_CSPSACY0001", e
156: .getMessage());
157: }
158: return map;
159: }
161: private void backupTaxonomy(String taxPath, String backupPath)
162: throws Exception {
163: SOIFInputStream sis = new SOIFInputStream(taxPath);
164: SOIFOutputStream sos = new SOIFOutputStream(backupPath);
165: SOIF s = null;
166: while ((s = sis.readSOIF()) != null) { // until the End-Of-Stream
168: // If it's @TAXONOMY then put lastrun at it
169: if (s.getSchemaName().equalsIgnoreCase(RDM.A_SN_RDM_TAX)) {
170: s.insert("LastRun", AutoclassifyConfig.formatter
171: .format(startAt));
172: }
173: sos.write(s);
174: }
175: sis.close();
176: sos.close();
177: }
179: private void resetTaxonomyMap(Map map) {
180: if (map == null) {
181: return;
182: }
183: Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator();
184: while (it.hasNext()) {
185: String key = (String) it.next();
186: Map nc = (Map) newTaxMap.get(key);
187: nc.remove("USETIMESTAMP");
188: }
189: }
191: static String getLocalizedString(String key) {
192: try {
193: return getLocalizedString(key, AutoclassifyConfig
194: .getResourceBundle());
195: } catch (Exception e) {
196: }
197: return key;
198: }
200: static String getLocalizedString(String key, Object[] objs) {
201: String pattern = getLocalizedString(key);
202: if (objs != null && objs.length > 0) {
203: MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("");
204: mf.applyPattern(getLocalizedString(key));
205: return mf.format(objs);
206: } else {
207: return getLocalizedString(key);
208: }
209: }
211: String getLocalizedUIString(String key) {
212: if (this .context == null) {
213: return key;
214: }
215: return getLocalizedString(key, context.getResourceBundle());
216: }
218: void indexResult(String dbName, String soifPath) {
219: String cmd = this .server_root + File.separator
220: + "run-cs-cli rdmgr -m -q -p stdout -y " + dbName + " "
221: + soifPath;
222: Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
223: try {
224: Process process = DBUtil.exec(cmd);
225: BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(
226: new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
227: String outLine = null;
228: while ((outLine = buf.readLine()) != null) {
229: println(outLine);
230: }
231: //process.waitFor() == 0;
232: } catch (Exception e) {
233: // XXX Not logging exceptions? XXX
234: println("rt.exec Exception:" + e.getMessage());
235: }
236: }
238: String indexResults(String dbName, String soifPath) {
239: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
240: String cmd = this .server_root + File.separator
241: + "run-cs-cli rdmgr -m -q -p stdout -y " + dbName + " "
242: + soifPath;
243: Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
244: try {
245: Process process = DBUtil.exec(cmd);
246: BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(
247: new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
248: String outLine = null;
249: while ((outLine = buf.readLine()) != null) {
250: //println(outLine);
251: sb.append(outLine + "\n");
252: }
253: //process.waitFor() == 0;
254: } catch (Exception e) {
255: // XXX Not logging exceptions? XXX
256: //println("rt.exec Exception:" + e.getMessage());
257: sb.append(e.getMessage());
258: }
259: return sb.toString();
260: }
262: /** Running the document classification for given database
263: * @param dbName database name
264: * @throws Exception
265: */
266: public String doAutoclassify(String serverRoot, String dbName,
267: String dbPath, int hashTableSize) throws Exception {
269: StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
271: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("classify_database") + dbName
272: + "\n");
273: //println(getLocalizedUIString("classify_database") + dbName);
274: //CSLog.log(0,1, getLocalizedString("classify_database") + dbName);
275: backupTaxPath = serverRoot + File.separator + "db"
276: + File.separator + dbName + File.separator
277: + "taxonomy.classifed";
278: try {
279: if (newTaxMap == null) {
280: newTaxMap = readTaxToMap(taxPath, false);
281: } else {
282: this .resetTaxonomyMap(newTaxMap);
283: }
284: oldTaxMap = readTaxToMap(backupTaxPath, true);
285: if (since != null) {
286: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("overridelastrunat")
287: + context.dateTimeFormat(since) + "\n");
