| com.sun.portal.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.ProducerEntityManager
All known Subclasses: com.sun.portal.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.impl.ProducerEntityManagerImpl, com.sun.portal.wsrp.consumer.producermanager.impl.PropertiesProducerEntityManagerImpl,
ProducerEntityManager | public interface ProducerEntityManager (Code) | | ProducerEntityManager interface contains methods needed by
the administrator to administer remote web services offered by the
producers. In addition, this interface is also used by the markup
manager to obtain information about each producer.
In terms of WSRP, this interface does the behind-scene work for the
ServiceDescription and the Registration port types.
Method Summary | |
public String | addProducerEntity(String producerName, URL producerURL, String identityPropagationType, RegistrationData data, Map userCategories, Map allowedUserProfiles, Map customUserProfiles) Add the producer entity to the data storage. | public String | addProducerEntity(String producerName, URL producerURL, String identityPropagationType, String regHandle, Map userCategories, Map allowedUserProfiles, Map customUserProfiles) Add the producer entity to the data storage using out-of-band
mechanism. | public void | eliminateProducerEntity(String producerEntityId) Remove the producer entity from the local data storage only. | public String | getConsumerName() Get the name given to the consumer. | public RegistrationData | getDefaultRegistrationData() Get default RegistrationData. | public List | getEndpoints(URL url) | public ProducerEntity | getProducerEntity(String producerEntityId) Retrieve the ProducerEntity object from the
local data storage.
Parameters: producerEntityId - a String of the producer entity. | public Set | getProducerEntityIds() Get a set of ID's of the producer entities from the data storage. | public ServiceDescription | getServiceDescription(URL producerURL) Given the producer URL, make a connection to the producer end to
fetch the service description describing web service(s) offered by
the producer. | public Map | getStandardUserProfileMapping() Get the standard user profile mapping. | public void | init(String consumerId, HttpServletRequest request) Initialize the ProducerEntityManager from a servlet. | public void | init(String consumerId, String username, String password) Initialize the ProducerEntityManager by supplying the credential in
a form of username and password. | public void | init(SSOToken ssoToken, String portalId, String consumerId) Initialize the ProducerEntityManager by supplying the credential in
a form of SSOToken. | public boolean | isActivated() Is WSRP consumer currently activated? All callers of the
ProducerEntityManager is adviced to check this before
initiating any action. | public boolean | isInbandRegistrationSupported(URL producerURL) Given the producer URL, make a connection to the producer end to
determine if in-band registration is supported. | public void | modifyRegistration(String producerEntityId, RegistrationData data) Modify registration information for the given producer entity. | public void | removeProducerEntity(String producerEntityId) Make a connection to producer and deregister. | public void | setAllowedUserProfileMapping(String producerEntityId, Map allowedUserProfileMap) Set allowed user profile mapping which contains entries
for mapping a producer-generated user profile to a local
user profile value. | public void | setConsumerName(String consumerName) Set the consumer name. | public void | setCustomUserProfileMapping(String producerEntityId, Map customUserProfileMap) Set the custom user profile mapping which contains entries
for mapping a producer-generated user profile to a local
user profile value. | public void | setDefaultRegistrationData(RegistrationData rd) Sets the default registration data. | public void | setIdentityPropagationType(String prducerEntityId, String type) Set the identity propagation type of the producer entity. | public void | setName(String prducerEntityId, String name) Set the name of the producer entity. | public void | setStandardUserProfileMapping(Map standardUserProfileMap) Sets the map of standard user profile mapping. | public void | setStatus(String producerEntityId, ProducerEntityStatus status) Set status of the producer entity. | public void | setUserCategoryMapping(String producerEntityId, Map userCategoryMap) Set the mapping of remote user categories to the local
infrastructure roles.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity Parameters: userCategoryMap - map of remote user categories to the localinfrastructure roles. | public void | updateServiceDescription(String producerEntityId) Update service description data by first making connection to the
producer end then updating local data storage with the fresh
Parameters: producerEntityId - a String of the producer entity. |
addProducerEntity | public String addProducerEntity(String producerName, URL producerURL, String identityPropagationType, RegistrationData data, Map userCategories, Map allowedUserProfiles, Map customUserProfiles) throws WSRPConsumerException, InbandRegistrationNotSupportedException(Code) | | Add the producer entity to the data storage. It first makes
a connection to the producer end to fetch all neccessary
information before establishing a producer entity in the local
data storage.
Parameters: producerName - name of the producer Parameters: producerURL - URL endpoint of the producer Parameters: data - registration data Parameters: userCategories - user category mapping Parameters: allowedUserProfiles - allowed user profile mapping Parameters: customUserProfiles - custom user profile mapping ID of the added producer entity exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs exception: InbandRegistrationNotSupportedException - if the registration port on the producer end is not available which in most cases indicates that in-band registration is unavailable and that the consumer should use out-of-band mechanism to establish registration. |
addProducerEntity | public String addProducerEntity(String producerName, URL producerURL, String identityPropagationType, String regHandle, Map userCategories, Map allowedUserProfiles, Map customUserProfiles) throws WSRPConsumerException, InbandRegistrationNotSupportedException(Code) | | Add the producer entity to the data storage using out-of-band
mechanism. It first makes a connection to the producer end using
the registration handle that was pre-established via the out-of-band
process. After gathering the information from the producer, it
creates a producer entity in the local data storage.
Parameters: producerName - name of the producer Parameters: producerURL - URL endpoint of the producer Parameters: data - registration data Parameters: regHandle - registration handle which was obtained via the out-of-band mechanism Parameters: userCategories - user category mapping Parameters: allowedUserProfiles - allowed user profile mapping Parameters: customUserProfiles - custom user profile mapping ID of the added producer entity exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
eliminateProducerEntity | public void eliminateProducerEntity(String producerEntityId) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Remove the producer entity from the local data storage only.
