| java.lang.Object com.sun.portal.siebelportlet.util.SiebelAccountRequestUtils
SiebelAccountRequestUtils | public class SiebelAccountRequestUtils implements SiebelConstants(Code) | | This class provided the utility methods to get the Account related
information from Siebel Server.
version: 1.0 author: Deepak H P |
Method Summary | |
public static String | checkGoToValue(String queryValue, String tableSize) | public static void | dispatchToConfigErrorPage(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) | public static void | dispatchToConfigLoginPage(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) | public static void | dispatchToNOSSOErrorPage(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response) | public static void | displayDetails(String linkType, String queryField, String queryValue, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletSession session) This method will determine the query and dispatches the request to
corresponding handlers. | public static Vector | getMergedCacheData(Hashtable cache, String sessionID) | public static Vector | getPageCacheData(RenderRequest request, Hashtable cache, String attributeName, String sessionID) | public static String | getSiebelCustomerAccountsDetailsQuery(String query) | public static String | getSiebelCustomerAccountsSummaryQuery(String query) | public static void | resetCache(String sessionID) | public static void | resetDetailsCache(String sessionID) | public static Vector | resetPageCacheData(Vector rowData, String sessionID, int rowsToShow) | public static Vector | setPageCacheData(Vector records, String sessionID, int rowsToShow) |
accountDetailsFields | final public static String[] accountDetailsFields(Code) | | |
accountSummaryFields | final public static String[] accountSummaryFields(Code) | | |
getSiebelCustomerAccountsDetailsQuery | public static String getSiebelCustomerAccountsDetailsQuery(String query)(Code) | | This method returns the XML query to get the Siebel Account Details
getSiebelCustomerAccountsSummaryQuery | public static String getSiebelCustomerAccountsSummaryQuery(String query)(Code) | | This method returns the XML query to get the Siebel Account Summary
resetCache | public static void resetCache(String sessionID)(Code) | | |
resetDetailsCache | public static void resetDetailsCache(String sessionID)(Code) | | |