288: //println(getLocalizedUIString("overridelastrunat") + context.dateTimeFormat(since));
289: dbSince = since;
290: } else if (dbSince != null) {
291: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("lastrunat")
292: + context.dateTimeFormat(dbSince) + "\n");
293: //println(getLocalizedUIString("lastrunat") + context.dateTimeFormat(dbSince));
294: } else {
295: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("firsttimerun") + "\n");
296: //println(getLocalizedUIString("firsttimerun"));
297: }
299: rdstore = new RDStore(hashTableSize, dbPath);
301: Iterator it = oldTaxMap.keySet().iterator();
302: while (it.hasNext()) {
303: Object key = it.next();
304: Map oc = (Map) oldTaxMap.get(key);
305: Map nc = (Map) newTaxMap.get(key);
306: if (nc != null) {
307: String newRule = (String) nc.get("RULE");
308: String oldRule = (String) oc.get("RULE");
309: if (newRule.compareToIgnoreCase(oldRule) != 0) {
310: oc.put("DELETED", "true");
311: } else {
312: nc.put("USETIMESTAMP", "true");
313: }
314: } else {
315: oc.put("DELETED", "true");
316: }
317: //System.out.println(key);
318: }
319: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("removeclass") + "\n");
320: //println(getLocalizedUIString("removeclass"));
321: it = oldTaxMap.keySet().iterator();
322: while (it.hasNext()) {
323: String key = (String) it.next();
324: Map nc = (Map) oldTaxMap.get(key);
325: String needDelete = (String) nc.get("DELETED");
326: if (needDelete != null && needDelete.equals("true")) {
327: this .getRemoveClassificationRDs(dbName, key);
328: }
329: }
330: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("addclass") + "\n");
331: //println("");
332: //println(getLocalizedUIString("addclass"));
333: it = newTaxMap.keySet().iterator();
334: while (it.hasNext()) {
335: String key = (String) it.next();
336: Map nc = (Map) newTaxMap.get(key);
337: String useTimeStamp = (String) nc.get("USETIMESTAMP");
338: String Rule = (String) nc.get("RULE");
339: if (Rule != null & Rule.length() > 0) {
340: if (useTimeStamp != null
341: && useTimeStamp.equals("true")) {
342: getRDs(dbName, key, Rule, dbSince, this .startAt);
343: } else {
344: getRDs(dbName, key, Rule, null, this .startAt);
345: }
346: }
347: }
348: sb.append(getLocalizedUIString("indexingresult") + "\n");
349: //println("");
350: //println(getLocalizedUIString("indexingresult"));
351: String tmpsoif = serverRoot + File.separator + "tmp"
352: + File.separator + "result.soif";
353: int count = rdstore.CreateSOIF(tmpsoif);
354: if (count > 0) {
355: sb.append(indexResults(dbName, tmpsoif));
356: }
357: rdstore.close();
358: backupTaxonomy(taxPath, backupTaxPath);
359: //CSLog.log(0,1, count + getLocalizedString("numberrdupdated") );
360: } catch (HeartBeatFailureException e) {
361: throw e;
362: } catch (Exception e) {
363: throw e;
364: //System.out.println("Exception:" + e);
365: }
367: return sb.toString();
368: }
370: /** Running the document classification for given database
371: * @param dbName database name
372: * @throws Exception
373: */
374: public void doAutoClassify(String dbName, String dbPath,
375: int hashTableSize) throws Exception {
376: println(getLocalizedUIString("classify_database") + dbName);
377: debugLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSSH_CSPSACY0002", new Object[] {
378: getLocalizedUIString("classify_database"), dbName });
379: backupTaxPath = this .server_root + File.separator + "db"
380: + File.separator + dbName + File.separator
381: + "taxonomy.classifed";
382: try {
383: if (newTaxMap == null) {
384: newTaxMap = readTaxToMap(taxPath, false);
385: } else {
386: this .resetTaxonomyMap(newTaxMap);
387: }
388: oldTaxMap = readTaxToMap(backupTaxPath, true);
389: if (since != null) {
390: println(getLocalizedUIString("overridelastrunat")
391: + context.dateTimeFormat(since));
392: dbSince = since;
393: } else if (dbSince != null) {
394: println(getLocalizedUIString("lastrunat")
395: + context.dateTimeFormat(dbSince));
396: } else {
397: println(getLocalizedUIString("firsttimerun"));
398: }
400: rdstore = new RDStore(hashTableSize, dbPath);
402: Iterator it = oldTaxMap.keySet().iterator();
403: while (it.hasNext()) {
404: Object key = it.next();
405: Map oc = (Map) oldTaxMap.get(key);
406: Map nc = (Map) newTaxMap.get(key);