Note that this method does not deregister the consumer from
the producer - deregistration is expected to take place out-of-band.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity to be removed. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
getConsumerName | public String getConsumerName() throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Get the name given to the consumer. This name gets used
when the consumer registers with the producer.
a name of the given consumer. |
getDefaultRegistrationData | public RegistrationData getDefaultRegistrationData() throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Get default RegistrationData.
a RegistrationData containing the default values. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
getProducerEntity | public ProducerEntity getProducerEntity(String producerEntityId) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Retrieve the ProducerEntity object from the
local data storage.
Parameters: producerEntityId - a String of the producer entity. a ProducerEntity for the given producer entity id. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
getServiceDescription | public ServiceDescription getServiceDescription(URL producerURL) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Given the producer URL, make a connection to the producer end to
fetch the service description describing web service(s) offered by
the producer.
Parameters: producerURL - the URL where producer is located. a ServiceDescription which describes the service(s) offered by the producer. |
getStandardUserProfileMapping | public Map getStandardUserProfileMapping() throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Get the standard user profile mapping. The user profiles
as predefined by the WSRP spec are mapped to the local portal
user attributes.
map containing the mapping. |
init | public void init(String consumerId, String username, String password) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Initialize the ProducerEntityManager by supplying the credential in
a form of username and password.
Parameters: consumerId - a String identifying the consumer entity. Parameters: username - user id for establishing user context. Parameters: password - user password to be used for establishing user context. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
init | public void init(SSOToken ssoToken, String portalId, String consumerId) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Initialize the ProducerEntityManager by supplying the credential in
a form of SSOToken.
Parameters: ssoToken - a SSOToken Parameters: portalId - a String identifying the portal Parameters: consumerId - consumer id for identifying the consumer entity. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
isActivated | public boolean isActivated() throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Is WSRP consumer currently activated? All callers of the
ProducerEntityManager is adviced to check this before
initiating any action.
a boolean value indicating whether wsrp consumer is activated or not. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
isInbandRegistrationSupported | public boolean isInbandRegistrationSupported(URL producerURL) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Given the producer URL, make a connection to the producer end to
determine if in-band registration is supported. This is done
by checking to see if the registration port is available or not.
Parameters: producerURL - the URL where producer is located. a boolean value indicating whether in-band registration is available or not. |
modifyRegistration | public void modifyRegistration(String producerEntityId, RegistrationData data) throws WSRPConsumerException, InbandRegistrationNotSupportedException(Code) | | Modify registration information for the given producer entity.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity to be modified. Parameters: data - a new RegistrationData exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs exception: InbandRegistrationUnsupportedException - if the registration port on the producer end is not available which in most cases indicates that in-band registration is unavailable and that the consumer should use out-of-band mechanism to establish registration. |
removeProducerEntity | public void removeProducerEntity(String producerEntityId) throws WSRPConsumerException, InbandRegistrationNotSupportedException(Code) | | Make a connection to producer and deregister. Then remove the
producer entity from the local data storage.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity to be removed. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs exception: InbandRegistrationUnsupportedException - if the registration port on the producer end is not available which in most cases indicates that in-band deregistration is unavailable and that the consumer should use out-of-band mechanism to establish deregistration. |
setAllowedUserProfileMapping | public void setAllowedUserProfileMapping(String producerEntityId, Map allowedUserProfileMap) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Set allowed user profile mapping which contains entries
for mapping a producer-generated user profile to a local
user profile value. This is a subset of the standard user
profile mappings and contains only the mapping that's allowed
for the given producer.
Parameters: producerEntityId - a String value Parameters: allowedUserProfileMap - a Map value exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
setConsumerName | public void setConsumerName(String consumerName) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Set the consumer name.
Parameters: consumerName - a new name of the given consumer. |
setCustomUserProfileMapping | public void setCustomUserProfileMapping(String producerEntityId, Map customUserProfileMap) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Set the custom user profile mapping which contains entries
for mapping a producer-generated user profile to a local
user profile value.
Parameters: producerEntityId - a String value Parameters: customUserProfileMap - a Map value exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
setDefaultRegistrationData | public void setDefaultRegistrationData(RegistrationData rd) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Sets the default registration data. Default registration data
is considered very static and is not meant to change.
Should there be an update to this data, server restart would be
exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
setIdentityPropagationType | public void setIdentityPropagationType(String prducerEntityId, String type) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Set the identity propagation type of the producer entity.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity type, new type to be used for the producer entity. |
setName | public void setName(String prducerEntityId, String name) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Set the name of the producer entity.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity Parameters: name - new name to be used for the producer entity. |
setStandardUserProfileMapping | public void setStandardUserProfileMapping(Map standardUserProfileMap) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Sets the map of standard user profile mapping. Standard user profile
mapping is considered very static and is not meant to change.
Should there be an update to this map, server restart would be
exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |
setUserCategoryMapping | public void setUserCategoryMapping(String producerEntityId, Map userCategoryMap) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Set the mapping of remote user categories to the local
infrastructure roles.
Parameters: producerEntityId - ID of the producer entity Parameters: userCategoryMap - map of remote user categories to the localinfrastructure roles. |
updateServiceDescription | public void updateServiceDescription(String producerEntityId) throws WSRPConsumerException(Code) | | Update service description data by first making connection to the
producer end then updating local data storage with the fresh
Parameters: producerEntityId - a String of the producer entity. a ProducerEntity for the given producer entity id. exception: WSRPConsumerException - if an error occurs |