407: if (nc != null) {
408: String newRule = (String) nc.get("RULE");
409: String oldRule = (String) oc.get("RULE");
410: if (newRule.compareToIgnoreCase(oldRule) != 0) {
411: oc.put("DELETED", "true");
412: } else {
413: nc.put("USETIMESTAMP", "true");
414: }
415: } else {
416: oc.put("DELETED", "true");
417: }
418: //System.out.println(key);
419: }
420: println(getLocalizedUIString("removeclass"));
421: it = oldTaxMap.keySet().iterator();
422: while (it.hasNext()) {
423: String key = (String) it.next();
424: Map nc = (Map) oldTaxMap.get(key);
425: String needDelete = (String) nc.get("DELETED");
426: if (needDelete != null && needDelete.equals("true")) {
427: this .getRemoveClassificationRDs(dbName, key);
428: }
429: }
430: println("");
431: println(getLocalizedUIString("addclass"));
432: it = newTaxMap.keySet().iterator();
433: while (it.hasNext()) {
434: String key = (String) it.next();
435: Map nc = (Map) newTaxMap.get(key);
436: String useTimeStamp = (String) nc.get("USETIMESTAMP");
437: String Rule = (String) nc.get("RULE");
438: if (Rule != null & Rule.length() > 0) {
439: if (useTimeStamp != null
440: && useTimeStamp.equals("true")) {
441: getRDs(dbName, key, Rule, dbSince, this .startAt);
442: } else {
443: getRDs(dbName, key, Rule, null, this .startAt);
444: }
445: }
446: }
447: println("");
448: println(getLocalizedUIString("indexingresult"));
449: int count = rdstore.CreateSOIF("result.soif");
450: if (count > 0) {
451: indexResult(dbName, "result.soif");
452: }
453: rdstore.close();
454: backupTaxonomy(taxPath, backupTaxPath);
455: debugLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSSH_CSPSACY0001",
456: (count + getLocalizedString("numberrdupdated")));
457: } catch (HeartBeatFailureException e) {
458: throw e;
459: } catch (Exception e) {
460: debugLogger
461: .log(Level.SEVERE, "Error getting document:" + e);
462: }
464: }
466: private void removeAutoClassification(SOIF s, String className) {
467: boolean in_class = false;
468: boolean in_rd_auto_class = false;
469: AVPair AVs = s.getAVPair(AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED);
470: for (int i = 0; AVs != null && i <= AVs.getMaxIndex(); i++) {
471: String c = AVs.getValue(i);
472: if (c == null) {
473: continue;
474: }
475: if (c.compareToIgnoreCase(className) == 0) {
476: in_rd_auto_class = true;
477: AVs.remove(i);
478: AVs.squeeze();
479: if (AVs.getMaxIndex() == 0) {
480: AVs.insert("", 0);
481: }
482: break;
483: }
484: }
485: if (in_rd_auto_class) {
486: AVs = s.getAVPair(RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS);
487: for (int i = 0; AVs != null && i <= AVs.getMaxIndex(); i++) {
488: String c = AVs.getValue(i);
489: if (c == null) {
490: continue;
491: }
492: if (c.compareToIgnoreCase(className) == 0) {
493: AVs.remove(i);
494: AVs.squeeze();
495: if (AVs.getMaxIndex() == 0) {
496: AVs.insert("", 0);
497: }
498: break;
499: }
500: }
501: }
502: }
504: private void appendValueToSOIF(SOIF s, String name, String value) {
505: AVPair AVs = s.getAVPair(name);
506: if (AVs != null) {
507: AVs.insert(value, AVs.getMaxIndex() + 1);
508: } else {
509: s.insert(name, value);
510: }
511: }
513: private void addingAutoClassification(SOIF s, String className) {
514: boolean in_class = false;
515: boolean in_rd_auto_class = false;
516: AVPair AVs = s.getAVPair(RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS);
517: for (int i = 0; AVs != null && i <= AVs.getMaxIndex(); i++) {
518: String c = AVs.getValue(i);
519: if (c == null) {
520: continue;
521: }
522: if (c.compareToIgnoreCase(className) == 0) {
523: in_class = true;
524: break;
525: }
526: }
527: AVs = s.getAVPair(AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED);
528: for (int i = 0; AVs != null && i <= AVs.getMaxIndex(); i++) {
529: String c = AVs.getValue(i);
530: if (c == null) {
531: continue;
532: }
533: if (c.compareToIgnoreCase(className) == 0) {
534: in_rd_auto_class = true;
535: break;
536: }
537: }
538: if (!in_class) {
539: if (in_rd_auto_class) {
540: /* manually removed, don't add */
541: } else {
542: /* need to add to both rd_auto_classification & classification */
543: appendValueToSOIF(s,
544: AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED, className);
545: appendValueToSOIF(s, RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS, className);
546: }
547: }
548: }
550: void getRemoveClassificationRDs(String dbName, String className)
551: throws java.lang.Exception {
552: // will need a timestamp if the update was not done at end
553: String query = "Classification = \"" + className + "\"";
554: //Search s = new Search(query,RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS + "," + AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED,"",1,10000,"search", dbName, rdmServer, (ssoToken != null ? ssoToken.toString():"")) ;
555: //s.doQuery();
556: RemoteSearch search = new RemoteSearch(query,
557: RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS + ","
558: + AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED, "search",
559: dbName, rdmServer, user, password);
561: SOIFInputStream rs = search.getResult();
562: SOIF soif;
563: int count = 0;
564: for (soif = rs.readSOIF(); soif != null; soif = rs.readSOIF(), count++) {
565: String urlStr = soif.getURL();
567: SOIF rd = rdstore.getRD(urlStr);
568: if (rd != null) {
569: removeAutoClassification(rd, className);
570: } else {
571: removeAutoClassification(soif, className);
572: rdstore.putRD(soif);
573: }
574: }
575: print("(-" + count + ")");
576: }
578: void getRDs(String dbName, String className, String rule,
579: Date since, Date till) throws java.lang.Exception {
580: StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer("(" + rule + ")");
581: if (since != null) {
582: query.append(" <and> RD-Last-Changed >\"");
583: query.append(AutoclassifyConfig.formatter.format(since));
584: query.append("\"");
585: }
586: if (till != null) {
587: query.append(" <and> RD-Last-Changed <=\"");
588: query.append(AutoclassifyConfig.formatter.format(till));
589: query.append("\"");
590: }
591: //Search s = new Search(query.toString(),RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS + "," + AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED,"",1,10000,"search", dbName, searchURLStr, (ssoToken != null ? ssoToken.toString():"")) ;
592: RemoteSearch search = new RemoteSearch(query.toString(),
593: RDM.A_SN_RDM_CLASS + ","
594: + AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_CLASSIFIED, "search",
595: dbName, rdmServer, user, password);
596: //s.doQuery();
597: //print("(+" + s.getHitCount() + ")");
598: SOIFInputStream rs = search.getResult();
599: SOIF soif;
600: int count = 0;
601: for (soif = rs.readSOIF(); soif != null; soif = rs.readSOIF(), count++) {
602: String urlStr = soif.getURL();
604: SOIF rd = rdstore.getRD(urlStr);
605: if (rd != null) {
606: addingAutoClassification(rd, className);
607: } else {
608: addingAutoClassification(soif, className);
609: rdstore.putRD(soif);
610: }
611: }
612: print("(+" + count + ")");
613: }
615: static String[] split(String str, String deli) {
616: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, deli);
617: ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
618: int index = 0;
619: while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
620: list.add(st.nextToken());
621: }
622: return (String[]) list.toArray(new String[0]);
623: }
625: /** A function return a locale by a given String
626: * in following format "Language_Country"
627: * @param localStr The locale in a string form
628: * @return locale represented by the given string
629: */
630: public static Locale stringToLocale(String localStr) {
631: StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(localStr, "_");
632: String[] codes = split(localStr, "_");
633: if (codes.length >= 2) {
634: return new Locale(codes[0], codes[1]);
635: }
636: return Locale.getDefault();
637: }
639: /** Application levle log
640: * @param msg Message to log
641: */
642: public static void log(String msg) {
643: }
645: /** output message to stdout in utf-8 encoding
646: * @param msg Message to print
647: */
648: public static void print(String msg) {
649: try {
650: byte[] bytes = msg.getBytes("UTF-8");
651: System.out.write(bytes);
652: } catch (Exception e) {
653: // ignore
654: }
655: }
657: /** output message to stdout in utf-8 encoding with tailing new line
658: * @param msg String to print
659: */
660: public static void println(String msg) {
661: print(msg);
662: System.out.println();
663: }
665: /** get string from given resource bundle.
666: * @param key key for the value
667: * @param rb resource bundle to use
668: * @return return the string value, or key if it doesn't exist.
669: */
670: public static String getLocalizedString(String key,
671: ResourceBundle rb) {
672: if (rb != null) {
673: try {
674: return rb.getString(key);
675: } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
676: }
677: }
678: return key;
679: }
681: /** Main entry for Autoclassify
682: * @param args
683: * @throws Exception
684: */
685: public static void main(String[] args) {
686: Autoclassify ac = null;
687: String taxFilePath = null;
688: String configFilePath = null;
689: String backupTaxFilePath = null;
690: String runSince = null;
691: String serverUrl = null;
692: String server_root = ".";
693: String[] selectDBs = null;
694: Date lastRun = null;
696: try {
697: // getting resource boundle
698: ResourceBundle rb = AutoclassifyConfig.getResourceBundle();
699: ResourceBundle UIrb = rb;
700: AutoclassifyContext context = new AutoclassifyContext();
701: context.setResourceBundle(UIrb);
703: Getopt opt = new Getopt(args, "t:s:l:d:");
704: while (opt.optInd < args.length) {
705: char c = (char) opt.getopt();
706: switch (c) {
707: case 't':
708: runSince = opt.optArg;
709: break;
710: case 's':
711: serverUrl = opt.optArg;
712: break;
713: case 'l':
714: Locale UIlocale = stringToLocale(opt.optArg);
715: UIrb = ResourceBundle.getBundle(
716: AutoclassifyConfig.RESOURCE_BUNDLE_FILE,
717: UIlocale);
718: context.setResourceBundle(UIrb);
719: context.setUILocale(UIlocale);
720: break;
721: case 'd':
722: selectDBs = split(opt.optArg, ":");
723: break;
724: default:
725: println(getLocalizedString("usage", rb));
726: return;
727: }
729: }
730: if (serverUrl == null) {
731: println(getLocalizedString("usage", rb));
732: return;
733: }
735: if (runSince != null) {
736: lastRun = DateParser.parse(runSince);
737: }
738: SearchConfig.init(server_root + File.separator
739: + SearchConfig.CONFDIR + File.separator
740: + SearchConfig.SEARCH_CONF);
742: ac = new Autoclassify(context, server_root, lastRun,
743: serverUrl);
744: String tempDBPath = SearchConfig
745: .getValue(AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_DBFILE);
746: if (tempDBPath == null) {
747: tempDBPath = server_root + File.separator + "tmp"
748: + File.separator
749: + AutoclassifyConfig.DEFAULT_DBFILE_NAME;
750: }
751: String rdInMemory = SearchConfig
752: .getValue(AutoclassifyConfig.NAME_HASHTABLE_SIZE);
753: int hashTableSize = AutoclassifyConfig.DEFAULT_HASHTABLE_SIZE;
754: if (rdInMemory != null) {
755: try {
756: hashTableSize = Integer.parseInt(rdInMemory);
757: } catch (Exception e) {
758: //ignor
759: }
760: }
761: println(ac.getLocalizedUIString("prompt_started"));
762: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSSH_CSPSACY0001",
763: getLocalizedString("prompt_started"));
765: debugLogger
766: .log(
767: Level.FINEST,
768: "PSSH_CSPSACY0002",
769: new Object[] {
770: getLocalizedString("security_mode"),
771: (ac.securityMode ? getLocalizedString("security_on")
772: : getLocalizedString("security_off")) });
773: String[] dbs = DBUtil.getDBStringArray(server_root); // get available database list
774: if (selectDBs == null) {
775: selectDBs = dbs;
776: }
777: for (int i = 0; i < selectDBs.length; i++) {
778: ac.doAutoClassify(selectDBs[i], tempDBPath,
779: hashTableSize);
780: }
781: println("");
782: println(ac.getLocalizedUIString("prompt_stopped"));
783: debugLogger.log(Level.INFO, "PSSH_CSPSACY0001",
784: getLocalizedString("prompt_stopped"));
786: } catch (Exception e) {
787: println(e.getMessage());
788: debugLogger.log(Level.FINEST, "PSSH_CSPSACY0001", e
789: .getMessage());
790: e.printStackTrace();
792: }
793: if (ac != null) {
794: ac.shutdown();
795: }
796: System.exit(0);
797: }
798: }